
Lycium barbarum L.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Scientific name: LyciumchinenseMill. Alias: ground bone bark, Chinese wolfberry vegetable, Chinese wolfberry fruit, Chinese wolfberry head, dog sprout orthopedics: Lycium barbarum category: deciduous shrubs morphological characteristics: perennial deciduous shrubs, plant height 60-100 cm, high up to more than 200 cm. The straight root system and lateral root are well developed. the annual and biennial cuttings have no main root, and most of the whisker roots are distributed shallowly. The branches of Lycium barbarum are slender, often curved and drooping, and the thorns born in leaf axils are shorter. Cuttings propagation

Scientific name: LyciumchinenseMill.

Alias: ground bone skin, Chinese wolfberry vegetable, Chinese wolfberry fruit, Chinese wolfberry head, dog bud bone

Family and genus: Lycium

Category: deciduous shrubs

Morphological features:

Perennial deciduous shrub with a height of 60-100 cm and a height of more than 200 cm. The straight root system and lateral root are well developed. the annual and biennial cuttings have no main root, and most of the whisker roots are distributed shallowly. The branches of Lycium barbarum are slender, often curved and drooping, and the thorns born in leaf axils are shorter. Each cuttings propagated by cuttings produced 3-5 branches. Leaves alternate, or clustered on short branches, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2-4 cm long, 1-2 cm long, entire, shortly stipitate, leaves soft, light green or bright green.

Flowers axillary, usually 1-5 fascicled; pedicel long, calyx campanulate, often 3-5-toothed; Corolla funnelform, often 5-lobed, lavender. The fruit is a berry, oblong, about 1.5 cm long and bright red when ripe. Seeds numerous, yellowish, reniform or suboblate, weighing about 1 gram a thousand seeds. It takes about 45 days from bud to seed maturity.

The flowering period is from June to August and the fruiting period is from September to October.

Distribution of origin:

Originated in China, from Shaanxi in the southwest of Liaoning Province to the Yangtze River Basin.

Growth habits:

Strong adaptability, very cold-resistant, not resistant to high temperature. When the local temperature was 1-2 ℃, the root system began to grow, and the root growth activity accelerated and the density reached the maximum at 8-14 ℃. Winter buds begin to sprout when the temperature is above 8 ℃, and leaf buds begin to release leaves at 10 ℃. The suitable temperature range for plant growth is 15-25 ℃, at this time, the growth rate is the fastest, the growth is slow below 10 ℃, and the growth is poor above 25 ℃. The most suitable ten-day average temperature for flowering is 16-23 ℃. The suitable temperature for fruit ripening is 20-25 ℃.

Lycium barbarum is a light-loving plant, its growth and development need sufficient light conditions, especially when axillary buds germinate and produce new leaves, which need better light. Therefore, attention should be paid to the improvement of light transmission conditions in cultivation and management.

Lycium barbarum has very strict requirements for water and is more resistant to drought.

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When potted Chinese wolfberry is planted, the wild plants with twisted branches should be dug up after defoliation and used as pile landscape materials, which should be maintained indoors and ready to make pile head bonsai later.

In the riverside, lakeside, rockery planting, watching its red fruit branch tip, very chic; potted Chinese wolfberry, with artistic shape, more beautiful.