
If you want to grow a good pear, scrape its bark in winter.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The peasant proverb says, "if you want to eat a good pear and shave the bark in winter." Scraping off the old bark of pear trees that have hung fruit in the cold winter can effectively eradicate the spores of pear scab, ring streak, anthracnose, pear rust and many kinds of pear pests, such as pear wood lice, aphids, heart borer, shell insects and other pear pests, so as to ensure strong production, high quality, high yield and high benefit. When scraping the pear tree thoroughly, be sure to put the old warped skin, rot, scab, ring disease,

The peasant proverb says, "if you want to eat a good pear and shave the bark in winter." Scraping off the old bark of pear trees that have hung fruit in the cold winter can effectively eradicate the spores of pear scab, ring streak, anthracnose, pear rust and many kinds of pear pests, such as pear wood lice, aphids, heart borer, shell insects and other pear pests, so as to ensure strong production, high quality, high yield and high benefit.

When scraping the pear tree thoroughly, the spores of many kinds of pear pathogens, such as old warped skin, rot, pear scab, ring streak, anthracnose, shell insects, pear wood lice, aphids, heart-eating insects, and many kinds of pear pests must be thoroughly and cleanly scraped off.

When scraping pear bark, it is necessary to spread plastic sheeting or gunny bags under the pear tree, clean up the diseased bark and branches, concentrate them and take them out of the open space far away from the pear orchard to burn them, so as to prevent the pathogen spores in the diseased bark and lines of pear trees from spreading again and infecting the fruit trees.

After scraping, apply medicine to disinfect the pear trees that have been scraped for 10 seconds. After 15 days, smear the trunk with 50 times bacteriophen or cubiqing solution, disinfect and sterilize. Should pay attention not to scrape bark along with the application of medicine, so as not to cause drug poisoning, resulting in the bad phenomenon of dead branches and dead trees.

The scientific and correct method of scraping pear trees is: "Big trees are white and young trees are green." Do not scratch the xylem to avoid bad phenomena such as dead branches and dead trees caused by excessive scraping.

Shaving tools should be hygienic. Knives used to scrape pear bark should be clean, clean, and not rotten. After scraping the diseased tree and bark, the scraping knife should be disinfected and sterilized with 50 times liquid fungus clear liquid before it can be used again. To prevent bacterial spores from spreading and infecting again and harming the normal growth of fruit trees.