
New White Flower of Peach in Jiangsu Province

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The Institute of Horticulture of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences was selected from the natural pollinated seedlings of Baihua honey. The original code was 63Mui 16Mui 67, named in 1973. The fruit is round, slightly positive, the two halves are asymmetrical, the top of the fruit is round and convex; the average weight of a single fruit is 193 grams; the peel is milky white with red dots or halos, with a covering degree of more than 3 times 4, thick, tough, and easy to peel off; the flesh is white, hard-dissolving, dense, fragrant and sweet; soluble solids 17.8%. Sticky core. The tree is strong.

The Institute of Horticulture of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences was selected from the natural pollinated seedlings of Baihua honey. The original code was 63Mui 16Mui 67, named in 1973. The fruit is round, slightly positive, the two halves are asymmetrical, the top of the fruit is round and convex; the average weight of a single fruit is 193 grams; the peel is milky white with red dots or halos, with a covering degree of more than 3 times 4, thick, tough, and easy to peel off; the flesh is white, hard-dissolving, dense, fragrant and sweet; soluble solids 17.8%. Sticky core. The tree is strong and open. Fruit is mainly produced by long fruit branches. The beginning nodes of flower buds are low, the compound flower buds are mostly, and the pollen is aborted. It is more productive. It blossomed on April 4 in Nanjing area, and the fruit matured in mid-late August.

This variety is a late ripening fresh food variety. In terms of quality, the fruit is resistant to storage and transportation, and it is an excellent variety to prolong the supply period.