
Six key points for High yield and High quality cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Golden Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as Lobayi mushroom, large white mushroom, known as white matsutake in Japan, is a rare edible fungus that leads the market in summer. Its fruiting body is clustered, thick, thick, fresh and white, crisp and tender meat, excellent flavor, rich nutrition, known as the outstanding among the mushrooms with excellent taste and quality. in addition, it is especially favored when it is on the market when there is a shortage of mushrooms in summer. In Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places, the price per kilogram of fresh mushrooms is 14,18 yuan, the benefit is very considerable, is a very promising rare mushroom species. The following introduces the "six keys" for the cultivation of high yield and high quality of Pleurotus ostreatus

Golden Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as Lobayi mushroom, large white mushroom, known as white matsutake in Japan, is a rare edible fungus that leads the market in summer. Its fruiting body is clustered, thick, thick, fresh and white, crisp and tender meat, excellent flavor, rich nutrition, known as the outstanding among the mushrooms with excellent taste and quality. in addition, it is especially favored when it is on the market when there is a shortage of mushrooms in summer. In Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places, the price per kilogram of fresh mushrooms is 14,18 yuan, the benefit is very considerable, is a very promising rare mushroom species. The following introduces the "six keys" of high-yield and high-quality cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus.

First, the "two alignment" of the production season

Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of high temperature fungus. It is necessary to "double align" when arranging the production season: (1) alignment of species characteristics: the mycelium growth temperature is 15: 36 ℃, the best is 25: 30 ℃, and the fruiting body is within the range of 15: 33 ℃, and 23: 28 ℃ is the best. (2) aiming at the local temperature: the seeds were planted at no less than 15 ℃ from March to April in spring, and the bacteria bags were cultured for 50 to 60 days after planting, and the best temperature for growing mushrooms was from June to September in summer.

2. "three requirements" for the selection of raw materials

(1) require crop straw rich in cellulose, such as cottonseed husk, corncob, rice straw, bagasse and so on. (2) No mildew and deterioration, no toxic and harmful substances and pesticides are required. (3) the formula is required to be reasonable. The applicable formula is: ① cottonseed hull 96%, gypsum powder 1%, lime 2%, calcium superphosphate 1%; ② corncob 50%, cottonseed shell 46%, gypsum powder 1%, lime 2%, calcium superphosphate 1%; ⑧ straw 76%, cottonseed shell 20%, lime 2%, gypsum 1%, calcium superphosphate 1%.

III. "four standards" for fermentation and sterilization

Pleurotus ostreatus is cultivated in bed or bag, and the fermentation sterilization of culture material must be "up to the standard": (1) the pretreatment of raw material is up to the standard. The straw is cut into small pieces 3 to 5 centimeters long, put into the pool, add quicklime, soak for 24 hours and then pick up to reduce alkalinity. Corncobs are processed to the size of soybean kernels. (2) the fermentation is up to the standard. Add lime, calcium superphosphate, gypsum powder and water, mix well and ferment for 10-15 days. Turn the pile 2 or 3 times in the middle. (3) the water content reaches the standard. The water content of the culture material should be 60% to 65%. The pH value is 7-8. (4) the standard of bagging sterilization is up to standard. The treated culture department was packed in plastic bags of 17 cm × 33 cm or 22 cm × 40 cm. The sterilization under atmospheric pressure should be kept at 100 ℃ for 5 hours. After the cease-fire, simmer for another 12-18 hours, unload the bag and cool it.

Fourth, "five points for attention" in bacterial bag culture.

Five aspects should be paid attention to in the cultivation of seed-borne bacteria: (1) the seed can be selected only when the temperature of the bag internal medicine drops to 25 ℃. By using the method of planting at both ends, each bottle of bacteria can be inoculated with 30-40 bags. (2) the bacteria bags after planting were placed in a clean, dry and light-proof culture room and cultured in 4-5 layers. (3) loosening ventilation: after the mycelium has grown to half of the bag, release the film at the mouth of the bag to make the oxygen permeate into the bag. (4) the temperature should be heated when the culture temperature is lower than 15 ℃. (5) after 30-40 days of culture, the hyphae filled the bag and entered the stage of physiological maturity.

5. "six necessities" to cover the bed with soil

Golden Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of mushroom which is covered with soil and bagged in the field. This link to achieve the "six must": (1) the mushroom shed must be suitable: sit north to the south, "three points of yang and seven points of yin", the shed can build 4-5 layers of beds. (2) the bed must be laid at the bottom: a piece of woven cloth is laid at the bottom of the bed, and the cloth is covered with fine soil 2 cm thick. (3) the bag must be covered with soil: after the bacterial bag is on the shelf, open the bag mouth film and cover it with 3-4 cm thick humus soil. (4) the surface must be moisturized: after covering the soil, spray water with a sprayer, and cover the covered surface with thatch or newspaper to moisturize. (5) the inducer must inhibit the hyphae: the white hyphae climbed onto the soil surface 8-12 days after mulching, and when the surface was covered with thick white hyphae, the bed thatch or newspaper was removed to make the surface hyphae inverted. (6) the environment for budding must be optimized: the air relative humidity in the mushroom shed should be controlled at 85-90%, the temperature should be 20-25 ℃, ventilation should be strengthened and light should be increased.

VI. "six hurdles" in mushroom production management

It takes 13 to 18 days from covering the soil to producing mushrooms, during which the "six hurdles" should be done well: (1) the period of mushroom buds is wet: the young mushrooms are generally not sprayed with water during the growing period, and the space spray water is suitable for dry days. (2) humidification during development: when the mushroom body grows to 3 cm high, spray water once or twice a day, and the air relative humidity should be 85%. (3) stop dampness in the mature stage: the fruiting body stops spraying water when it enters the mature stage. (4) preventing high temperature in midsummer: thickening shade, border and ditch irrigation and space spray cooling when the temperature exceeds 30 ℃. (5) timely harvest: it takes 12 to 15 days from the formation of the primordium to the maturity of the fruiting body, and it will be harvested when the mushroom stalk is thick and long, the top is small and the bottom is large, the cover is flat and the surface is smooth. (6) follow-up tube turning tide pass: clean up the residue of the border bed in time after harvest, flatten the surface, stop spraying water, continue spraying water after 5 days, and spray once nutrient solution to continue management. Two weeks later, the second tide of mushrooms appeared. Generally, 4 tides can be harvested, and the bioconversion rate can reach 100% if it is properly managed.