
Mushrooms appear on the side of the bag and there are many deformities

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In the process of sterilization, the bacterial bags squeeze each other and the round bags are deformed, resulting in a gap between the cultivation material and the bag, which provides air and space for the twisting of hyphae. Coupled with low temperature, light stimulation and mechanical stimulation (such as inverted bag, etc.), the hyphae on the side of the bag were twisted to form primordia and developed into fruiting bodies. Due to the limitation of plastic bags, this kind of mushroom is all deformed. If this happens, the mushroom bud should be pinched in time to stop its growth, so as not to cause more waste of nutrition. The fruiting body is small and the commodity rate is low:

In the process of sterilization, the bacterial bags squeeze each other and the round bags are deformed, resulting in a gap between the cultivation material and the bag, which provides air and space for the twisting of hyphae. Coupled with low temperature, light stimulation and mechanical stimulation (such as inverted bag, etc.), the hyphae on the side of the bag were twisted to form primordia and developed into fruiting bodies. Due to the limitation of plastic bags, this kind of mushroom is all deformed. If this happens, the mushroom bud should be pinched in time to stop its growth, so as not to cause more waste of nutrition.

The fruiting body is small and the commodity rate is low:

The reason for this is that there is no thinning. After primordium differentiation, many small mushroom buds grew on both sides of the bag, ranging from several to dozens. However, due to the limitations of nutrition and space, most of these mushroom buds can not grow into commercial mushrooms, so they should be thinned to avoid wasting nutrition. The principle of sparse buds is that when mushroom buds are formed, 4-6 buds with good position, normal shape and similar size are left on each side, and when the fruiting body grows to about two centimeters, another selection is made, leaving 2-4 buds on each side. In this way, a higher commodity rate can be guaranteed.