
Cultivation of dwarf chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dwarf chrysanthemum is low in height, thick and hard in stem, not easy to lodge, suitable for potted or flower bed front cultivation. It blooms early, florescence is long, patience is strong; also suitable for year-round cut (cut) flowers (vase) with large flowers, beautiful shape, colorful, and accompanied by rich chrysanthemum fragrance, popular with people. 1. Selection of varieties: In recent years, the dwarf chrysanthemum of the Dutch early series is better, cultivated outdoors, with more than 200 days of flowering in the north and more than 300 days of flowering in the south, even flowering all year round, also known as flowering chrysanthemum all year round.

The dwarf type of four seasons chrysanthemum is low, the stem is relatively rough, and it is not easy to lodge, so it is suitable for pot or flower bed frontier cultivation. It blossoms early, has a long florescence and strong tolerance; it is also suitable for cutting (cutting) flowers (vases) throughout the year, with large flowers, beautiful shape, colorful color, and strong chrysanthemum fragrance, so it is very popular.

1. Selection of varieties: in recent years, the dwarf four-season chrysanthemum of the Dutch series at the beginning of the day is better, cultivated outdoors in the open field, flowering for more than 200 days in the north and more than 300 days in the south, or even bloom throughout the year, also known as flowering chrysanthemum throughout the year. The seedlings were planted in spring for about 30 days, and the plant height was 15-20 cm. The final plant height is 28-35 cm; the final plant height of individual large flower varieties is more than 50 cm. Shorter varieties have flowers 7-8 cm in diameter; taller varieties have flowers more than 10 cm in diameter. The colors are yellow, red, purple, white and so on.

2. Soil quality and cultivation: acid soil in the south and alkaline soil in the north. It is better to mix fertile sand fill with deciduous humus soil in the old forest. Choose a small one with a caliber of 14-16 cm. A large number of cultivation can first be planted in the field (easy to manage), and then bring the soil to the pot when the seedlings grow up and bloom.

3. Temperature and environment it likes light and warmth in early spring, heat resistance in summer, flowers not afraid of sun exposure, shade tolerance, cold tolerance in winter, normal growth at temperatures between 7-38 ℃, the best temperature for growth and flowering is 12-35 ℃, and seedlings can blossom within 1 month. It can endure short-term low temperature of 3-5 ℃ at flowering stage. After the beginning of winter in the north, it was below-3 ℃ for a long time, the main stem withered and began to hibernate, and the young seedlings around the main stem had green leaves in winter and could endure a low temperature of-20-(- 25) ℃ for a short period of time. Flowers used in winter in the north should be protected and cultivated in plastic arch shed or greenhouse. The fog in the Yellow River basin and North China can survive the winter naturally. In the cold areas where the winter temperature is lower than-15 ℃ for a long time in Northeast China, when the cold current comes, the flower seedlings move indoors or cover with work materials such as arch sheds and grass curtains to survive the winter.

4. Pruning and propagation: the seedlings were planted for 7-10 days, with a height of 8-10 cm, 3-5 branches per tree and only 2-3 flowers per branch. Usually pay attention to cut off failed flowers, in order to control nutrition to promote the formation of new flowers. In the later stage, the branches that are too dense and too high are removed to make the inner chamber ventilated and transparent. Its reproduction is strong, each tree can propagate more than 30 seedlings by itself, and it can also be propagated by striping or cutting.

5. Fertilizer and water management: it likes to be dry and afraid of long-term water watering. Usually the seedling soil is dry and watered, and it is appropriate to freshly water or semi-thoroughly each time. There should be no shortage of water during flowering, but most of the water should not be used too frequently. Grow and bloom every one month or so. Keep away from the root digging nest, burying the poached livestock dung or dregs cake, etc., a small number of times. Water should still be watered when dry in winter, and the root soil should be kept moist. In order to survive the winter safely.

6. pest control: when aphids or cabbage insects are found to be harmful to leaves, you can spray leaves with 11500 times of "disinfestation" or "kung fu" to kill insects. Some leaves are easy to be infected with brown spot and powdery mildew in long-term overcast and rainy days in summer and autumn. they can be sprayed with 1-800 times thiophanate methyl solution, once every 7 days, 2-3 times.