
Tips for raising suckling dogs

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Puppies are puppies from birth to weaning (about 45 days old). The puppy opened its eyes only 15 days after birth, and its mobility was poor, but it grew fast and had a high need for nutrition. Therefore, raising puppies should be done well in the following aspects. L, eat colostrum in time. The milk secreted by the bitch one week after delivery is colostrum. There are abundant r-globulins in colostrum. After being absorbed by the intestines, antibodies are formed in the puppies, which can enhance the disease resistance of puppies. The stomach of the puppy has digestive function five hours after birth, so the puppy is born

Puppies are puppies from birth to weaning (about 45 days old). The puppy opened its eyes only 15 days after birth, and its mobility was poor, but it grew fast and had a high need for nutrition. Therefore, raising puppies should be done well in the following aspects.

L, eat colostrum in time. The milk secreted by the bitch one week after delivery is colostrum. There are abundant r-globulins in colostrum. After being absorbed by the intestines, antibodies are formed in the puppies, which can enhance the disease resistance of puppies. The stomach of the puppy has digestive function 5 hours after birth, so the puppy must eat colostrum within 48 hours after birth, preferably within 6 hours after birth. Under normal circumstances, female colostrum can be eaten by puppies. If artificial feeding is needed, it should be fed every 3 hours in the first week, every 4 hours in the second to three weeks, and every 6 hours after 20 days. The formula of artificial milk is as follows: 1 egg, 300 grams of concentrated bone and meat soup, right amount of baby cake powder, 200 milliliters of fresh milk, cooked after mixing, 1 gram of lysine, 0.6 grams of methionine, 2 grams of fast fat, 0.5% salt and screen filtration.

2. Artificial supplementary feeding. Twenty days after the bitch gave birth, the lactation began to decline. In general, supplementary feeding begins 15 days after birth. Replenish fresh milk or rice or meat every day. The milk is about 100ml per day, and the milk temperature is between 27ml and 30℃. It is fed 4 times in 3ml. After 20 days of age, 200 ml of milk was fed every day. You can also refer to the following supplement formula: 500 grams of lean meat or viscera (ground), 3 eggs, 300 grams of corn flour, 300 grams of flour, 500 grams of green vegetables (chopped), appropriate amount of auxin, 4 grams of salt, mixed and boiled with water. When feeding, add 5 grams of lysine, 3 grams of methionine, 10 grams of fast fat, appropriate amount of multivitamin, sprinkle on the cool nest head, add a little bone soup for the puppies to lick.

3. Artificial feeding. When the postpartum bitch dies, gives birth to too many babies or does not have enough breast milk, it should be artificially fed with milk or milk powder in time. As the dog milk is thicker than the milk, feeding the milk alone is not nutritious, so it is necessary to add some milk powder to the puppies. In addition to the death of the bitch, newborn dogs must be given colostrum to enhance disease resistance and improve the survival rate.

Artificial lactation method: within 10 days after birth, the daily feeding volume of the puppy is about 100ml. The tool can be replaced by a baby breast-feeding bottle, which can be fed 4 times a day for 6 times. After opening your eyes, let them exercise their feeding ability, feed them on a plate and let them lick. The amount of milk supplement is about 300 milliliters 20 days after birth. After 25 days, the puppies were trained to eat porridge food by themselves. You can stop milk completely in about 45 days and eat porridge-like food instead.

4. Foster care. This method is suitable for too many puppies, postpartum death of bitches, little or no milk after delivery, and so on. At this time, let the puppies be fed by other lactating bitches (nanny dogs). This method is more beneficial to the growth and development of puppies than artificial feeding. However, the delivery time requirements of the two litters of dogs are similar, the breeds are basically the same, and the general age difference is no more than 3 days.

Method of sending milk: the bitch identifies her puppy by the smell of her pup. You can use this feature to complete the work of sending milk, that is, before sending milk, apply the milk or fecal dilute of the nanny dog to the foster dog, with a larger area, so that it smells like a nanny dog, so it is easy to be accepted by the nanny dog.