
Characteristics and cultivation points of Xindao 17

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xindao 17 was selected by the Grain Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and named by the Variety approval Committee of the Autonomous region in 2007. 1. Characteristics 1. The characteristic plant type is compact, the leaf is erect, the tillering ability is strong, the plant height is 91.5cm, the ear length is 18.53cm, the total grain number per panicle is 139.4, the empty grain rate is 14.4%, and the 1000-grain weight is about 24.6g. two。 The growth period is sowing in early April, transplanting seedlings in early May, heading at the end of July and September.

Xindao 17 was selected by the Grain Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and named by the Variety approval Committee of the Autonomous region in 2007.

I. characteristic characteristics

1. Characteristic character

The plant type is compact, the leaves are erect, the tillering ability is strong, the plant height is 91.5cm, the ear length is 18.53cm, the total grains per panicle is 139.4, the empty grain rate is 14.4%, and the 1000-grain weight is about 24.6g.

two。 Growth period

Sowing at the beginning of April, transplanting seedlings at the beginning of May, heading at the end of July, maturing in early September, the whole growth is about 150 days, it belongs to the middle and late mature variety.

3. Stress resistance

Resistant to rice blast, tough stalk, resistant to lodging.

4. Rice quality

The rate of brown rice is 80.5%, the rate of milled rice is 74.4%, the rate of head rice is 53.3%, the chalkiness is 17%, the degree of chalkiness is 1.4%, the taste and taste are good, and the rice is of high quality.

Second, yield performance

667 square meters produce 680,700 kilograms, and high-yielding fields can reach 730 kilograms.

III. Key points of cultivation

1. Raising seedlings

Soak the seeds with 100g or 402 fungicides for 5 days before sowing to prevent the occurrence of evil seedling disease. After soaking the seeds, you can directly accelerate the germination, do not need to rinse with clean water, wait for 80% of the seeds to break their breasts and germinate, spread out and dry without sticking hands, and then sow. Sowing 110m 115g dry seeds per plate (mechanical transplanting tray), green ventilation and refining seedlings can be seen after emergence to prevent high-temperature seedlings from growing and causing blight.

two。 Transplanting rice seedlings

On the basis of cultivating strong seedlings, transplanting seedlings in the first and middle of May, the row spacing of 28 × 10 ~ 12 cm is appropriate, about 20,000 holes per 667 square meters, and 6 plants per hole, so that there is no loss of holes and no shortage of seedlings.

3. Fertilizer application

It is required to apply sufficient base fertilizer, 667 square meters 20 kg of diammonium, 5-8 kg of potash fertilizer and 10 kg of silicon fertilizer. Urea 5kg and 10kg were applied to 667 square meters after slow seedling and tillering stage, 15kg urea was applied to 667 square meters at full tillering stage, and fertilized according to seedling condition after heading, generally 667 square meters 3kg. Urea was applied 30kg to 35kg during the whole growth period.

4. Administration and Management

After transplanting, it is necessary to deepen the water to protect the seedlings, and after turning green, we should use shallow water irrigation to increase the ground temperature to promote tillering. In other periods, dry and wet irrigation should not be used too early before harvest to prevent premature senility.

5. Harvest

85% of the whole field is yellow ripe and can be harvested.

4. Suitable planting area

Suitable for planting in Changji, Yili, Shihezi, Kuitun, Korla and other areas.