
Technical points of mixed culture of snails in grass carp field with abundant and pollution-free grass carp

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Technical points of mixed culture of snails in grass carp field with abundant and pollution-free grass carp

Grass carp and field snail mixed culture, only feed grass, not other feed, can ensure the normal growth of grass carp and field snail, make grass carp fat, field snail abundant. Because grass carp eat grass, the feces excreted are high in protein, organic matter, cellulose and vitamins, which is the best feed for field snails. In this way, the water quality is pollution-free and remains clear all the year round. the fish and snails raised are clean, good meat quality, crisp meat and strong meat flavor, which is an out-and-out ecological breeding method. Techniques of mixed culture of grass carp and field snail:

Grass carp culture

First, build ponds. Grass carp and field snail mixed culture, the water depth is maintained at 1MUR 1.5 m, supply long running water without pollution, preferably mountains and rivers flowing down from the mountains or springs rising from the ground, do not flow through rice, corn or other fields where molluscicides and herbicides are used, it is appropriate to build ponds for farming in hillside fields. In late winter and early spring, the foundation of the pond should be about 1.5m high, the bottom of the pond should be flat and there should be a layer of loose and fertile soil with a depth of about 8-10cm on the surface of the pond, so that the snails can move and feed in the mud.

Second, water storage. It is most appropriate to release field snails and grass carp during the "Qingming Festival-Grain Rain" period. One month before stocking, the pond should be filled with water, which can be directly introduced into the landscape or spring. After storing full water, always check the pond foundation and pond water. If there is leakage or decrease, repair and repair the leakage in time. When the pond water decreases, it should be replenished in time to keep the pond water depth 1-1.5 meters. In the meantime, but also spread a dry and pure plant ash, 30 to 50 kilograms per mu of pond, evenly sprinkled on the water surface, not only can be disinfected, but also fertilizer pond.

Third, release grass carp and field snails. During the "Qingming Festival-Grain Rain" period, grass carp and field snails were released, 600 strong and harmless grass carps weighing 30 cents and 50 grams were released per mu, and healthy and disease-free field snails weighing about 15 meters and 20 grams were released. The first batch of small snails could be produced in mid-May. Before the grass carp and the field snail enter the pond, soak the grass carp in 0.1% soda solution or 0.1% vitamin C solution for 10 minutes and let the grass carp swim for 5 minutes to sterilize the bacteria adsorbed in the grass carp and field snail, and prevent grass carp and field snail from getting infected after stocking, which can significantly improve the survival rate.

Fourth, feed the grass. Grass carp can be fed 2-3 days after entering the pond, twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, each time 150,200 kilograms of fresh grass per mu, evenly placed in the active waters of grass carp, allowing grass carp to eat freely. With the continuous growth of grass carp, the amount of grass should be increased to about 350 million 400 kg per mu in the second half of the year in order to meet the needs of grass carp growth and development. The grass must be fresh, clean and free from pollution. The grass cut on the same day should be released on the same day, not overnight.

Fifth, clean up. In the process of grass carp and field snail growth, it is necessary to keep the pond water deep and clean, and pay attention to diverting long running water into the pond to replenish water. It is best to have water flowing out of the outlet and inflow from the inlet day and night. At the same time, remove the leftover grass that has not been eaten by grass carp and the debris floating in the pond in time to prevent pollution of pond water and avoid deterioration of water quality. When there is heavy rain and torrential rain, we should pay attention to flood discharge, prevent the pond foundation from being washed away and bring sewage and various germs.

Sixth, anti-escape and anti-rat. Grass carp and field snails can easily escape in rainy days. Therefore, in case of rainy days, we should pay attention to the easy escape places such as water outlet and inlet to install anti-escape nets to prevent grass carp and snails from escaping. The mouse is the natural enemy of the snail, the weather is cool, or at night, or on a rainy day, the snail will climb to the edge of the pond to breathe and will be preyed on by the mouse. Therefore, we should pay attention to rodent control. It can be electrocuted by electric cat, trapped by mousetrap, poisoned by rat poison and so on. It is also necessary to surround the edge of the pond with plastic film or asbestos tiles on the base of the pond, which is about 50~60cm, which has a good effect on preventing rats.

Seventh, disease prevention. Grass carp and field snail mixed culture, only feed grass, not feed, there is a long water supply, belongs to clean breeding, rarely have disease, but also to prevent. Generally, 1000 times baking soda solution or 1000 times vitamin C solution or 25 times 30 times dry and pure plant ash leachate are usually spilled on the surface of the water once a month, 500 kilograms per mu and evenly on the surface of the water.

Eighth, harvest. Grass carp and field snail mixed culture, after about 6 to 8 months, grass carp grow to 2.5 kilograms, or even heavier, field snails grow to 25 grams each, can be harvested. In this way, grass carp and field snails are generally harvested from 1500kg to 2000kg per mu and 4000kg to 5000kg. The first and second batch of small snails of the same year can reach the harvest standard. In the harvest of field snails, in addition to leaving small field snails, but also leave 150 million 200 kilograms of field snails as seeds, so that more small field snails can be reproduced early next year.