
How to make a pig "de-stiff"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, First, hunger therapy for food sharp craving, check really no disease, no parasitic disease, hungry for 2 to 3 days, only for drinking water and stomach medicine. When the pig was opened again, he was hungry and ate very well. From then on, strict timing quantitative, each time only feed eighty percent full, so that pigs always maintain a strong appetite. 2. Nutritional therapy 1. For pigs with poor health, strong food and large abdomen, wet mix should be given to increase dry matter and nutrients in the diet. At the same time, reasonable collocation of diet, so that diet nutrition comprehensive, can be removed from stiffness.

I. Hunger therapy

When there is no disease or parasitic disease, when you are hungry for 2 to 3 days, you will only be provided with drinking water and stomach-strengthening medicine. By the time the pig started eating again, the pig was hungry and ate very well. From then on, the pigs were fed only 80% at a time, so that the pigs always had a strong appetite.

II. Nutritional therapy

1. For stiff pigs with poor body condition, strong food and large belly, wet mixing should be given to increase the dry matter and nutrients in the diet. At the same time, reasonable collocation of the diet, so that the diet nutrition is comprehensive, you can get rid of stiffness.

two。 For stiff pigs that are fat and can eat, as long as cakes (100g / day, 150g / day) or fish meal (50g / 100g / day), which contain more protein, are added to the diet, they will soon get rid of stiffness.

3. For stiff pigs who suffer from milk stiffness, material stiffness or drug damage or frozen from childhood, such as anemia, malnutrition, physical weakness, poor body feeling, rough coat, pale skin and weak physique, Angelica can be injected intramuscularly, one or inosine + vitamin B12 a day for 5 days, or 1ml of animal blood element intramuscularly, and fed with digestible and nutritious soft feed, adding trace elements. The rigor can be removed by feeding less and more meals.

III. Treatment

1. Stiff pigs suffering from asthma and chronic enteritis were given oxytetracycline for prevention and treatment, 40 mg per day or intramuscular injection of kanamycin until cured.

two。 Stiff pigs with ascariasis and pulmonary filariasis can be fed with trichlorfon according to 0.1 g / kg body weight, once a day for 4 days, and a dose of atropine is injected to those who are slightly poisoned. Trichlorfon can drive Ascaris lumbricoides, a large dose of lung filariasis also has a considerable effect, but also can excite the sympathetic nerve, promote gastrointestinal smooth muscle contraction, regulate gastrointestinal function, enhance the appetite of stiff pigs.

3. Stiff pigs with intractable scabies or pig lice were fed to Alfudin at the rate of 0.14 g / kg body weight and re-fed once a week later. In addition, it is also necessary to spray pig houses and appliances with trichlorfon solution to completely eliminate scabies and pig lice and prevent them from recurring after healing.

IV. Stomach-strengthening therapy

1. For stiff pigs who have been dewormed several times, but grow slowly, have coarse hair, dry stool, and do not eat much, add wheat bran or stomach medicine to every meal in the full-price feed until the feces are loose. At the beginning, the pig was mainly fed with dilute or green succulent feed; the gastrointestinal volume was increased; until the pig feces were normal and the appetite was exuberant, wet mixture was used.

two。 For stiff pigs who have been dewormed, but slow growth, rough hair, sparse stool when dry, good spirit and do not eat much, feed compound artificial salt, its ingredients are: artificial salt 70%, Jiao San Xian 20% (fried Hawthorn 30%, fried malt 40%, fried Shenqu 30%), fish meal 10%, healthy stomach 5: 10 grams each time, diarrhea 3050 grams, oral, this method is to strengthen the stomach, diarrhea and strengthen nutrition to make stiff pigs out of stiffness.

5. Chinese herbal medicine therapy

All types of stiff pigs are caused by low metabolic function and insufficient intake of nutrients. Traditional Chinese medicine for invigorating the spleen and stomach and tonifying blood can be stiff. Chinese yam, Huangling, Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Guanzhong, Fructus Aurantii and Magnolia officinalis were crushed, sifted and mixed evenly, mixed for 7 days, and continued for 5 days after half a month, which could significantly increase the rate of weight gain.

VI. Ways to prevent the production of stiff pigs

In production practice, in order to eliminate stiff pigs, inbreeding and early utilization of boars and sows should be avoided, and the feeding and management of sows, especially pregnant sows, should be strengthened to prevent diseases before and after delivery, so as to prevent the occurrence of stiff pigs caused by congenital factors. Secondly, according to the characteristics of young piglets in different periods, we should give correct feeding management and nursing, and do a good job of anti-freezing and heat preservation of newborn piglets, supplement of iron, "grasping three foods and passing three hurdles" of first-born piglets and suckling piglets. "three transitions" of weaned piglets. Third, do a good job of pig house cleaning and cold and heat prevention, regular deworming work to ensure the healthy growth of pigs. Adhere to the production and management of self-breeding and scientific feeding and management, do a good job in epidemic prevention and disease eradication, and improve the survival rate, growth rate and feed utilization rate of piglets, so as to put an end to the emergence of stiff pigs.