
Planting method of kapok

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting method of kapok

Kapok is a large deciduous tree of the kapok family, mainly distributed in tropical provinces. Kapok has high ornamental value, bright and colorful flowers, and has been planted in many cities. And kapok also has the efficacy of heat-clearing and detoxification, dispelling cold and dampness, bark can reduce swelling, root can also relieve pain, its economic value is very high. So how to grow kapok? The following editor has brought you the planting method of kapok, let's have a look!

1. Seed treatment

The fruit ripening performance of kapok is very obvious. When the fruit is ripe, it will appear gray and black. If it is not harvested in time, the seeds will float everywhere with the flying catkins of the fruit. Therefore, when the fruit is ripe, it should be harvested in time, spread out and dried after harvest, and then pick out the seeds. The seed germination ability of kapok is relatively strong, and the germination rate is about 75%. However, it should not be stored for too long, if stored for too long, the germination rate of seeds will be reduced or even unable to germinate. Therefore, it is best to sow with picking, and before sowing, use potassium permanganate for disinfection, wash and dry after disinfection before sowing.

2. Select land and sow seeds

Before planting, sandy soil with normal drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer, soft soil structure, good ventilation and sunny soil should be selected. Then carry on the soil preparation to do the border work, the soil preparation should be refined and fine rake, control the border specifications, prevent the border surface potholes, and also need to disinfect the soil. Most of the time of sowing is sowing, so we should pay attention to the sowing density to prevent the sowing too dense and reduce the germination rate. After sowing, cover the fine soil, press it tightly to ensure that the seeds are in full contact with the soil, and then pour enough water to keep the soil moist.

3. Seedling management

About four days after sowing, the seeds will germinate and emerge, and almost all of them will emerge within a week. When the seedlings successfully break the soil, they should be properly watered to keep the soil moist to meet the water needs of kapok growth. Shading measures should be taken in the environment of high temperature and strong light to prevent bad phenomena such as heat damage and sunburn. Then, when the seedlings grow to about two leaves, the seedlings should be properly interleaved to provide sufficient growth space for the seedlings, and the seedlings should be watered in time. Finally, it should be properly planted in the early spring of the second year, pay attention to the plant row spacing, pour enough fixed root water after planting, and do a good job in field management.

4. Field management

After the seedlings are unearthed, they should not only be properly watered, but also apply fertilizer in time after keeping the soil moist for about a month, and top dressing every other month, which can appropriately increase the amount of water and fertilizer. Then it is necessary to topdressing at least three times a year after planting, generally using acupoint application, paying attention to the amount and location of topdressing to prevent fertilizer damage. Then we should do a good job of ploughing and weeding according to the growth of soil and kapok to prevent weeds from grabbing nutrition and affecting the growth of kapok. Finally, we should pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests to avoid diseases and insect pests harming the growth of kapok and reduce the planting efficiency.

The above is a brief introduction of kapok planting methods, kapok planting is relatively simple, but we need to do a good job in management and planting technology in order to ensure the growth of kapok and expand planting benefits. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.