
Field Management Technology of Dendrobium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Field Management Technology of Dendrobium

Dendrobium is a very popular traditional Chinese medicine in me. The main medicinal part of Dendrobium is the stem, which has the work of nourishing yin and nourishing stomach, clearing heat and promoting fluid and so on. The area of planting Dendrobium in China is also very extensive, the growth ability of Dendrobium is relatively strong, and it is relatively easy to grow, but we still have to do a good job in field management to ensure the growth of Dendrobium. The following editor has brought the field management technology of Dendrobium. Let's have a look!

1. Rational watering

Dendrobium has a great demand for water in the process of growth, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil is moist at all times, meet the water needed for the growth of Dendrobium, and promote the healthy growth of Dendrobium. However, when watering, we still have to water reasonably according to soil moisture, weather changes and the growth of Dendrobium. When the soil moisture is enough and it is rainy, the amount of water can be reduced. On the contrary, it is necessary to timely watering, water should not be too much, to prevent stagnant water retting root rot, resulting in the death of Dendrobium.

2. Ploughing and weeding

Intertillage weeding is an indispensable management work when planting Dendrobium, because the plant of Dendrobium is not high and its nutrient absorption capacity is not strong. Especially in the seedling stage, if there is no timely weeding, the growth ability of weeds is much higher than that of Dendrobium, which will rob the nutrients needed for the growth of Dendrobium, block the seedlings, block the light reception and inhibit the growth of Dendrobium. Therefore, in planting, we must do a good job of weeding and concentrate nutrients on Dendrobium.

3. topdressing at the right time

Dendrobium has a large nutritional demand, so it is generally necessary to start topdressing work in the second year after planting, and the number of times of topdressing should not be less than twice a year. Fertilizer is mainly rotten farm manure, adding appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer and trace elements to control the proportion to ensure adequate and comprehensive nutrition for the growth of Dendrobium. Fertilization should be carried out around the plant and spread around the plant to promote the growth of buds. Then the same kind of fertilizer should be applied before winter to improve the cold resistance and heat preservation ability of the plant and improve the survival rate of overwintering.

4. Proper pruning

Pruning is also very important for the growth of Dendrobium, and there is no need for too much pruning in the growth process. Generally, at the time of annual harvest, the old branches, withered branches, weak growing branches, pest branches and over-long and dense stems should be put on the plant to promote the germination of new buds and improve the permeability. If it is on the seed tree, then the branches should be trimmed to prevent it from being too closed and no light affecting the growth of Dendrobium.

5. Pest control

The common diseases and insect pests of Dendrobium are leaf spot disease, which generally has a high incidence at the end of spring. After the onset of leaf spot disease, dark spots will appear on the leaves of Dendrobium, and the edge of the spot will change. Then it will gradually expand and extend, resulting in withered and yellow leaves, seriously hindering the growth of Dendrobium and reducing the yield. Therefore, we should do a good job of weeding, clear the garden in winter, disinfect regularly, and then often observe the growth of Dendrobium, so that the disease can be detected and treated early. When necessary, carbendazim and other agents are used for prevention and control.

The above is a brief introduction of Dendrobium field management technology, Dendrobium field management is relatively simple, do a good job of these management work to ensure the healthy growth of Dendrobium and increase the yield. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.