
How to increase the yield of cohosh

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to increase the yield of cohosh

Cohosh is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine used to treat headache, cold and fever, sore throat, mouth sores, gynecological diseases and chronic diarrhea and dysentery. In fact, the main efficacy of cohosh is to publish through the rash, heat-clearing and detoxification, sunrise and depression, etc., although the efficacy and effect is more, but for people with weak spleen and stomach, do not use it casually. At present, cohosh is mainly planted in Liaoning, Hebei, Shaanxi and other places of our fruit, but the output of planting is not satisfactory, so how can we improve the yield of cohosh? Let's take a look at the solutions below.

1. Soil requirements

The choice of planting land is the most basic condition for high yield of cohosh. In fact, most of the soil can grow cohosh, but the best planting land is relatively deep, sufficient water resources, convenient drainage and irrigation, pollution-free soil, fertile soil, loose soil and sunny land. The technology of large ridge and high bed should be used in soil preparation, sufficient farm manure should be applied, and the row spacing of soil should be planned reasonably.

2. Sowing method

The sowing method mainly includes two aspects: sowing time and sowing method. The correct sowing method has an inevitable effect on the yield of cohosh. The best time for sowing is from the end of April to mid-May and from mid-October to early November every spring. When sowing in these two periods, the emergence rate of cohosh is higher and the survival rate of planting is also higher. The method of sowing is generally strip sowing, the spacing between rows is about 25 cm, and then the seeds are evenly scattered in the shallow ditch, covered with fine soil and watered once, and finally covered with a layer of straw or film to keep warm. If transplanting is to be carried out, it is generally necessary to wait for the seedlings to grow for a year, and then plant according to the row spacing of 50 cm and the plant spacing of 40 cm.

3. Water and fertilizer management

In the growth process of cohosh, we need scientific fertilization and reasonable watering, and its water and fertilizer management is the key to determine high yield. Generally speaking, it is best to topdressing three or four times a year, and the first topdressing is carried out in June and July, mainly based on nitrogen fertilizer and combined with intertillage. The second is the scientific use of fertilizer species and fertilizer amount in different growth stages of cohosh according to its fertilizer requirements. If you encounter a dry season, it is necessary to timely watering to maintain the moisture of the soil, but if there is continuous rainfall, in order to avoid root rot, remember to drain the excess water.

4. Weeding and budding

In the process of seedling growth of cohosh, we should often carry out intermediate ploughing and weeding, which can improve soil permeability, promote root growth, and prevent nutrients from being consumed by weeds. In the later growth process, ploughing is relatively less, but it is still necessary to loosen the soil and cultivate the soil when necessary, so as not to consolidate the land and affect the yield of cohosh. In order to increase the yield of cohosh, we need to remove the buds when they produce buds, except for those used for seed retention, and the rest need to be cut off, so that nutrients can be concentrated and the growth of roots can be promoted.

In fact, these are some of the problems that need to be paid attention to in the process of planting cohosh, and they are also key issues in planting technology. I hope the above can help more people in need. At the same time, I also wish you all in the new year, cohosh planting output can once again break through and obtain higher economic benefits.