
Cultivation techniques of goldfish grass

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of goldfish grass

Scrophularia is a perennial herb of Scrophulariaceae, the plant is about 50 cm high, its flowers are gorgeous, glossy and colorful, and have high ornamental value. The flowers of goldfish are very similar to goldfish, hence the name. And goldfish grass also has a high efficacy of heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and detumescence, etc., is also a kind of oil crop. So how to grow goldfish grass? The following editor brings you the cultivation techniques of goldfish grass, let's have a look!

1. Sowing environment

Goldfish grass has a strong cold resistance, not suitable to grow in a high-temperature environment, it is best to grow in sunny or half-sunny places. In selecting the soil with normal drainage, deep soft soil layer and strong permeability, we should pay attention to the soil fertility and not be too barren, otherwise it will have a certain impact on the growth of goldfish grass. After selecting the site, it is necessary to do a good job in soil preparation and deep disinfection to prevent residual bacteria from harming the growth of goldfish grass. Then apply sufficient base fertilizer, which is mainly based on fully mature farm manure to meet the sufficient nutrition needed for the growth of goldfish grass.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

The main planting method of goldfish grass is sowing and planting. Spring and Autumn is the best sowing time, which is mainly changed according to the planting area. In the Yangtze River basin, the seedlings are generally sown in autumn, and the growth ability of seedlings in autumn is stronger than that in spring, and the flowering rate is higher. In order to promote germination before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in solution such as gibberellin to promote germination. When sowing, we should pay attention to the sowing density, cover the fine soil and compact after sowing, ensure that the seeds are in full contact with the soil, and then pour enough water to ensure that the soil is moist. Control the temperature, prevent water from evaporating too quickly, and improve the germination rate of seeds.

3. Seedling management

After sowing under normal management, it can sprout about a week later, and then it is necessary to open the plastic film in time to promote the top soil of the seedlings and receive light. The interseedling work should be carried out twice during the seedling growth period to ensure that each seedling can grow healthily. When the seedlings grow about 5 true leaves, they can be transplanted and planted. When transplanting, we should pay attention to transplanting with soil as far as possible to prevent the lack of water and affect the development of seedlings. Before transplanting, we should do a series of work on the planting field, control the planting density and dig the planting ditch. After planting, it is necessary to pour enough water, do a good job of topdressing, strengthen field management, and improve the survival rate of planting.

4. Field management

Goldfish grass contains rhizobium and has a strong effect of nitrogen fixation, so there is no need to topdressing nitrogen fertilizer, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Proper topdressing of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the quality of flowers and enhance the glossiness of petals, which is very important for the growth of goldfish grass. To do a good job of heart-picking in the planting process, it is usually necessary to do it once when the seedlings grow to about 14 cm, and then pick the heart again at 20 cm. It can effectively promote the growth of lateral branches, improve the flowering rate and increase the ornamental value of the commodity.

The above is a brief introduction of the cultivation techniques of goldfish grass, the cultivation of goldfish grass is very simple, but also need to do field management work in order to ensure the normal growth of goldfish grass and avoid losses. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.