
Flower and Fruit Management Technology of Sapphire Grape

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Flower and Fruit Management Technology of Sapphire Grape

Sapphire grape is a very hot grape variety in recent years, which is very popular in our country. The fruit of sapphire grape is not easy to fall and rot. It is easy to plant because of its high storage and transportation. However, the yield of sapphire grape is high, so it is necessary to do a good job of flower and fruit management in the planting process to ensure its normal growth. So how to manage the flowers and fruits of sapphire? The following editor has brought you management methods, let's have a look!

1. Water and fertilizer management

In the process of sapphire planting, topdressing should be applied at least twice a year, respectively after soil thawing and harvest, and the fertilizers are mainly compound fertilizer and farm manure. The main purpose of fertilization is to meet the nutritional needs of sapphire grape sprouting, branch and leaf growth, flowering and fruiting and so on. A lot of nutrition is needed to promote fruit expansion, increase yield and the formation of plant organs. Watering should be based on the planting situation to determine the watering frequency and dosage, for example, the orchard without grass should be watered about 5 times a year, the main role to meet the needs of grape growth. It can not be watered and fertilized after the fruit coloring period to prevent the cooling of water from affecting the root absorptive capacity and leading to flower and fruit drop.

2. Promote flower to bud

Many friends in the process of growing sapphire grapes will find that the flower spike is too small, which is caused by the flower bud is not full. In our management, we should increase the amount of fertilizer and water to ensure that the length of the prepared branches is more than 2 meters before the plant spikes are formed. Then twist the branches and hang down. When the branches grow to about 1.6 meters, foliar fertilizer should be properly sprayed to promote the growth of leaves, improve photosynthetic capacity and increase the accumulation of nutrients. And it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests to prevent damage to leaves.

3. Protect flowers and fruits

When applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to the proportion of fertilizer nutrition to prevent branches from flourishing and growing at jointing stage. Then with a small amount of uniform speed, spray on the leaf surface after germination to prevent element deficiency. For the flourishing fruiting mother branch, it is necessary to pick the tip and dig the bud in time, and concentrate the nutrition on the ear. In the flowering and fruit period, we should control drug use, do a good job of ventilation, and do a good job of pollination at about 12:00 every day. Control the temperature well, the temperature should be controlled at about 25 degrees every day, and the temperature should not be too high at night to prevent it from growing. Less watering in winter to prevent plant freezing injury caused by too low temperature, do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, fruit thinning in time after 3 weeks of fruit sitting, spraying fungicides and bagging.

4. Thinning flowers and fruits

We should also pay attention to the amount of flowers and fruits on the plant, which should not exceed the bearing range of the plant. Each main vine should not have more than 5 main fruiting branches, and the excess fruiting branches should be cut off. Then the number of ears of each fruiting branch should not exceed 1, and the extra newly spit inflorescences should be erased in time. The weight of the fruit on each ear should not exceed 1 kg. Do a good job of pinching the flower ear in full bloom, and then after sitting for about 3 weeks, remove the overdense fruit and small-grain fruit.

The above is a brief introduction to the management technology of sapphire flowers and fruits, the growth ability of sapphire is relatively strong, and it is relatively simple to grow. But doing a good job of management can effectively improve the yield, enhance the quality, avoid some unnecessary losses, and protect the economic benefits of planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.