
Under what environment is Codonopsis pilosula suitable for planting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Codonopsis pilosula alias clover, leaf single, smelly Codonopsis pilosula. It is a perennial trailing herb of Campanulaceae. Codonopsis pilosula is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, originated in Shanxi Shangdang, its root such as ginseng, hence the name Codonopsis pilosula. Root for medicinal use, with the functions of tonifying qi and nourishing blood, harmonizing spleen and stomach, promoting fluid and clearing lung, etc. There are many varieties of Codonopsis pilosula, such as the West Party, which is mainly produced in Gansu, Shanxi and Sichuan provinces, the East Party, which is mainly produced in the northeast provinces, and the Codonopsis pilosula, which is mainly produced in Shanxi, Henan and other provinces. In particular, the quality of the Taiwan Party in the Western Party is the best. Codonopsis pilosula is a deep-rooted plant, which likes cool and moist air.

Codonopsis pilosula alias clover, leaf single, smelly Codonopsis pilosula. It is a perennial trailing herb of Campanulaceae. Codonopsis pilosula is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, originated in Shanxi Shangdang, its root such as ginseng, hence the name Codonopsis pilosula. Root for medicinal use, with the functions of tonifying qi and nourishing blood, harmonizing spleen and stomach, promoting fluid and clearing lung, etc. There are many varieties of Codonopsis pilosula, such as the West Party, which is mainly produced in Gansu, Shanxi and Sichuan provinces, the East Party, which is mainly produced in the northeast provinces, and the Codonopsis pilosula, which is mainly produced in Shanxi, Henan and other provinces. In particular, the quality of the Taiwan Party in the Western Party is the best. Codonopsis pilosula is a deep-rooted plant, which likes cool and humid climate. Like to grow in deep soil, loose texture, fertile fill, stagnant water, waterlogging, saline-alkali land and black clayey soil should not be planted, avoid continuous cropping.

Cultivation techniques:

Codonopsis pilosula propagates with seeds and uses newly harvested seeds because the seed germination rate is very low or the germination power is lost in the next year. Seedling raising and transplanting are often used. Nursery land should choose semi-shady and semi-sunny slope, loose and fertile sandy loam, close to the water source, about 1500 kg of fertilizer or compost per mu, and then ploughed, raked fine, leveled into flat or high beds. The sowing time can be sowed from thawing in early spring to before freezing in early winter, usually in the rainy season in July and August or before freezing in autumn and winter, the emergence rate is high and the seedlings grow healthily. Spring sowing is often due to spring drought, it is difficult or uneven to emerge seedlings, spring sowing can be used in places with irrigation conditions. In order to make the seeds germinate earlier, the seeds can be soaked with warm scalding. That is, put the human seeds in warm water of 40 ℃ and 50 min while stirring until the water temperature is about the same as the hand temperature, then put the seeds in the gauze, wash them with clean water several times, and then put them on the indoor sand pile at a temperature of 15 ℃ and 20 min, rinse with clean water every 3 min and 4 hours, and the seeds can be sown in 6 days.

Use broadcast or strip sowing.

Sow, spread the seeds evenly over the border, cover the seeds slightly with thin soil, and then gently suppress the seeds to combine them closely to facilitate the emergence of seedlings, with a sowing amount of about 1 kg per mu.

Strip sowing, according to the row spacing of 10 cm, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch, also cover with thin soil, the sowing amount per mu is 0.5ml kg. After sowing, the border surface is covered with corn stalks, cereal grass or pine branches to keep the soil moist to facilitate seedling emergence. When the seedling height is about 5 cm, the cover grass will be removed gradually, not exposed at once, in case the hot sun kills the seedlings. When the seedling height is about centimeters, it has been gradually exercised to enhance the adaptability to light, but all can be removed. It can also be intercropped with corn, @ # @ 245 crops and other crops. Corn should not be planted too densely. If it is too dense, the lower leaves of corn should be knocked off. When the mu height is about 10 cm, the weak seedlings can be removed from each other, so that the plant spacing can be kept at a distance of 1 Mel 3 cm. Seedlings grow slowly, should pay attention to timely loosening the soil and weeding, so as to avoid the deep roots of the grass, harm the ginseng seedlings when pulling the grass, or throw out the seedlings next to them. The seedling land generally does not apply fertilizer, and the water should be properly controlled. The seedling should be irrigated less frequently, the watering times can be reduced after the seedling grows up, and the drainage should be paid attention to in the rainy season.

Ginseng seedlings can be transplanted after growing for one year. The field production site should be selected on the loose and fertile sandy soil, the terrain is sunny. When preparing the land, apply stable manure or compost 3000 kilograms per mu, or add 30 superphosphate 50 kilograms, then plough 2530 centimeters, rake fine and level, make a border about 120cm wide, the hillside land generally does not make the border, along the slope direction leveling can. After ground preparation, the seedlings were transplanted from mid-October to November in autumn before freezing, or after thawing in early spring, the seedlings were transplanted before budding. The slope should be trenched horizontally along the slope, and the forest roots should be placed obliquely in the trench according to the plant spacing of 6cm. Then cover the ditch with a thickness of about 5cm, using seed roots of about 25kg per mu. After planting, according to the general management, Codonopsis pilosula is a herbaceous vine, and the tower should make the stem vine grow. When the seedling height is 30 cm, bamboo pole can be used to build "human" frame, which aims to make ventilation and light transmission, increase the area of photosynthesis, promote growth, according to high disease resistance and increase the output of the newspaper.

Harvest and processing:

Codonopsis pilosula is generally harvested in autumn two years after transplanting, and there are also harvests after 3 or 4 years. Cut off the vines, shake off the soil, spread it out in the sun until 30 or 40% flat, hold it into a handle according to thickness and size, place it on the board, rub it with your hands, and then dry it again and again. It is rainy in the south to use charcoal fire Kang, the temperature inside the Kang is controlled at about 60 ℃, often turn over, when the Kang is soft, take out and knead it, and then Kang, repeat several times until the Kang is dry. The purpose of kneading is to make the newspaper straight and dry evenly. The flesh is tight and the quality is soft. Generally 2 kilograms of fresh Codonopsis pilosula can be processed 1 kilogram of dry goods, 250 kilograms of dry goods per mu, and 500 kilograms of high yield.

Disease prevention and control:

1. Rust

The back of the susceptible leaf is slightly raised (Xiabaozi pile), and the orange powder (Xiabao seed) is broken in the later stage. When the leaves die seriously, the growth is affected, and the disease is usually more serious in autumn.

Control methods: remove withered plants and diseased leaves after harvest and burn them centrally; at the initial stage of the disease, spray 1000 times of 50% dinitrate powder or 25% powder, once every 7 times every 10 days, and spray 2 times more 3 times.

2. Downy mildew

There are irregular brown disease spots on the leaf surface and gray mildew on the back of the leaves (meristematic tubule peduncle and meristematic tractor), which often lead to plant death.

Prevention and treatment methods: remove the withered and residual leaves of diseased plants and burn them centrally; spray 40% Shuangyuling 300x liquid or 70% chlorothalonil 1000 times liquid during the onset of the disease, once every 7 times every 10 days, for 2 times in a row.