
Harvest and processing of Codonopsis pilosula

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The direct seeding field was harvested in three years, and the transplanting field was harvested in two years. Codonopsis pilosula was harvested during the period from aboveground withering to freezing, but the harvest quality was the best within half a month before and after Bailu Festival. When harvesting, pull out the bracket, cut off the stem, and then dig the ginseng root, be careful not to hurt the root, in order to prevent the loss of juice. The dug ginseng root is removed from the residual stem, washed the soil, divided into old, large, medium and graded according to size, length and thickness, and dried in semi-dry, then slightly scalded in boiling water and then dried or dried (drying only over a low heat, at a temperature of about 60 ℃).

The harvest period of Dangshen was from the withering of the aboveground part to before freezing, but the harvest quality was best in half a month before white dew festival.

When harvesting, first pull out the support, cut off the stems and vines, and then dig the roots. When digging the roots, be careful not to hurt the roots to prevent the loss of pulp.

Remove the residual stems from the dug ginseng roots, wash the soil, divide them into old, large and medium strips according to size, length and thickness, dry them in the sun until they are half dry, blanch them slightly in boiling water, and then dry them in the sun or dry them (drying can only be done with low fire, and the temperature is about 60℃, not with fire. Otherwise, it is easy to bubble and separate the skin). When it is soft in the sun, the root strips are arranged 3-5 times, then tied into small handles, repeatedly pressed on the board, and then dried. Rub the root of Dangshen thin skin, meat firm and full soft, conducive to storage. The number of times should not be too many, do not force too much, otherwise it will become "fried dough sticks," reduce the quality. Every time the ginseng is sorted or rubbed, it must be spread out and dried, not stacked, so as not to ferment and affect the quality.

After processing Dangshen root to thick, solid texture, oily, strong smell, chewing when the residue less is better.