
Cultivation of Codonopsis pilosula

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Codonopsis pilosula is a perennial herb of Campanulaceae. Its main chemical components are saponins, alkaloids, polysaccharides and volatile oils. Its root is used for medicine, can tonify qi, invigorate spleen and lung, treat weakness of spleen and lung, shortness of breath, palpitation, deficiency asthma cough, internal heat and thirst and other diseases. Codonopsis pilosula is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine with high medical value, which is not only widely used in formulations and proprietary medicine raw materials, but also widely used in health drinks and green food industry. There are many kinds of Codonopsis pilosula, including Codonopsis pilosula, and so on. Commodity party

Codonopsis pilosula is a perennial herb of Campanulaceae. Its main chemical components are saponins, alkaloids, polysaccharides and volatile oils. Its root is used for medicine, can tonify qi, invigorate spleen and lung, treat weakness of spleen and lung, shortness of breath, palpitation, deficiency asthma cough, internal heat and thirst and other diseases. Codonopsis pilosula is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine with high medical value, which is not only widely used in formulations and proprietary medicine raw materials, but also widely used in health drinks and green food industry.

There are many kinds of Codonopsis pilosula, including Codonopsis pilosula, and so on. The quality of commercial Codonopsis pilosula is the best among Codonopsis pilosula, Codonopsis pilosula and Codonopsis pilosula. Codonopsis pilosula is the root of Campanulaceae (CodonopsistangshenOliv.) Mainly distributed in Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and Guizhou. There are several cultivated varieties of Codonopsis pilosula in Sichuan, such as Miao Dang, Bandang and Luo Dang. This paper mainly introduces the cultivation techniques of Miaodang.

1 Botanical characteristics

Herbaceous vines, all with white lotion and aroma. Roots long conical, branched, beige. Stems and vines twining, glabrous. Leaves opposite, leaf blade ovate to oblong-ovate, margin undulate or shallowly undulate circular serrate, leaf surface green, smooth glabrous, back pink-green, rough velvet. Flowers simple, terminal or axillary, calyx green, 5-parted, lobes lanceolate, apex pointed; Corolla campanulate, yellowish green, with purple patterns, capsule berrylike, oblate, not splitting at maturity, calyx persistent short. Seeds small, oblong, brown, glossy. The flowering period is from July to August and the fruit ripening stage is from September to October.

2 biological characteristics

2.1 Biological characteristics

The germination rate of Codonopsis pilosula seeds is more than 70%, and the suitable temperature, air and water are the necessary conditions for seed germination. The optimum temperature for seed germination of Codonopsis pilosula was 15-25 ℃, and seedlings began to emerge 20-25 days after sowing under suitable conditions. In the autumn sowing from November to December, the aboveground part fell and the underground part overwintered; the seedlings began to germinate in March of the following year, the vegetative growth period was from March to July, the flowering stage was from July to August, and the fruit ripening stage was from September to October. Codonopsis pilosula can be rotated with Radix scrophulariae, rhubarb, aristolochia, corn, etc., and it is not suitable for continuous cropping. The land planted with Codonopsis pilosula can be replanted every 2 to 3 years, otherwise, there will be more diseases and insect pests and the yield will be low.

2.2 Climate

Chuan Dangshen prefers the slightly cool and humid climate, which is mostly distributed in the mountain area above 1000m, and the most suitable range is 1500m to 2500m. The annual rainfall in the producing area is generally more than 1200mm, the highest temperature in summer is less than 30 ℃, the lowest temperature in winter is less than-15 ℃, and the frost-free period is about 180 days. In the Pingba area with lower altitude, because the summer temperature is too high and the duration is long, not only the aboveground part is easy to wither, but also prone to disease and can not grow normally. Codonopsis pilosula likes the shady and humid environment in the seedling stage, but it should not be too wet and the sunshine should not be too strong in the growing stage, and the shady slope or semi-shady slope with only half-day sunshine is the most suitable.

2.3 soil

Codonopsis pilosula is a deep-rooted plant, and the medicinal part is a large and long main root, so it is suitable to be cultivated in deep, fertile and well-drained land. Generally, it is better to cultivate in humus-rich mountain oil sandy soil or mountain sandy soil. The pH is 6.5-7.5, and the soil layer is deep, fertile, well-structured and easy to cultivate. Soil with excessive stickiness and places prone to stagnant water are not suitable for cultivation.

3 cultivation

3.1 Reproductive methods

Codonopsis pilosula is propagated with seeds, raised and transplanted, and can also be directly seeded. Codonopsis pilosula is generally planted for flowering and fruiting in the second year, and it is best to harvest full seeds on 3-year-old plants for reproduction. From September to October, the pericarp was harvested when the pericarp was slightly reddish purple and the seeds turned yellowish brown, and then ripened indoors for several days, waiting for most of the fruits to crack and dry to rub out the seeds. Aged seeds cannot be used as seeds.

3.2 Land selection and preparation

Sichuan Codonopsis pilosula should be cultivated in wasteland or leisure land, not continuous cropping. The shrubs and weeds on the selected plots in winter are burned on the ground and turned into the soil as base fertilizer. If you choose mature soil for planting, you should plough deeply once before sowing or transplanting, turn the base fertilizer into the soil, remove weeds and stones, and then rake fine and level the compartment.

3.3 Seedling raising and transplanting

The nursery land should be carefully ploughed and raked to make the soil fine and loose. Conditional application of rotten compost and plant ash as base fertilizer, without the above fertilizer per mu can be applied 50kg ammonium phosphate or compound fertilizer as base fertilizer. Seedlings can be sowed in spring or autumn, and it is better to sow in autumn. Spring sowing is from late March to early April and autumn sowing is from mid-September to early October. Before sowing, open the box on the whole ground by 1.3m wide, mix the seeds into seed ash, sow evenly on the box, both strip sowing and sowing. The seed amount per mu of strip sowing is 1.5~2kg, and that of sowing mu is 2~2.5kg. Cover a thin layer of soil after sowing to cover the seeds. After sowing, we should pay attention to proper watering and often keep the soil moist, so as to facilitate seed germination and emergence. It is best to cover a layer of Artemisia stalk or grass after conditional sowing and remove the seedlings after emergence. After emergence, the seedlings should be managed carefully, and the seedlings should be extracted with thin human and animal manure. The seedlings should be weeded when they are high in 5~7cm, leaving 1 seedling every 2cm, and then weeding when they see the grass. The seedlings can be transplanted to 50.7 mu per mu.

Codonopsis pilosula seedlings can be transplanted in 2 years, and the transplanting period is mostly after falling seedlings in autumn or before sprouting in spring. High-altitude mountain areas can also be used to raise seedlings for 2 years and then transplant. Dig up the seedlings before transplanting, tie them into small handfuls of 30-50 plants, and put them in a shady and damp place. The seedlings dug up had better be planted on the same day. If the seedlings are dried, do not water, should be buried in wet soil for 1-2 days, the seedlings can be restored. Transplanting row spacing 20~23cm, plant spacing 5cm or so. When planting, depending on the length of the seedling, open a ditch with the right depth on the box, put the seedling in the ditch obliquely, do not bend the tail, cover it with fine soil, and then cover the soil with the flat surface of the box. When transplanting in autumn in higher mountain areas, the Reed head should be 7~8cm below the soil surface to prevent frost injury. Some high mountain areas adopt seedling raising for 2 years and then close planting and transplanting, and the yield per mu is higher, this method can be popularized properly.

3.4 Live broadcast

It can be sowed in spring or autumn, and the emergence of seedlings in autumn is better than that in spring. Live broadcast is relatively simple, just broadcast and broadcast on the box.

4 field management

4.1 Seedling supplement

Direct seeding in spring seedling height 5~7cm can be inter-seedling, leaving 1 plant every 3~5cm, if there are missing seedlings or dead seedlings should be replanted in time. The seedling can be inserted into the soil with a small bamboo stick, make a small hole, put the seedling in, and cover the soil tightly.

4.2 ploughing and weeding

Direct seeding and transplanting should be combined with inter-seedling and supplementary seedling to pull grass, because small seedlings can not be ploughed in the middle. After the seedlings withered in autumn, the small hoe was used to hoe between the rows and cultivate the soil at the same time. Weeding should be done in spring and autumn in the second and third year after sowing.

4.3 topdressing

After weeding in spring, human and animal manure water and proper amount of urea were applied to raise seedlings per mu, and ammonium phosphate or compound fertilizer 50kg was applied per mu in autumn, which was combined with ploughing and soil cultivation.

4.4 Establishment of pillars

Codonopsis pilosula vine stem is longer, if it is allowed to grow, the rattan leaves overlap, hinder the transmission of sunlight, poor air circulation, not only affect photosynthesis, reduce yield, but also prone to disease. Therefore, in areas with materials, when the seedling height is about 30cm, bamboo or small trees are used as pillars and slightly interlaced between the rows to make Codonopsis pilosula vines twining around them. Where there is no material, we should also systematically leave some tall herbs as natural pillars for vine climbing.

(5) Disease and pest control

5.1 Diseases

5.1.1 Rust occurred from July to August. The leaves withered and died after the plant was susceptible to disease. Prevention and treatment methods: select the plot that is not too wet, set up a pillar, and spray with 500-fold solution of Fanling or diazuron sodium at the initial stage of the disease.

5.1.2 Root rot occurred from May to June, and Rain Water was easy to cause root rot. Prevention and treatment methods: deal with diseased roots and residual plants, pay attention to drainage; when the disease occurs, use 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 800 times liquid litter.

5.2 insect pests

Jumping beetles, which often occur after seedling germination at the end of spring; red spiders, occur more frequently after June; aphids, which often occur in summer, can be sprayed with 1000 times of dimethoate EC.

6 harvesting and processing

6.1 Harvest

Codonopsis pilosula must be harvested all the year round, and the seedlings must be harvested 1-2 years after transplanting, and the direct seeding usually takes 3 years to harvest. If the cultivation is continued without digging, the yield can be increased accordingly. Harvest after the seedling withered at the end of autumn, dig carefully and dig out the whole root, so as not to form a black scar and affect the appearance and quality of the pulp. The harvested Codonopsis pilosula is generally divided into three levels: large, medium and small, and the large and medium levels are washed and processed, and the small ones can be processed and used as medicine, or they can be used as transplanting seedlings.

6.2 processing

After Codonopsis pilosula is graded and washed, it should be processed separately to avoid uneven drying. Dry according to thick, thin and length, rub it on the wooden washboard with your hands and dry it repeatedly for 3 or 4 times. In case of bad weather, you can also dry the hot Kang with about 60 ℃. Also rub and spread the Kang repeatedly on the hot Kang for several times to fully dry. General 3kg fresh roots of Codonopsis pilosula can get the finished product 1kg, and the 3-year-old per mu yield can reach 170 ~ 200kg. Codonopsis pilosula is qualified with strong roots, solid quality, oily, strong smell, less residue of chewing, no impurities, no moth, no mildew, and no less than 32% of the water-soluble extract.