
Technology of transforming cold storage into mushroom farm

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Cold storage has good heat preservation and moisture retention, easy to control temperature and humidity, and weak light, which is more suitable for the growth and development of mushrooms. With a little modification of the original facilities in the library, the annual production of mushrooms can be realized, and it can be cultivated for 3 cycles in one year. 1 according to the temperature, the cold storage can be divided into high temperature storage (fruit cold storage) and low temperature storage (meat and aquatic products warehouse), and can be divided into ground storage and cave storage according to the construction site. These cold stores were originally designed and built to store fruits and vegetables, but their properties are not suitable for the cultivation of mushrooms, so

Cold storage has good heat preservation and moisture retention, easy to control temperature and humidity, and weak light, which is more suitable for the growth and development of mushrooms. With a little modification of the original facilities in the library, the annual production of mushrooms can be realized, and it can be cultivated for 3 cycles in one year.

1 transformation of cold storage

According to temperature, cold storage can be divided into high-temperature storage (fruit cold storage) and low-temperature storage (meat, aquatic products warehouse); according to the construction site, cold storage can be divided into ground storage and cave storage. These cold stores were originally designed and built for the storage of fruits and vegetables, and their properties are not suitable for the cultivation of mushrooms, so they should be properly modified to meet the environmental conditions for the growth and development of mushrooms. Production practice has proved that high-temperature storage is easier to use than low-temperature storage, small storage is easier to use than large storage, and ground storage is better than mountain cave storage. From the perspective of factory annual cultivation, cold storage group is easier to use than single storage. If there is no problem with the refrigeration equipment in the cold storage, it is also necessary to transform or add bed frames, ventilation, temperature increase, water supply and other conditions.

1.1 Cold storage with bedstead specifications generally has a bedstead for goods, which can be transformed into a 5-storey mushroom bed with a total height of 3.5 meters. The specification of the bed frame is: 1.2 meters wide, 60 centimeters between layers, 1.2 meters from the roof at the top, 20 centimeters from the ground at the bottom, and a walkway with a width of not less than 50 centimeters between the bed frames. If the plane area of the cold storage is 200 square meters, the area of the mushroom bed with 5 beds is about 500 square meters.

1.2 when ventilation facilities are produced in summer, in order to avoid direct suction of hot and humid air outside the storage into the cold storage, the air intake pipe can be connected with the air inlet of the refrigerator in the warehouse, so that the refrigerator can not only directly cool the fresh air, but also circulate the indoor air. The motor power of the original refrigerator, circulating fan and air outlet in the library remains unchanged.

1.3 the heating equipment is equipped with a 0.75-ton steam boiler outside the storehouse, heating up by means of radiator and exhaust valve to carry out post-fermentation of the culture material.

1.4 erecting water pipes to facilitate water spraying and humidification.

2 cultivation operation

2.1 after many experiments and comparison, the mushroom strain "Heda 2" which is suitable for cultivation in cold storage was selected. This strain has the advantages of fast bacteria, complete mushroom production, fast tide change, high yield and high commodity rate.

4500 kg of wheat straw, 4000 kg of wet chicken manure, 90kg of cake fertilizer, 350kg of gypsum, 30kg of urea, 140kg of lime and 90kg of phosphate fertilizer.

The characteristics of this formula are as follows: first, the nitrogen content is high, and the amount of post-fermentation is about 2.4%; second, the amount of gypsum is unconventional (usually 2%), this is because fresh chicken manure is thicker (water content is about 50%), and adding more gypsum can improve the dispersion of compost.

2.3 pre-fermentation mix the pre-wet straw, wet chicken manure and other auxiliary materials into a pile according to the formula. The principle of water transfer is one wet, two regulation, three motionless, that is, the first turn of the pile should add enough water, the second turn of the pile should properly adjust and replenish water, and the third turn of the pile should not add water as far as possible. Before fermentation for about 21 days, the culture material should not be overcooked.

Pre-fermentation qualified culture material standard: ① sensory standard, material is brown, clenching is still elastic, sticky dirty hands, the leaching solution is turbid, there is water between the fingers without dripping, ammonia smell, can be seen actinomycetes white spot; ② physical and chemical standard, water content 72%-74%, pH 7.8-8.2, nitrogen 1.8%-2%, ammonia 0.4%.

2.4 Post-fermentation is a necessary process to increase yield and reduce diseases and insect pests, the operation is as follows.

Transport the pre-fermentation qualified culture material to the library while it is hot, lay it loosely on each shelf, install the thermosensitive thermometer, put 3 in the material and 2 in the space. Heating up through the heating pipe or directly releasing steam, while turning on the fan for indoor air circulation, the temperature rises to 58-60 ℃ for 6-8 hours for pasteurization.

The fresh air was pumped into the reservoir and slowly cooled and matured, and the temperature in the reservoir should be reduced by 3 ℃ per day. After 10 days in winter, 11 days in spring and 12 days in summer, the feed temperature and air temperature were stable at about 25 ℃ before fermentation. During this period, in order to reduce the temperature and humidity difference between the upper and lower beds, it is necessary to master the indoor circulating air.

Post-fermentation qualified culture material standard: ① sensory standard is grass brown, easy to break without luster, there are water stains between fingers, the leaching solution is not turbid, not dirty hands, no ammonia smell, actinomycetes leukoplakia can be seen; the physical and chemical index of ② is water 65%-68%, pH 7.2-7.5, nitrogen ≥ 2%, ammonia ≤ 0.01%.

2.5 the amount of seed used for sowing is 1 g / m3. The mixed sowing method is used to fully mix the bacteria with the culture material. this method has many germination points, fast bacteria and even mushroom.

2.6 covering soil and peat soil is the best, but the cost is high. Through the experimental screening, it is found that it is better to add 15% of the fly ash from the power plant to the clay. Fly ash has the advantages of high temperature, less miscellaneous bacteria, good air permeability and no hardening. If you hold too much water, the mycelium goes up to the soil quickly, and the mushroom comes out early. The one-time soil covering method is adopted, and the thickness is 3-3.5 cm. Spray water after covering the soil for 3 days to make it water-saturated. The material temperature is kept at 24026 ℃ and the relative humidity is kept at 85% 90%. In order to promote the growth of mycelium, ventilation was carried out for 3 to 5 hours a day.

3 management of mushroom production

The cultivation of mushroom in cold storage is very different from that in special mushroom in the aspects of temperature control, ventilation and humidification. Therefore, the technology of regulating temperature, humidity and gas during mushroom emergence is more critical. Some practical experience and monitoring data are introduced below.

3.1 cooling is the most important and decisive factor to induce the formation of mushroom primordium. When the soil area of the mycelium is 60%, the temperature should be cooled immediately and controlled at 15-16 ℃ to promote the formation of mushroom primordium. The temperature control depends on the natural air temperature, and the ways of temperature control and ventilation are different in different seasons.

Spring and autumn production, the temperature in the warehouse is more suitable, basically no energy consumption to cool or heat up, the bacteria and mushrooms during the appropriate supply of fresh air and circulation air, to maintain a suitable temperature and humidity.

During the production in summer, the refrigerator should be turned on once a day during the germicidal period, and the temperature needed for germicidal production should be maintained for about 1 hour each time. During the period of mushroom production, the refrigerator should be turned on twice a day for 1 to 2 hours each time. Due to the hot and humid temperature outside the reservoir, the introduction of fresh air is generally arranged for 2-3 hours in the morning and evening.

In winter production, the bacteria was heated every 2 days for 2-3 hours each time. During the period of mushroom emergence, heating once every 4-5 days, the storage temperature of 16-18 ℃ can be maintained. Ventilation is carried out when the temperature is high at noon every day. Compared with summer, the temperature of mushroom house in winter is easier to control and easier to manage.

3.2 when a white primordium the size of rice grains is formed on the surface of the covered soil, spray water lightly every day, and increase the amount of spraying water when a small number of young mushrooms grow to the size of soybeans. After that, with the gradual growth of the mushroom body, more mushrooms are sprayed and less mushrooms are sprayed. The amount of water sprayed can be calculated by adding 1 kg of water to 1 kg of mushrooms. Mushroom picking peak period generally do not spray water, spray a flood after harvest to promote the change of tide. Be sure to get fresh air or indoor air circulation immediately after spraying water, so as to distribute moisture on the mushroom body and prevent the mushroom body from being infected with bacteria.

3.3 the key to the success of mushroom cultivation in ventilation cold storage is to solve the problem of ventilation.

The theoretical concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere outside the cold storage is 0.03% (nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21%, and the rest are argon, neon and other inert gases).

In the cold storage, if the bacteria are not ventilated all night, the concentration of carbon dioxide is as high as 2%, 50 times higher than that outside the storage. During mushroom emergence, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is more than 0.2%, which is harmful to the development of mushrooms, such as underdeveloped young mushrooms, long stalks and easy to open umbrellas, forming light and thin secondary mushrooms or deformed mushrooms. When the concentration of carbon dioxide exceeds 0.6%, the mushroom bed is easy to "fake bacteria" and form a dense quilt without mushroom buds.

3.4 the mushroom with rapid growth of moisture and humidity has strong water transpiration. For a mushroom with a diameter of 6 cm, its water evaporation is 2-4 mg / 24 hours. If the water evaporates too quickly, the surface of the mushroom will lose water and produce scales or dry cracks. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly spray "maintain water" to the space and soil surface, so as to maintain the air humidity and bed humidity in the mushroom room within the normal range to meet the needs of mushroom growth and development. The amount of spraying water can be controlled flexibly according to the requirements of mushroom development. generally, it can be sprayed less in the period of bacteria growth, culture and tide, and it should be sprayed more frequently in the period of mushroom production every other day, especially in the period of mushroom production. "maintenance water" is the regular use of water in the management of mushroom house. its water consumption is not large, but its effect is no less than that of "mushroom water" in the soil layer. When the air relative humidity is close to saturation (more than 98%), condensation will appear on the surface of the mushroom body, and the water film will cover the surface of the mushroom body, which can easily cause bacterial spot disease. In order to prevent this disease, both ventilation and air circulation must be carried out when spraying water. It should be noted that in the summer of high temperature and humidity, hot and humid air blows directly into the lower temperature mushroom room, and water condensation occurs. Even if ventilation is strengthened, the mushroom body forms a condensed water layer, which leads to the formation of mushroom plaque or the breeding of mold on the bed surface. This is the main reason for the higher infection in the mushroom room in summer.

From May to June, the temperature outside the cold storage is 30: 35 ℃ during the day and 25: 30 ℃ at night; the humidity outside the cold storage is 60% in sunny days and 90% in rainy days. In the mushroom room of 130square meters, the circulating chillers are divided into three times a day, each time for 80,130 minutes, the temperature ranges up and down from 40.5 ℃ to 40%, and the air relative humidity varies from 30% to 40%. The sudden drop of temperature in the warehouse leads to the loss of water content in the air, so the humidity drops sharply, which is the main reason for the loss of water in the bacterial bed and mushroom body, and even the death of young mushrooms. Using ordinary cold storage for cultivation, because there is no equipment for air pre-heating or cooling, humidification or dehumidification, we can only draw untreated natural air, so it is difficult to adjust air humidity. It should be pointed out that the air outside the warehouse is hot and humid in summer, while the environment such as indoor walls is dry and cold. Pumping in the air in this case will produce condensed water, which will lead to a sharp increase in humidity in the storage, and it is easy to break out red bread mold and other miscellaneous bacteria.

When the air in the storehouse is dry, a humidifier or spray is used to cool the water and atomize the water into fog droplets of 3 to 30 microns. Due to the rapid evaporation of water, a large amount of air heat is absorbed, and then the moisture is discharged outdoors to achieve cooling, with a cooling range of 3: 5 ℃.

3.5 Light in June 8: 00 in the morning outdoor daylight 80,000 lux, outdoor shade 660 lux; 130 square meters library contains 36 60 watt fluorescent tubes, 50 cm away from the lamp tube is 650 lux: the average upper, middle and lower mushroom shelves are 123, 59 and 41 lux, respectively. This light intensity is sufficient for mushrooms (but the demand for Bailing mushrooms is very different).

3.6 Disease and pest control cultivated in summer, diseases and insect pests are easy to break out in cold storage. For example, mushroom cultivation requires high temperature and humidity conditions (such as post-fermentation), and the bed frame is mostly made of bamboo and wood, which is easy to mildew. Therefore, we must establish the ideology of "prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control", seriously carry out comprehensive disinfection inside and outside the mushroom room, generally fumigate with formaldehyde, then spray with Bordeaux solution, and it is best to use high temperature steam sterilization. In addition, attention should be paid to cleaning up all pollution sources, which is the basis of the whole prevention and control work.