
High quality and efficient cultivation techniques of pollution-free Chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chuju, formerly known as "Chi Ju", together with Zhejiang "Hangzhou Ju", Henan "Huai Ju" and Bozhou "Bo Ju", are collectively called the four famous chrysanthemums in China. Chuju is not only an ornamental flower, but also a valuable product for both medicine and tea. During the Guang Xu period of the Qing Dynasty, Chuju was once listed as a tribute, so it was also known as "Gong Ju" or "Chugong Chrysanthemum". At present, it is a protected product of origin in our country. eastern Anhui is being planted and developed in a large area. 1 Biological characteristics 1.1 morphological characteristics Chuju belongs to Compositae, which is a perennial root plant with a height of 60 ~

Chuju was originally named "Chi Ju", together with Zhejiang "Hang Ju", Henan "Huai Ju", Bozhou "Bo Ju" collectively known as China's four famous chrysanthemum. Chu chrysanthemum is not only used as ornamental flowers, but also as a valuable medicine and tea dual-use goods. During Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, Chu chrysanthemum was once listed as tribute, so it is also called "tribute chrysanthemum" or "Chu tribute chrysanthemum". At present, it is a protected product of origin in China. It is planted and developed in large areas in eastern Anhui.

1 Biological characteristics

1.1 Configuration characteristic chu ju belongs to compositae, it is perennial root plant, plant height 60~110cm, stem erect base is a little lignification, upper part is much branched, stem is green when young, after growing lower part old root purple-brown. Leaves alternate, with fine white tomentose and distinct veins. The leaves are deeply divided, each lobe has 4 - 8 notches, like serrations. Autumn "frost fall" before and after the beginning of the stem from the top of the inflorescence, such as sword-shaped, white petals, neatly arranged, about 3~9 layers thick, with tubular flowers in the center, yellow, with capitulum for medicinal and tea use.

1.2 Growing habits Chu Ju likes warm climate and sunny environment, can be cold, slightly able to drought, afraid of waterlogging, growth period requires soil moisture, especially near flowering. It grows well in fertile, loose, well drained, humus-rich, neutral to slightly acidic soils.

2 Seedling breeding

2.1 After picking flowers in autumn, cut off the stems on the ground, dig them out and replant them in fertile fields, or apply a layer of soil fertilizer on the spot to keep warm and winter. Water management is carried out from March to April of the next year, and all seedlings are dug out when the seedlings grow to 15 - 20cm in height, lignification is more than 30%, stems are purple-green, diameter is 0.3 - 0.5 cm, and there are 7 - 9 leaves in April to May, and plants with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests are selected and divided into several plants for transplanting; and seedlings bred through indoor tissue culture and virus-free breeding can be transplanted when the height of the seedlings reaches about 20cm and there are more than 10 fibrous roots.

2.2 Cutting propagation is carried out by firstly preparing a seedbed, selecting healthy and disease-free new branches as cuttings in April and May, cutting the middle section into small sections of 10 - 15cm, obliquely cutting the lower end into a horse ear shape, removing leaves in the range of 5 - 7cm at the lower end, dipping the roots with 1500 - 3000mg/kg indoleacetic acid, or soaking the roots with 50g active root promoter and 50% carbendazim for every 10,000 cuttings, cutting and dipping (soaking) at the same time, and cutting according to the row spacing of 20 - 25cm. Plant spacing 6~7cm inserted into the seedbed compaction watering, keep the seedbed soil moist, about 20 days can root, after 35~45 days seedling height of about 20cm can be transplanted out of the nursery.

3 Cultivation techniques

3.1 The best choice for transplanting chrysanthemum is sandy soil with high dry terrain, loose soil, deep fertile soil layer and good drainage. ploughing before planting, applying decomposed farm manure 1500~2000kg and 45% ternary compound fertilizer 20~30kg per mu as base fertilizer, fine soil moisture adjustment, making soil moisture bed with width of 130~170cm, height of 20~25cm and ditch width of 30~40cm, and arranging drainage ditch around the field.

3.2 Transplanting in the evening, when planting, the top of chrysanthemum seedlings with hand pinch off 1~2cm long tender head, in order to reduce nutrient consumption, promote its more branches. Generally, according to the row spacing of 40cm×40cm and the hole depth of 5~7cm, dig holes for planting, one plant per hole, cover soil and compact after planting, and then irrigate with fixed root water.

3.3 field management

3.3.1 Before intertillage weeding and transplanting, spray 43% suancaojing herbicide 1000 times solution. After transplanting live trees, especially after rain, weed and loose bacon shall be removed in time. Before budding, intertillage weeding shall be carried out 3~5 times. The first and second times shall be shallow but not deep, and the third to fifth times shall be deep but not shallow. Try not to hurt roots. In the later stage of intertillage, soil shall be cultivated to prevent roots from lodging. If conditions permit, 10.8% high efficiency grass can be used to control grass weeds.

3.3.2 Fertilizer and water regulation Chu Ju is a plant that likes to moisten and fears waterlogging. In case of drought during its growth period, it can be combined with intertillage to improve the water retention capacity of soil, or combined with fertilization and watering with light manure to supplement water. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, topdressing should be divided into 3 times during the growth period. 15~25 days after transplanting, 1000kg of decomposed human and animal manure or 8~10kg of urea are applied to water for each mu for the first time; 1500kg of human and animal manure or 20~30kg of ternary compound fertilizer are applied to each mu for the second time in the middle of August; 2000kg of human and animal manure or 10~15kg of urea and 8~10kg of ternary compound fertilizer are applied to each mu for the third time in the middle and late of September; if conditions permit, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied to foliar surface for 1~2 times at the later stage of budding.

3.3.3 Scientific topping When the first branch is 15~20cm, the top core should be removed in time for 1~ 2 cm to control the plant height and increase the secondary branch. And so on, generally topping off the core 2~3 times, to the end of July before the end.

3.3.4 The main diseases and insect pests of chrysanthemum are downy mildew, leaf blight, mosaic disease, chrysanthemum longicorn, chrysanthemum aphid and white grubs. At the initial stage of downy mildew and leaf blight, 50% carbendazim 800~1000 times solution or 50% tuijunte 1000 times solution can be used to control 2~3 times; when mosaic disease is found, the diseased plants should be pulled out in time and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added; the underground pests such as chrysanthemum longicorn, chrysanthemum aphid and white grubs can be controlled with high efficiency and low toxicity safety pesticides such as dichloricide, imidacloprid and lesben. Stop using pesticides 20 days before picking flowers.

4 Harvesting and drying

4.1 Chrysanthemum is harvested with tubular flowers (flower center) spreading 2 ~ 3, petals spreading jade white, pistil golden yellow, true diameter about 10~15cm for picking appropriate period, generally in late October, then every 7~10 days to pick once, can pick 2~3 times. Picking is best done after the dew is dry on a sunny day, otherwise it is easy to rot and deteriorate.

4.2 Drying is to send the flowers picked on the same day to the processing unit for immediate baking and drying; second, the chrysanthemum farmers themselves will collect the flowers with bamboo curtains or straw mats under the open air, drying until semi-dry, color white, and then put in a ventilated place to dry in the shade.