
Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In view of the late sowing date and low and unstable yield of wheat with cotton stubble, we explored a set of high-yield cultivation techniques for wheat with cotton stubble, which greatly increased the yield of wheat. In 1999, the planting area of the county was about 50,000 mu, with an average yield of 350 kg per mu. The main technical points are as follows: (1) pour enough soil moisture and apply enough fertilizer to make soil moisture before October 15, then pull out the cotton plant and transport it to the outside of the field, so that the late autumn peach will crack naturally on the cotton plant. Due to the large soil fertility consumption of cotton stubble, it is necessary to increase the amount of base fertilizer. But the cotton stubble wheat sowed late and depended on the main stem.

In order to solve the problem of late sowing time and low and unstable yield of cotton stubble wheat, we explored a set of high-yield cultivation techniques of cotton stubble wheat, which greatly increased the yield of cotton stubble wheat. In 1999, the planting area of the county was about 50,000 mu, with an average yield of 350 kg per mu. The technical points are as follows:

(1) irrigate sufficient soil moisture and apply sufficient bottom fertilizer to make soil moisture before October 15, then pull out the cotton trees and transport them to the outside of the field, so that the late autumn peaches will naturally crack on the cotton trees. Due to the large soil fertility consumption of cotton stubble, it is necessary to increase the amount of base fertilizer. However, cotton stubble wheat sowed late, depending on the main stem to move, through the operation of fertilizer and water before jointing to control the sharing of glory and regulate the population. Therefore, the proportion of urea fertilizer applied at the bottom of cotton stubble wheat should not be too large. General mu application of high-quality soil fertilizer 4000 kg, diammonium phosphate 25 kg, potassium chloride 15 kg. Nitrogen fertilizer should be concentrated in wheat jointing stage.

(2) to select superior seeds to improve the sowing quality of cotton stubble wheat with short growth period and few tillers, high-yield and early mid-panicle and middle-grain wheat varieties such as Henong 321 and 71-3 should be selected. Seeds should be carefully selected, dried and mixed with chemicals before sowing, and the sowing amount should be determined according to the sowing date. The basic seedlings per mu should reach 350000 ~ 400000 when sown from October 15 to Frosts Descent, and 400000 ~ 430000 mu should be sowed after Frosts Descent. In order to ensure the sowing quality, it is necessary to make fine soil preparation and sow with a seeder with a depth of 3 cm to 4 cm, and the sowing should be uniform and consistent.

(3) the principle of winter (1) enough moisture to survive the winter: the wheat seedlings of cotton stubble have few weak tillers and poor resistance, and they are easy to be damaged by freezing during the winter, so they must have sufficient moisture to survive the winter. Pour enough moisture on the bottom before sowing. It is appropriate not to pour frozen water, so as not to slow the rise of ground temperature in early spring and affect the early development of wheat. However, in case of autumn drought, the loss of soil moisture is too fast or the sowing of soil moisture is not irrigated at the bottom, frozen water should be poured skillfully, should be poured early, and hoed in time after watering, so as to prevent soil consolidation and cracking. (2) Winter wheat pressing: winter wheat pressing can not only fill soil cracks, but also crush bumps and reduce water evaporation, which can prevent cold and preserve soil moisture and survive the winter safely. After the wheat stops growing, choose a sunny day to press the wheat in the afternoon. General soil moisture, sandy soil light pressure; soil moisture is poor. The proper pressure on the sticky weight of the soil.

(4) Management in spring (l) early morning management in spring: when the surface begins to thaw in spring, scrape away dead leaves and sundries with bamboo rake along the ridge, and then start ploughing and hoing, which can increase temperature, preserve moisture and promote early development of seedlings. (2) Fertilizer and water attack at jointing stage: the first fertilizer and water in spring should be postponed to jointing stage, and 20 kg of urea should be applied per mu. This fertilizer and water is the maximum benefit period of wheat fertilizer and water, which can increase the rent rate, the number of grains per spike and 1000-grain weight. In addition, it is necessary to irrigate booting and flowering grouting water.

(5) Control of diseases, insect pests and weeds before wheat jointing, dimethyl tetrachloride or benzenesulfuron is used to control grass pests, and wheat aphids can be used to control wheat aphids. Wheat sheath blight. Leaf blight and powdery mildew can be controlled with Lianmaqing and Fenanning. Wheat filling period can also be used to spray Shibao, Huimanfeng and other foliar fertilizer to prevent wheat dry and hot wind.