
On the technical measures for the production of summer and autumn tea

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The output and output value of summer and autumn tea account for about half of the whole year. Doing a good job of summer and autumn tea production is very important to win a bumper tea harvest and increase local financial revenue and the economic income of tea farmers. Therefore, all localities must take effective measures to improve the quality of summer and autumn tea, grasp the production momentum of spring tea, and seriously do a good job of summer and autumn tea production. To this end, the following technical measures are put forward. First, increase the application of topdressing and spraying fertilizer outside the root. It is better to apply fertilizer early for summer and autumn tea. Generally speaking, fertilizer should be topdressing in time after the end of spring tea.

The output and output value of summer and autumn tea account for about half of the whole year. Doing a good job of summer and autumn tea production is very important to win a bumper tea harvest and increase local financial revenue and the economic income of tea farmers. Therefore, all localities must take effective measures to improve the quality of summer and autumn tea, grasp the production momentum of spring tea, and seriously do a good job of summer and autumn tea production. To this end, the following technical measures are put forward.

First, increase the application of topdressing and spraying fertilizer outside the root. It is better to apply fertilizer early for summer and autumn tea. Generally speaking, topdressing should be applied in time after the end of spring tea, and the available fertilizer such as urea 15-20kg or ammonia sulfate 20-30kg per mu is better, or it can be irrigated with mature human and animal fertilizer and water. Extra-root topdressing was sprayed with urea 200-250g per 100 kg water and potassium dihydrogen phosphate 100-150g. It can also be sprayed with rare earth micro-fertilizer, tea leaf fertilizer and other tea foliar fertilizer, the effect is better.

Second, ploughing and weeding to resist drought and preserve soil moisture. The removal of weeds is an important work in the management of tea garden in summer and autumn, because the soil surface becomes solid because of the repeated trampling of spring tea pickers, which should be combined with summer and autumn tea topdressing to make the soil loose. Summer and autumn often have summer drought or autumn drought, most of the tea gardens in our province are distributed in hillside and hilly areas, which are difficult to irrigate, so we can use local materials to protect soil moisture and prevent drought. This can not only conserve water, but also inhibit the growth of weeds, and increase soil organic matter after weeds rot.

Third, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. The main diseases and insect pests of tea plants in summer and autumn have entered the peak period, which is very easy to be rampant, resulting in a reduction in production and income. The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is one of the most important tea events in this season. The main diseases and insect pests are tea inchworm, tea caterpillar, snake eye scale, small green leafhopper, mites and so on. Therefore, all localities should attach great importance to it, conduct regular investigations on a regular basis, do a good job in the prediction of diseases and insect pests, take comprehensive agricultural measures for prevention and control in time, and control them with chemical pesticides if necessary.

Fourth, due to the tree system, reasonable picking. The picking of summer and autumn tea should be based on the tree system and the combination of picking and cultivation. The renovation and renewal of tea gardens and young tea gardens should be topped in batches, mainly for retention, while the production tea gardens should be harvested in time and leaves in batches. Due to the high temperature in summer and autumn, tea leaves are easy to age, so the buds and leaves should be picked in time, and the picking batches should be increased. Generally, it can be picked once every 5 days, and more than 20 batches can be picked, mainly to pick one bud and two leaves and pairs of leaves with the same tenderness. It is necessary to put an end to unreasonable picking methods such as "old and tender picking" and random picking. Fresh leaves can not be mixed with old stems, old leaves, tea fruits and non-tea inclusions, at the same time to maintain the freshness of fresh leaves, fresh leaves must not be damaged, do not heat and deteriorate.

Fifth, fine processing, improve the grade. In order to strictly control the processing quality on the basis of the acceptance and grading of fresh leaf raw materials, we must pay for the fine processing according to the processing technology norms of black tea, green tea, pressed tea, scented tea and all kinds of famous and high-quality tea. At present, efforts should be made to overcome the tendency to simplify the shoddy processing technology of summer and autumn tea, minimize the problems of smoke, coke, loose and broken tea in tea, and strive to change the backward situation of "black tea is not red, green tea is not green, scented tea is not fragrant, and famous tea is not famous." improve the quality of summer and autumn tea in an all-round way. It is necessary to strengthen the development of famous and high-quality summer and autumn tea, harvest and produce more famous and high-grade tea, so as to increase economic income.