
Cultivation and processing techniques of three crops of Pinellia ternata in one year

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, First, it is better to select land for land preparation and plant Pinellia ternata with loose and fertile soil. When preparing the soil, 3000Mu of miscellaneous fertilizer is applied, 30kg of phosphate fertilizer is applied, 100kg of plant ash is applied, and ammonium bicarbonate is avoided. Deep ploughing fine rake, 1.3 meters wide, 0.17 meters high, 0.3 meters wide, the ditch can be intercropped with wheat, corn, sorghum or kenaf and other long-stalk crops. Second, the method of sowing usually uses tuber propagation to harvest three kinds of crops a year, that is, April and July, July and October, and April of the following year. How much seed block per mu is due to its large size?

First, it is better to select land for land preparation and plant Pinellia ternata with loose and fertile soil. When preparing the soil, 3000Mu of miscellaneous fertilizer is applied, 30kg of phosphate fertilizer is applied, 100kg of plant ash is applied, and ammonium bicarbonate is avoided. Deep ploughing fine rake, 1.3 meters wide, 0.17 meters high, 0.3 meters wide, the ditch can be intercropped with wheat, corn, sorghum or kenaf and other long-stalk crops.

Second, the method of sowing usually uses tuber propagation to harvest three kinds of crops a year, that is, April and July, July and October, and April of the following year. The number of seed blocks per mu varies with the size, and the general seed requirement per mu is more than 40 kg. When planting, trenches can be opened with a row spacing of 18 cm. The white and disease-free tubers were sown according to the plant spacing of 10-15 cm and compacted with soil. In case of dry weather, the ditch should be opened and watered along the ditch, and then sown the soil.

Third, field management is mainly to do a good job of weeding and cultivating the soil, hoeing when you see grass, first shallow and then deep. After growing for about one and a half months, there are buds on the petiole and the soil begins to be cultivated. Combined with soil cultivation, phosphate fertilizer and plant ash or potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied. If the soil is not cultivated, the pearl antler will be exposed and new beads will not grow; in case of drought, it should be frequently watered with small water and ploughed to cultivate the soil after pouring. In the late growth stage of Pinellia ternata, burdock should be cut off so as not to consume nutrients and affect the growth of tubers.

Fourth, pest control and prevention and control of virus diseases, spraying 1500 times of Zhanling liquid to control leaf spot and root rot, spraying and watering 1800 times of carbendazim wettable powder or 1800 times of agricultural antibiotic 120 water agent. 1000 times of phoxim can be sprayed to control thrips and diamondback moth larvae.

Fifth, when harvesting, processing and harvesting, ploughing can be done with ploughing, careful picking, large ones being used as medicine, and small ones being used as seeds. The medicine is first piled up indoor for 5 days, making it sweaty and easy to desquamate. Then put it in a sack or woven bag, put it on a board or slate, rub it with water, peel it, then pour it into a sieve and immerse it in water, bleach off the dregs and sell it directly to the local medicine purchasing department.