
Propagation techniques of Pinellia ternata

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The propagation of Pinellia ternata is mainly propagated by tubers and bulbs, and it can also be propagated by seeds, but the seed germination rate is not high and the production cycle is long. 1. Tuber propagation and cultivation of Pinellia ternata for 2 or 3 years, and underground tubers can be controlled after falling seedlings in June and October every year. Select small tubers with a transverse diameter of 0.5-1 cm, strong growth and free of diseases and insect pests for planting. The seed stem was mixed with moderately dry and wet fine sand, stored in a cool and ventilated place, and planted in the winter or spring of the following year. Spring planting is better, D autumn and winter planting yield

The propagation of Pinellia ternata is mainly propagated by tubers and bulbs, and it can also be propagated by seeds, but the seed germination rate is not high and the production cycle is long.

1. Tuber propagation and cultivation of Pinellia ternata for 2 or 3 years, and underground tubers can be controlled after falling seedlings in June and October every year. Select small tubers with a transverse diameter of 0.5-1 cm, strong growth and free of diseases and insect pests for planting. The seed stem was mixed with moderately dry and wet fine sand, stored in a cool and ventilated place, and planted in the winter or spring of the following year. It is better to plant in spring, and the yield of D planting in autumn and winter is low. Planting in spring should be sooner rather than later. In the south of the Yangtze River, where the climate is warm, horizontal ditches can be opened to sow on the fine raked border surface in mid-December. According to the row spacing of 125cm, plant spacing of 5cm, trench width of 10cm, depth of about 5cm, staggered arrangement of two rows in each ditch, and buds placed upward into the ditch. After planting, one layer of mixed fertilizer soil was applied (made of rotten compost and stable manure plus human and animal fertilizer, fire soil ash, etc.). It uses about 2000 kilograms per mu. Then, the ditch soil is lifted to cover it, which is about 15 mi 7cm thick. Need to plant about 100 kg per mu, properly close planting Pinellia ternata, the seedling growth is uniform and the yield is high. If it is too dense, the growth of seedlings is weak, and weeding is difficult; if it is too sparse, there are fewer seedlings and more grass, and the yield is low. The covering of soil should also be moderate, too thick, and it is difficult to emerge seedlings. Although the bulbs are large in the future, they are often formed in the soil and are not easy to pick; if the seed stems are too thin, they are easy to shrink and cannot sprout. If you encounter dry weather after planting, you should water it in time and keep the soil moist all the time.

2. Bulbous propagation Pinellia ternata has a sufficient number of buds on each stem and leaf, and it has reliable germination and early maturity, so it is the main propagation material. In summer and autumn, when the old leaves are about to wither, the bulbs are ripe and can be picked and propagated. Digging holes and sowing according to 10X8 cm apart, 2-3 seeds per hole, can also be propagated in situ by covering soil, that is, covering the soil for one batch each time, so as not to expose the strength of bulbs. At the same time, an appropriate amount of mixed fertilizer was applied. It can not only promote the germination and growth of bulbs, but also increase fertilizer for the mother tuber, kill two birds with one stone, and help to increase production.

3. Seed reproduction for more than 2 years of Pinellia ternata, from early summer to autumn and winter, can blossom and bear fruit one after another. When the flame bracts withered and sagged, the seeds were collected and stored in wet sand. From March to early April of the following year, the seedbed was sown in shallow ditches with a row spacing of 5-7 cm. After sowing, it was covered with fine soil 1 cm thick, covered with grass for heat preservation and moisturizing, and seedlings could emerge in about half a month. However, the emergence rate is low, and it is generally not used in production.

No matter which propagation method is adopted, it should be watered once before sowing to facilitate seedling emergence.