
Standardized cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pinellia ternata is the peeled and dry tuber of Pinellia ternata, a perennial herb of Araceae, alias Pinellia ternata, Pinellia ternata, Pinellia ternata and Taro. It has the effect of dryness and dampness and resolving phlegm, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffles and dispersing knots. The main treatment of phlegm cough and asthma, wind-phlegm vertigo, vomiting nausea, epigastric tightness, plum nuclear qi and so on. 1. Characteristic Pinellia ternata is a perennial herb with a height of 15cm to 40cm. Underground tubers oblate or globose, 1-3 cm in diam. Leaves arise from the top of tubers, and seedlings often have simple leaves and ovate hearts.

Pinellia ternata is the peeled and dry tuber of Pinellia ternata, a perennial herb of Araceae, alias Pinellia ternata, Pinellia ternata, Pinellia ternata and Taro. It has the effect of dryness and dampness and resolving phlegm, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffles and dispersing knots. The main treatment of phlegm cough and asthma, wind-phlegm vertigo, vomiting nausea, epigastric tightness, plum nuclear qi and so on.

I. characteristics

Pinellia ternata is a perennial herb with a height of 15cm and 40cm. Underground tubers oblate or globose, 1-3 cm in diam. Leaves arising from the top of the tuber, seedlings often with simple leaves, ovate-cordate, the middle one is larger, the two sides are smaller, the apex is acute, the base is cuneate, has a short stalk, the leaf vein is pinnately reticulate, and the lateral veins are United near the edge. There is a white bulb on the inner side of the lower part of the petiole, and sometimes there is one at the leaf tip, ovate. The berries are red when ripe.

2. Cultivation techniques

1. Choose and prepare the land. Pinellia ternata is a shallow-rooted herb with good growth and high yield in loose and high organic matter content soil. Therefore, it is appropriate to choose fertile sandy soil for planting. Legumes and Gramineae are the best crops in the previous crop. The growth of soil consolidation and thin land is poor, and the yield is low. Saline land and waterlogged waterlogged land are not easy to grow. Before ploughing the land, apply 2500-4000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer or soil fertilizer and 15-20 kg of calcium superphosphate per mu as base fertilizer, turn it 20 cm deep, rake fine and level it, and make a high border about 1 meter wide.

two。 Planting method

(1) reproduction. Tubers and bulbs are mainly used, but seeds can also be used to propagate.

a. Bulbous bud reproduction. After the leaves of the mother tuber are extracted, a bulb can be produced at the bottom of each petiole or at the base of the leaf, 0.3 cm in diameter, pointed at both ends and large in the middle. When the bulb is ripe, it can be picked for seed.

b. Small tubers propagate. The small tubers sprouted from 2-or 3-year-old Pinellia ternata can also be used as propagation materials. During harvest, small tubers with a diameter of 0.7 cm and 1 cm are selected as seeds, mixed with moist sand and stored in a cool place for sowing.

c. Seeds reproduce. It can not be harvested until 3 years after sowing, but it is rarely used in production.

(2) planting. It can be carried out all the year round, and spring planting is suitable, and the earlier the spring planting, the better. It can be broadcast or broadcast. Strip sowing, first in the border according to the row spacing of 20 cm to 25 cm to open 5 cm deep trench, the tuber will be planted in the ditch, plant spacing 2 cm 5 cm, the amount of seed per mu is about 50 kg. After sowing, cover the rotten farm manure, then apply mature human and animal manure, and finally cover the soil and the border surface. After planting, the soil should maintain a certain humidity, and when the soil is dry, it should be watered in time to facilitate seedling emergence. If you propagate with seeds, the ground should be watered thoroughly before sowing, sowed according to row spacing of 3-5 cm, covered with fine soil 3 cm thick, and then covered with weeds to maintain a certain humidity. Seedlings can emerge after 20-25 days.