
Green onion and tube grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Scientific name: ScirpustabernaemontaniGmel. Family and genus: Cyperaceae: Cyperaceae alias: Rabdosia przewalskii, morphological characteristics: plant 1m ~ 2m high, with stout creeping rhizome, stem erect, stem solitary, cylindrical, smooth epidermis, spongy interstitial tissue, stem skin tough, there are 3 or 4 membranous tubular leaf sheaths at the base, and the uppermost leaf sheath has leaves, leaves are fine linear, and the top of the stem has bracts.

Name: spring onion

Scientific name: ScirpustabernaemontaniGmel.

Family and genus: Cyperaceae

Alias: Cuiguancao, Chongtian grass

Morphological features:

The plant is 1m ~ 2m high, with stout creeping rhizome, erect stem, solitary stem, cylindrical, smooth epidermis, spongiform interstitial tissue, tough stem skin, 3 or 4 membranous tubular leaf sheaths at the base, the uppermost leaf sheath with leaves, fine linear leaves, and a bract at the top of the stem, which is shorter than the inflorescence. Long lateral branches Cymes, with 4-15 or more radiating branches, each with 3-5 spikelets, spikelets ovate or elliptic, long 5~15mm, yellowish brown, nutlets Obovate, ca. 2mm. The flowering period is from June to August and the fruiting period is from July to September.

Place of origin:

Spring onions are native to Eurasia and are distributed in both the south and north of China. They are wild on the shallow shores of lakes and ponds. They are strong, adaptable, cold-resistant, shady and saline-alkali tolerant.

Potted plants should use fertile and loose loam rich in humus. In the cold zone, the aboveground stem withered and the underground stem dormant in winter. If you enter the greenhouse for more than 10 ℃ maintenance, it can continue to grow and keep evergreen.

To breed:

Spring onions are propagated in separate plants in potted plants. before germination in early spring, root blocks are poured out and divided into sections from 2 to 3 sections. a large basin with a diameter of 40 cm without drainage holes is filled with loose and fertile loam, and a little foot pad is used as base fertilizer. Several segments of rhizomes are evenly planted to keep the plant growth dense and moderate, plump and pleasing to the eye. The soil of the basin is filled to the depth of the basin by 2 to 3. The first planting keeps the potted soil moist and opens the place with strong scenery. As the temperature rises, the plants grow and gradually fill the basin with water. It is appropriate to put a sparse shade environment in the middle of summer to keep the plants green. Dormant in winter, cut off the withered stem and store in the cold room.

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Culms can weave mats. The plant stands upright, the growth is lush, the color is elegant and clean, can be planted in the pool corner, the shore, as a barrier or backdrop in the waterscape layout, and the potted plant can be used for courtyard setting decoration. Water onion is a typical ornamental stem flower, common water onion accompanied by lotus, water lily, constitute an aquatic flower bed, constitute a beautiful and refreshing landscape. Flower leaves and water onions decorate the courtyard or living room to make it more beautiful and quiet.

The difference between the main variety of Scirpusvalidusvar.laeviglumisTangetWang and the original species is that there are no protruding spots on the scales. The difference between Scirpusvaliduscv.zebrinus (see photo) and the original species is that there are yellow ring stripes on the cylindrical stem, which is more ornamental than the original species.

Growth habits:

Spring onions like to grow in a warm and humid environment and need sunshine. It grows naturally in ponds, shallow waters by lakes, and ditches in rice fields. More hardy in most parts of the north, underground rhizomes can survive the winter naturally under water.

Medicinal properties of spring onions:

Spring onion

(Nanjing Folk Herb)

Synonym: Shuizhang Onion (Pharmacology)

Source: the stem of water onion of Cyperaceae.

Collection: harvested in summer and autumn, dried or fresh.

Medicinal materials:

Dry stem, flattened cylindrical or oblong, 60 cm long, 4 mm 9 mm in diameter, and also thicker. Appearance yellowish brown, glossy, with vertical texture, vaguely visible horizontal ring; few nodes, slightly raised. Inflorescences yellowish. Light and tough, not easy to break, the cut surface is white, and the holes are mostly spongy. The smell is faint. It is better to be dry, green, rootless and mud-free.

Processing: wash with clean water, cut into sections, and dry in the sun.

Functional indications: "Nanjing folk herbs": "Tongli urination."

Usage and dosage: internal service: fried soup.

Prescription: treat dysuria: spring onions, crickets. Fried water suit.