
Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata (2)

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The main results are as follows: (1) the propagation method of Pinellia ternata is mainly tuber propagation and bulblet propagation, and seed propagation can also be used. ① tuber propagation and cultivation of Pinellia ternata for 2 years, underground tubers can be dug up after falling seedlings in June, August and October every year. Select small tubers with a transverse diameter of about 0.5 cm, which are robust in growth and free from diseases and insect pests. The seed stem was mixed with semi-dry and semi-wet fine sand, stored in a cool and ventilated place, and planted in the winter or spring of the following year. It is better to plant it in the next spring. Line spacing 15 cm, trench width 10 cm, depth about 5 cm, each

The main results are as follows: (1) the propagation method of Pinellia ternata is mainly tuber propagation and bulblet propagation, and seed propagation can also be used.

① tuber propagation and cultivation of Pinellia ternata for 2 years, underground tubers can be dug up after falling seedlings in June, August and October every year. Select small tubers with a transverse diameter of about 0.5 cm, which are robust in growth and free from diseases and insect pests. The seed stem was mixed with semi-dry and semi-wet fine sand, stored in a cool and ventilated place, and planted in the winter or spring of the following year. It is better to plant it in the next spring. The row spacing is 15 cm, the width of the trench is 10 cm, and the depth is about 5 cm. Each ditch is staggered in two rows, and the buds are placed upward into the ditch. After planting, a layer of mixed fertilizer is applied, and then the soil is covered with about 5 cm. It needs to be planted about 100 kg per mu.

② bulb propagation Pinellia ternata has one bulb on each stem and leaf, which is abundant in quantity, reliable in germination and early in maturity, so it is the main propagation material. In summer and autumn, when the old leaves were about to wither, the bulbs matured, and then they were picked and planted according to the row spacing of 10 cm × 8 cm, with 2 grains per hole. It can also be propagated in thick soil cover, that is, a batch of seedlings are dropped, the buds are dropped on the original soil surface, four-toothed loess soil surface is used once, and appropriate amount of mixed fertilizer is applied at the same time, which can not only promote the growth of bead buds, but also increase the application of fertilizer for mother tubers.

Pinellia ternata, which has been propagated for more than 2 years, can blossom and bear fruit one after another from early summer to autumn and winter with ③ seeds. When the sprouts are yellow and sagging, the seeds are collected and stored in wet sand, and then sowed on the seedling bed from March to April in the second year, and the seedlings emerge in about 15 days, but the emergence rate is not high, the seed germination potential is weak, the growth is slow, and it is not often used in production.

(2) the cultivation land of Pinellia ternata should be planted in sandy loam with moist and fertile soil, strong water and fertility conservation and loose texture, as well as gentle slope mountain area with half shade and half sun, and intercropping with corn, rape, wheat and fruit forest. After selecting the land, turn it deeply in winter, apply sufficient basic fertilizer and rake flat to make the bed.

(3) in field management, the seedlings of Pinellia ternata grow slowly, but the weeds grow rapidly, so weeds should be weeded for 3 or 4 times in time, and the roots should not be hurt by shallow hoe when ploughing. Water and fertilizer management is also very important, Pinellia ternata should always keep moist, cool, and timely topdressing, human feces and diamine phosphate can be. The common diseases and insect pests are rot disease, leaf spot disease, virus disease and so on.