
Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pinellia ternata is the dry tuber of Pinellia ternata (Pinelliaternata), also known as taro, three-step jump, wild taro, is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, with the functions of dryness and dampness, reducing adverse reactions and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffles and dispersing knots. Mainly produced in Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong and other provinces, of which Sichuan Province has large output and good quality. It is distributed in most parts of our country. (1) morphological characteristics of perennial herbs, plant height 15 cm ~ 40 cm. Underground tuber spherical or oblate

Pinellia ternata is the dry tuber of Pinellia ternata (Pinelliaternata), also known as taro, three-step jump, wild taro, is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, with the functions of dryness and dampness, reducing adverse reactions and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffles and dispersing knots. Mainly produced in Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong and other provinces, of which Sichuan Province has large output and good quality. It is distributed in most parts of our country.

(1) morphological characteristics

Herbs perennial, plant height 15 cm ~ 40 cm. The underground tuber is spherical or oblate, 0.5 cm ~ 4 cm in diameter, with many fibrous roots at the base of the bud, yellowish and smooth at the bottom and some large tubers planted year after year, often associated with several small tuber lateral buds. Leaves basal, long-stalked, annual or smaller bulbous leaves ovate-cordate or anterior-shaped, biennial or above 3-foliolate compound leaves, leaflets elliptic to lanceolate, the middle one is larger, 5 cm ~ 15 cm long and 2 cm ~ 4 cm wide; apex pointed, base cuneate, entire smooth glabrous. There is an ovate globule on the inner side of the lower part of the petiole, and another small globule is occasionally seen at the confluence of the leaflets. Flowers unisexual, monoecious, fleshy inflorescences terminal, Buddha bracts green or green-purple, lower tubular not open, upper slightly open, female flowers born at the base of inflorescences, male flowers above female flowers. Berry green, ovoid, 1 seed, grayish green. The flowering period is from May to July and the fruiting period is from August to September, as shown in Fig. 4Mel 5.

(2) growth habits

Pinellia ternata is a shallow-rooted plant, like fertilizer, originally wild in wet and loose and fertile sandy loam or humus soil. Like mild, humid climate and shady environment, afraid of drought, avoid high temperature. In summer, it is appropriate to grow in a semi-overcast and semi-yang environment; it is more suitable to grow when the soil water content is 20% ~ 40%; drought and lack of water are easy to pour seedlings, generally with the change of the growth environment, the seedlings can be dropped three times a year. For Pinellia ternata, on the one hand, it is an adaptation to the adverse environment, and more importantly, it increases the number of bulbs, that is, an asexual reproduction using globules as propagation materials.

Pinellia ternata germinated and grew at 15C, and seedlings began to sprout at 15C. 15C~26C was the optimum growth temperature, growing slowly above 30C, falling seedlings began to appear when it was more than 35C and lack of water, and underground tubers passed through the bad environment. When the autumn is cool, the seedlings come back and continue to grow, and the leaves begin to wither when it is lower than 13C after autumn.

The tubers, bulbs and seeds of Pinellia ternata had no physiological dormancy. The life span of seeds is 1 year.

For the tubers sown in winter or early spring, the petioles are issued when the ground temperature of 1 cm ~ 5 cm reaches 10C~13C. If the surface air temperature is lower than the above ground temperature for several days, the petioles grow horizontally in the soil and grow a generation of bulbs at the same time. The longer the duration of the difference between ground and air temperature, the longer the petiole grows in the soil, and the bigger the underground bulb grows. When the temperature rises to 13C~15C, the petiole grows upright above the ground.

(3) cultivation techniques

1. There is a great variability among wild populations of Pinellia ternata, which is mainly manifested in the shape of leaves, the location of bulbs and the shape of tubers. Due to the short cultivation history of Pinellia ternata, no stable variety has been cultivated at present. The narrow leaf type of Pinellia ternata has higher yield.

2. The sandy loam with loose, fertile, moist and irrigation conditions is the most suitable for land selection and soil preparation. Sticky land, saline-alkali land and waterlogged land are not suitable for planting. Legume crops should be selected in the previous crop, which can be planted continuously for 3 years. The root system of Pinellia ternata is shallow, generally no more than 20 cm, and likes fertilizer, so before sowing, basic fertilizer should be applied, 8000 kg of farm fertilizer, 150kg of cake fertilizer and 80kg of calcium superphosphate should be applied every 1000 square meters, shallow ploughing and fine raking, leveling into a border 1 meter wide, the length should not exceed 20 meters, to facilitate irrigation and drainage.

3. Tuber and bulb propagation are often used in propagation methods, and asexual rapid propagation can also be carried out by seed breeding or tissue culture.

The main results are as follows: (1) seed propagation: when the bud is yellow, the seeds harvested in summer can be picked and sown, and the seeds harvested at the end of autumn can be stored in sand until March of the following year. According to the row spacing of 10 cm, dig out a shallow trench 2 cm deep, sow the seeds, flatten them and keep them moist, then the seedlings can emerge. In that year, the first leaf was ovate heart-shaped single leaf, and there were generally no bulblets on the petiole. in the second year, there were 3-4 heart-shaped leaves, occasionally compound leaves composed of 3 leaflets, and globules could be seen. The seedlings can form tubers with a diameter of 0.3 cm ~ 0.6 cm in the same year, which can be used as seed stems in the second year.

(2) bulbous bud propagation: bulbous buds of Pinellia ternata can take root and sprout when they touch soil. Mature bulbs can be harvested in May-June, sown according to row spacing of 10 cm, plant spacing of 3 cm, trench depth of 3 cm, and soil cover of 2 cm. In the same year, 3 leaves can be grown and tubers of 1 cm ~ 2 cm can be formed.

(3) Tuber propagation: during harvest, tubers with a diameter of 0.5 cm ~ 1.5 cm were selected as seeds, which were generally planted when the average temperature in spring was about 10C. On the whole border, open a ditch 4 cm ~ 5 cm deep according to the row spacing of 20 cm, the bottom of the ditch should be flat, and put the seed stem crossing two rows into the ditch according to the plant spacing of 3 cm, the bud head is upward, cover the soil flat, and add a little filling pressure. It can also be planted in combination with harvest in autumn, generally from late September to early October, with the same method as spring sowing. Seed stalks are used for every 1000 square meters.

4. Field management

(1) Irrigation and drainage: after sowing, seedlings generally emerge in 20 days in spring. in case of severe drought, properly watering to preserve seedlings, timely ploughing and weeding after finishing seedlings, and controlled watering, so as to prevent the aboveground parts from growing too fast and improve the ability of drought resistance and heat resistance. After May, as the temperature rises, more water should be watered to keep the border moist so as to delay the fall of seedlings. Stagnant water in the rainy season should be drained in time to prevent rotting roots.

(2) topdressing and cultivating soil: Pinellia ternata likes to be fertilized and bulblets can develop well in the soil, so topdressing and cultivating soil in time is an important measure to increase yield. In late May or early June, when the bulblets grow and fall off, 1000 kg of ring fertilizer and 8 kg of urea are applied every 1000 square meters and sprinkled evenly in the ditch, and the soil between rows is cultivated on Pinellia seedlings to just cover the bulbs. Do not cover the leaves in the soil. The number of times of soil cultivation depends on the growth of the plant, usually 2 or 3 times. In addition, in the late growth stage of Pinellia ternata, spraying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 500PPm a-NAA every 10 days had a certain yield-increasing effect. If there is no seed, the scape should be removed in time.

(3) sunshade: in production, corn and legumes can be intercropped on the border in the middle and last ten days of April, and the crops grow tall or set up to shade in the first and middle of June. After September, the temperature is getting lower and lower, so the crops should be harvested in time.

5. Pest control

(1) Root rot: this disease is easy to occur in high temperature season and stagnant water in the field. After the disease, the underground tuber rotted, and the shoot immediately fell to death. Prevention and control methods: mainly pay attention to drainage, pull out diseased plants, and treat diseased holes or irrigate roots with 5% lime water, or soak seeds with 0.5%-2% lime water for 12-30 hours when sowing.

(2) virus disease: the specific manifestations are shrinking leaves and mosaics, which mostly occur in spring and summer. After the disease occurs, the diseased plants should be removed and burned and disinfected with lime.

(3) Red diamondback moth: the larvae are harmful to the leaves, which often occur after May. It can be sprayed with stomach poisons such as trichlorfon or killed artificially.

(4) harvesting and processing

In late September, the leaves were harvested when they were orange. The yield is affected prematurely, and it is difficult to peel and dry too late. The fresh Pinellia ternata that needs to be processed after harvest should be peeled in time, and it is not easy to peel it if it is stacked for too long. The method is to put the fresh Pinellia ternata into the basket or gunny bag, wear rubber shoes and step on the outer skin with your feet, or you can use the Pinellia ternata peeling machine to wash and dry or dry it for a living. The drying rate is (3: 4): 1. With a big, clean skin, white, strong, pink foot is preferred.

Pinellia ternata can be stored through the winter by means of sand storage.