
4 key points of cultivation techniques of Ningmai 13

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Ningmai 13 has compact plant type, elegant appearance, coordinated yield structure such as spike number per mu, grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight, high grain density and grain weight, tidy spike layer, high resistance to spindle stripe mosaic disease, medium resistance to scab, medium susceptibility to sheath blight, powdery mildew and leaf rust, and wide adaptability. As long as we strictly grasp the appropriate sowing time, strengthen field management and pest control, we can prevent the occurrence of frost injury caused by warm winter and increase yield. Ningmai 13 wheat has been planted in Tangzhuang Town of Gaoyou City for three consecutive years since 2005, and the yield per mu has exceeded 50%.

Ningmai 13 has compact plant type, elegant appearance, coordinated yield structure such as ear number per mu, grain number per panicle and 1000-grain weight, high grain density and grain weight, neat ear layer, high resistance to spindle stripe mosaic, medium resistance to scab, medium susceptibility to sheath blight, powdery mildew and leaf rust, and wide adaptability. As long as we strictly grasp the appropriate sowing time, strengthen field management and pest control, we can prevent the occurrence of frost injury caused by warm winter and increase yield. Ningmai 13 wheat has been planted in Tangzhuang Town of Gaoyou City for three consecutive years since 2005, and the yield per mu has exceeded 500 kg. The technical measures are introduced as follows.

First, sow seeds at the right time to strive for strong seedlings to survive the winter. Considering the effect of warm winter on the growth and development of wheat, it is necessary to postpone the sowing date of wheat in large area production in order to prevent the freezing injury of jointing before winter. The sowing date is aimed at strong seedlings overwintering, and the index of 400 ℃ active accumulated temperature before overwintering is reasonably determined according to the local climatic characteristics. The general sowing time is 5-7 days later than the sowing date determined from 1980s to early 1990s, and it is appropriate to sow from the end of October to early November to avoid freezing injury in advance of the early growth period of sowing.

Second, moderate close planting to establish a high-yield population. For high-yield fields with fertile soil, it is appropriate to adopt the technique of precision sowing and high-yield cultivation, and the suitable basic seedlings per mu should be 8-120000 per mu, and 12-150000 per mu for fields with medium soil fertility. If sowing at the right time, the seed consumption per mu shall be 7-10 kg; for late sowing, the sowing amount shall be increased by 0.25-0.5 kg per day, but the seed consumption per mu shall not exceed 20 kg. Seed dressing with paclobutrazol is recommended to enhance plant lodging resistance.

Third, scientific fertilization, saving nitrogen, increasing phosphorus and potassium to ensure quality. Ningmai 13 is a weak gluten wheat variety. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer can easily lead to the increase of grain protein and the decrease of grain quality. The yield index of 500kg per mu is 15-18 kg of pure nitrogen, 7-9 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and potassium oxide per mu, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 2:1:1. Master the fertilization principle of promoting early development of sufficient fertilizer in the early stage and controlling the quality of nitrogen fertilizer in the later stage. The ratio of base fertilizer to topdressing fertilizer in nitrogen fertilizer was 7:3, that is, 70% of base fertilizer, 15% of tiller fertilizer and 15% of jointing and booting fertilizer.

Fourth, prevent and control diseases to ensure high quality and high yield. At the jointing stage, use 150-200 grams of 20% chloramphenicol per mu or 400-500 grams of 5% Jinggangmycin per mu, add 20-25 kg of water and use a fogging machine to control sheath blight, and ensure that the liquid can be drenched to the base of the stem. At the heading and flowering stage (10% of wheat ears see anther), 75% carbendazim 100 grams, 15% trimethoprim 35-50 grams per mu, 60 kg water spray or 20 kg water spray to control scab, powdery mildew and rust.