
Cultivation and Management of Chrysanthemum morifolium in South America and its efficacy and use

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chrysanthemum morifolium (Dijinhua, South American chamomile) scientific name: wedeliatrilobata alias: Trifid Chrysanthemum, Dijinhua, Diandra (Yunnan), keel seven families: Compositae morphological characteristics: perennial herbs. Stems creeping, leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate

Chrysanthemum morifolium (Dijinhua, South American morifolium)

Scientific name: wedelia trilobata

Aliases: Trifid leaf chrysanthemum, Dijinhua, piercing dragon (Yunnan), keel seven

Family and genus: Compositae

Morphological features: perennial herbs. Stems creeping, leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate. Inflorescences solitary branch apex or leaf axils, flowers yellow.

Ecological habits: extensive nature, rapid growth, like light, warm, drought and barren, salt and alkali tolerance, not resistant to low temperature. Cutting branches and cutting them directly at the planting site can survive. The growth is a little weaker in winter.

Main points of cultivation: positive plants, sex like sunshine, high temperature, drought tolerance, suitable temperature 1830 degrees Celsius, strong nature, rapid greening, not only stabilize soil and water, but also inhibit the growth of weeds, the effect is excellent, but it is not resistant to trampling, and is easy to hide snakes and rats. It is easy to reproduce, and the cutting of stems and leaves can survive. It is mainly propagated by cutting; the method is to use branches and stems as cuttings; it can be propagated at any time except in the cold season.

Flowering: there are flowers in the four seasons, in full bloom in summer and autumn.

Flower words: continue continuously.

Garden uses: luxuriant branches and leaves, emerald green, common ornamental quilts in Guangdong and Guangzhou. Commonly used on both sides of highways and urban roads. Especially suitable for school high-rise corridor flower bed or building windowsill overhanging beautification, stems and leaves such as green curtain, very beautiful. Usually to watch the leaves, flowers as a supplement, especially suitable for school high-rise corridor flower bed or building windowsill overhanging beautification, stems and leaves, such as green curtain, very beautiful.

South American chrysanthemum, alias trifid leaf chrysanthemum, Dijinhua, piercing dragon. Compositae, perennial herbs, native to tropical America. Cuttings are commonly used to propagate and propagate separately. Extensive nature, like temperate to tropical climate, not resistant to frost. Flowers simple and terminal, pedicels long, yellow, flowering throughout the year. Often make flower beds and garden beautification, can be planted in clusters. It has good sand fixing ability and is an excellent covering plant for slope protection and embankment protection.

Stem lying on the ground, with short hairs. Leaves opposite, bright and thick, flowers bright yellow axillary, long stalked, planted stems and leaves as green as edges serrated. The head is yellow about 2.5 cm in diameter and is mostly used for ground cover. Perennial perennial flowers, blooming continuously throughout the year, is an excellent ground cover plant. Upland planting is drape. The stem is creeping, and the stem length can reach more than 2m. The flowers are bright yellow and the leaves are green. It is usually dominated by foliage and supplemented by flowers. Positive plants need strong light. The suitable temperature for childbearing is 18-30 ℃.

Flowers: yellow capitate flowers, solitary at the top of the stem, ligulate flowers short and wide, only a few pieces, bright yellow axillary, long stalked, very long florescence, almost see flowers throughout the year.

Fruit: achenes angled, apex with stiff crown hairs.

Bracts ovate, coarsely setose, with seven to nine ligulate petals on the periphery, crown short and wide, few, female, central tubular flowers, bisexual, tubular, 5-toothed, style tip. After the flower fades, the Corolla looks like a small showerhead, achene 3-4 rhombic, apex setose.

South American chrysanthemum

The flower has two kinds of florets: tubular flower and pseudoglossal flower, in which the petal appendage structure (fleshy thorn) of the tubular flower may affect the normal pollination to a certain extent; there is no obstacle in the pollination medium, and the main media are horned wasp and sorrel butterfly. The pollen vigor and stigma receptivity are poor, the seed setting rate is very low, and the seed germination rate is low under normal conditions. The stem creeping and lying on the ground spread, the upland cultivation was drape, and the ground cultivation was creeping. All densely stiff short hairs, easy to root from nodes. Without stipules, leaves opposite elliptic to Obovate, base cuneate, apex trifid sharply obtuse, lower part slightly 3-lobed, upper shallowly serrate margin, thick, shortly setose, glossy, double-sided rough, palmate veins 3 obviously sunken. Capitate flowers yellow axillary, long-stalked, double-flowered chrysanthemum with elongated stems angled and hirsute. Its leaves are oval, cross opposite arrangement about 5~14cm, width about 4~8cm, leaf edges are serrated; although the leaves feel paper, but because the upper and lower surfaces are covered with flat hard hairs, so the feeling is still thick; petiole is quite long, usually 1.2cm long, sometimes can grow to 2.5cm

Native to South America, it is extensive in nature, likes temperate to tropical climate, and is not resistant to frost. Perennial perennial flowers, blooming continuously throughout the year, is an excellent ground cover plant. Upland planting is drape. The stem is creeping, and the stem length can reach more than 2m. The flowers are bright yellow and the leaves are green. It is usually dominated by foliage and supplemented by flowers. Positive plant, sun-loving, heat-resistant, drought-tolerant, suitable for growth and development at 18: 30 ℃

Strong nature, rapid greening, not only can stabilize soil and water, and can inhibit the growth of weeds, the effect is excellent, but not resistant to trampling, and easy to hide snakes and rats.

Photosynthesis characteristic

The main results are as follows: (1) the South American chrysanthemum has strong CO2 fixation ability. The net photosynthetic rate of the South American chamomile is 22.1 μ 2m/s / (2m/s), which is higher than that of the split leaf petunia (17.2 μ mol / (2m/s)) and the five-clawed golden dragon (18.6 μ mol / (2m/s)).

The diurnal process curves of photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of 23 species of plants showed a "bimodal" type, and the change law of stomatal conductance was similar to that of transpiration rate, and decreased to a certain extent around noon.

(3) the curve of dark respiration rate showed a single peak, and the peak appeared at noon, and the order of dark respiration rate was as follows: five-clawed golden dragon, split leaf morning glory, South American petunium.

(4) the light saturation point and light compensation point of South American chamomile are 1531 μ 2m/s / (2m/s) and 20.0 μ mol / (mol), respectively. It is also adaptable to weak light. It has the widest range of effective photosynthetic radiation and high quantum utilization efficiency, and has a strong ability to tolerate strong light and adapt to shady environment. This study helps to explain the rapid growth, high productivity and competitive biological characteristics of South American chrysanthemum.

Culture methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium in South America

It is easy to reproduce, and the cutting of stems and leaves can survive. It is mainly propagated by cutting; the method is to use branches and stems as cuttings; it can be propagated at any time except in the cold season.

Sowing seeds

Autumn sowing is often held after mid-late September:

Matrix disinfection to disinfect the sowing substrate, the best way is to put it in a pan and stir-fry it so that any diseases and insects can be scalded to death.


Soak the seeds in warm hot water (the temperature is about the same as facial wash) for 3 to 10 hours until the seeds absorb water and expand. For common seeds that germinate easily, this work does not have to be done.

Sowing seeds

For small seeds that are difficult to pick up with hands or other tools, wet one end of the toothpick with water, stick the seeds one by one on the surface of the matrix, cover the substrate 1 cm thick, and then put the seeding flowerpot into the water. the depth of the water is 1 foot 2 feet 2 tap 3 of the height of the flowerpot, allowing the water to soak up slowly (this method is called "pot immersion").

For larger seeds that can be picked up by hand or other tools, put the seeds directly into the substrate and sow them at an interval of 3 × 3cm. After sowing, the substrate was covered, and the thickness of the cover was 2-3 times that of the seed. After sowing, you can wet the sowing matrix with sprayers and fine-hole showers. Later, when the basin soil is slightly dry, you should still pay attention to the watering strength so as not to wash the seeds up.

Management after sowing

After sowing in autumn, when you encounter a cold wave and low temperature, you can wrap the flowerpot with plastic film to keep warm and wet.

After the seedlings are unearthed, uncover the film in time, and let the seedlings be exposed to the sun before 9:30 in the morning or after 3:30 in the afternoon, otherwise the seedlings will grow very weakly.

After most of the seeds come out, they need to plant seedlings properly: pull out the diseased and unhealthy seedlings, so that the seedlings left behind have some space between each other.

When most of the seedlings have three or more leaves, they can be transplanted into the pot.

Cuttage propagation

Cutting substrate is used for cutting nutrient soil or river sand, peat soil and other materials. Due to the limited conditions, it is difficult to get an ideal cutting substrate, so it is recommended to use the prepared and sterilized cutting substrate provided by this station; medium and coarse river sand is also fine, but rinse with clean water several times before use. Do not use sea sand and river sand in saline-alkali areas, they are not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

Selection of cutting branches

The branches used for cutting are called cuttings. Usually combined with the heart-picking work, the sturdy, disease-free top tip is taken as a cuttage, and the top tip is cut directly.

Management after cuttage


The optimum temperature for rooting of cuttings was 18-25 ℃, which was lower than 18 ℃, and the rooting of cuttings was difficult and slow. When the temperature was higher than 25 ℃, the cuttings were susceptible to bacterial infection and rot, and the higher the temperature was, the greater the proportion of rot was. When there is a low temperature after cutting, the heat preservation measure is mainly to wrap the flowerpot or container used for cutting with thin film; when the temperature is too high after cutting, the cooling measure is mainly to shade the cuttings, to cover 50%-80% of the sun, and at the same time, spray the cuttings 3-5 times a day, with more times of spraying when the temperature is higher in sunny days, lower temperatures in rainy days, and less or no spraying times.


The relative humidity of the air must be kept at 750.85% after cutting. You can increase the humidity by spraying the cuttings 1-3 times a day, the higher the temperature in sunny days, the more times you spray, and the lower the temperature in cloudy and rainy days, the less or no spraying. But with excessive spraying, cuttings are easy to be infected by bacteria and rot, because many kinds of bacteria exist in the water.


Cutting propagation is inseparable from sunlight, but the stronger the light is, the higher the temperature in the cuttings is, the more exuberant transpiration of cuttings is, and the more water is consumed, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. Therefore, after cutting, the sun must be shaded by 50% to 80%, and then gradually removed after the root system grows: remove the sunscreen at 4:00 every sunny day, and cover it before 9:00 the next day.

Ramet propagation

Ramet time: preferably after soil thawing in early spring (February or March).

Ramet method:

Take the mother plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the excess potted soil, separate the root system as much as possible, and cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife, each with a considerable root system. and its leaves are properly trimmed to facilitate survival.

Disinfection in a basin: soak the divided plants in 1500 times chlorothalonil solution for five minutes, then take out and dry, and then put on the basin. You can also irrigate the root with chlorothalonil immediately after potting.

Management after ramet: put the ramet into the basin and irrigate the root or irrigate once. Because its root system is greatly damaged and its water absorption capacity is very weak, it takes about 3-4 weeks to recover new roots. Therefore, it is necessary to control watering within 3-4 weeks after ramet to avoid rotting roots, but the transpiration of its leaves is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of leaves, it is necessary to spray the leaf surface one or three times a day (more spraying at high temperature, less spraying at low temperature or no spraying at low temperature). Don't fertilize it these days. After the split, but also pay attention to the sun is too strong, it is best to put in the shade to maintain.

Pot or transplant

First put the thick 2~3cm thick matrix as the filter layer at the bottom of the basin, and then put in the plant.

One of the following substrates can be used in the upper basin: peat: perlite: ceramsite = 2purl; peat: vermiculite = 1bure1; or peat: cinder: haydite = 2vl; sawdust: vermiculite: medium river sand = 2:2:1, vegetable garden soil: slag = 3:1; or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust: sawdust = 4river2; or paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil, etc.

After putting on the basin, pour water once and keep it in a shaded environment.

Humidity management

Like a slightly humid climate, requiring the relative temperature of the air in the growing environment to be 50%-70%.

Temperature management

I like high temperature climate, but I can't bear frost.

When the ambient temperature is below 3 ℃, the correct treatment method is:

Wrap it in a thin film for the winter, but uncover it every two days when the temperature is high at noon to let it breathe.

Move it to a heated room for the winter.

Light management

Sufficient sunshine is required. In spring, autumn and winter, because the temperature is not very high, it is necessary to give it direct sunlight to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds, flowering and fruiting. There can be a little shade in summer.

Put in indoor maintenance, as far as possible in places with bright light, such as well-lit living room, bedroom, study and other places. After indoor maintenance for a period of time (about two months), it should be moved to an outdoor place with shade (heat preservation in winter) for a period of time (about a month), so alternately.

Fertilizer and water management

Like other grass flowers, they have more requirements for fertilizer and water, but they are most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, and are required to follow the two fertilization principles of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less fertilizer and more times, complete nutrition" and "dry and wet, dry and dry. Water", and after fertilization, leaves and flowers should be kept dry at night:


After the sowing seedlings have been restored for a period of time, it is necessary to quickly keep up with the management of fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- with an interval of about 1-3 days, with shorter intervals during sunny days or high temperatures, and longer intervals or no watering during rainy days or low temperatures.


Although it continues to grow, low temperatures will slow its growth rate, require little fertilizer and water, and even control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management cycle in the order of "Huabao"-clear water-clear water-"Huabao"-clear water-clear water, the interval period is about 4-7 days, the interval period is shorter during sunny or high temperature, and the interval is longer or not irrigated during rainy or low temperature.

Watering time is arranged as far as possible when the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day.


After the temperature rises, the growth recovers rapidly, and gradually enters the flower bud differentiation stage and flowering stage, which requires a lot of fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-- clear water-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- with an interval of about 2-4 days, shorter intervals in sunny days or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering in rainy days or low temperatures.

After entering the fruiting stage, stop the supply of fertilizer.

Rotating basin

Usually, it is not specially turned into a pot, but is replanted every year when it is combined with ramets.

South American chrysanthemum

South American chrysanthemum, alias trifid leaf chrysanthemum, Dijinhua, piercing dragon. Compositae, perennial herbs, native to tropical America. Cuttings are commonly used to propagate and propagate separately. Extensive nature, like temperate to tropical climate, not resistant to frost. Flowers simple and terminal, pedicels long, yellow, flowering throughout the year. Often make flower beds and garden beautification, can be planted in clusters. It has good sand fixing ability and is an excellent covering plant for slope protection and embankment protection.

Stem lying on the ground, with short hairs. Leaves opposite, bright and thick, flowers bright yellow axillary, long stalked, planted stems and leaves as green as edges serrated. The head is yellow about 2.5 cm in diameter and is mostly used for ground cover. Perennial perennial flowers, blooming continuously throughout the year, is an excellent ground cover plant. Upland planting is drape. The stem is creeping, and the stem length can reach more than 2m. The flowers are bright yellow and the leaves are green. It is usually dominated by foliage and supplemented by flowers. Positive plants need strong light. The suitable temperature for childbearing is 18-30 ℃.

Flowers: yellow capitate flowers, solitary at the top of the stem, ligulate flowers short and wide, only a few pieces, bright yellow axillary, long stalked, very long florescence, almost see flowers throughout the year.

Fruit: achenes angled, apex with stiff crown hairs.

Bracts ovate, coarsely setose, with seven to nine ligulate petals on the periphery, crown short and wide, few, female, central tubular flowers, bisexual, tubular, 5-toothed, style tip. After the flower fades, the Corolla looks like a small showerhead, achene 3-4 rhombic, apex setose.

South American chrysanthemum

The flower has two kinds of florets: tubular flower and pseudoglossal flower, in which the petal appendage structure (fleshy thorn) of the tubular flower may affect the normal pollination to a certain extent; there is no obstacle in the pollination medium, and the main media are horned wasp and sorrel butterfly. The pollen vigor and stigma receptivity are poor, the seed setting rate is very low, and the seed germination rate is low under normal conditions. The stem creeping and lying on the ground spread, the upland cultivation was drape, and the ground cultivation was creeping. All densely stiff short hairs, easy to root from nodes. Without stipules, leaves opposite elliptic to Obovate, base cuneate, apex trifid sharply obtuse, lower part slightly 3-lobed, upper shallowly serrate margin, thick, shortly setose, glossy, double-sided rough, palmate veins 3 obviously sunken. Capitate flowers yellow axillary, long-stalked, double-flowered chrysanthemum with elongated stems angled and hirsute. Its leaves are oval, cross opposite arrangement about 5~14cm, width about 4~8cm, leaf edges are serrated; although the leaves feel paper, but because the upper and lower surfaces are covered with flat hard hairs, so the feeling is still thick; petiole is quite long, usually 1.2cm long, sometimes can grow to 2.5cm

Native to South America, it is extensive in nature, likes temperate to tropical climate, and is not resistant to frost. Perennial perennial flowers, blooming continuously throughout the year, is an excellent ground cover plant. Upland planting is drape. The stem is creeping, and the stem length can reach more than 2m. The flowers are bright yellow and the leaves are green. It is usually dominated by foliage and supplemented by flowers. Positive plant, sun-loving, heat-resistant, drought-tolerant, suitable for growth and development at 18: 30 ℃

Strong nature, rapid greening, not only can stabilize soil and water, and can inhibit the growth of weeds, the effect is excellent, but not resistant to trampling, and easy to hide snakes and rats.

Photosynthesis characteristic

The main results are as follows: (1) the South American chrysanthemum has strong CO2 fixation ability. The net photosynthetic rate of the South American chamomile is 22.1 μ 2m/s / (2m/s), which is higher than that of the split leaf petunia (17.2 μ mol / (2m/s)) and the five-clawed golden dragon (18.6 μ mol / (2m/s)).

The diurnal process curves of photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of 23 species of plants showed a "bimodal" type, and the change law of stomatal conductance was similar to that of transpiration rate, and decreased to a certain extent around noon.

(3) the curve of dark respiration rate showed a single peak, and the peak appeared at noon, and the order of dark respiration rate was as follows: five-clawed golden dragon, split leaf morning glory, South American petunium.

4. The light saturation point of Wedelia chinensis is 1531μmol/(2m/s), the light compensation point is 20.0μmol/(2m/s), and the adaptability to weak light condition is strong. Wedelia chinensis has the widest effective photosynthetic radiation range, high light quantum utilization efficiency, and strong ability to tolerate strong light and adapt to shady environment. This study helps to explain the biological characteristics of rapid growth, high productivity and strong competitiveness of Wedelia chinensis.

Culture method of Wedelia chinensis

Propagation is easy, and stem cuttings can survive. The main method of propagation is cutting; the method is to take branches and stems as cuttings; in addition to cold seasons, other times can be propagated.


Autumn sowing is often carried out after mid-to-late September:

Substrate disinfection The best way to disinfect the substrate used for seeding is to put it in a pan and fry it. Any insect or pest can be scalded to death.


Soak the seeds in lukewarm water (about the same temperature as washing your face) for 3 to 10 hours until they absorb water and swell. For common seeds that germinate easily, this work can be omitted.


For small seeds that are difficult to pick up by hand or other tools, wet one end of the toothpick with water, stick the seeds one by one on the surface of the substrate, cover the substrate 1 cm thick, and then put the planted flowerpot into water, the depth of water is 1/2~2/3 of the height of the flowerpot, and let the water slowly soak up (this method is called "pot dipping method");

For seeds with larger seeds that can be picked up by hand or other tools, directly put the seeds into the substrate and sow them at intervals of 3× 3 cm. After sowing, cover the substrate, and the covering thickness is 2~3 times of the seed grain. After sowing, spray can be used, fine hole shower to seed substrate wet, later when the pot soil slightly dry and then sprinkle water, still pay attention to watering strength can not be too large, so as not to flush the seeds up;

Post-seeding management

After sowing in autumn, when encountering cold wave and low temperature, the flowerpot can be wrapped with plastic film to keep warm and moist;

After the seedlings are unearthed, the film should be uncovered in time, and the seedlings should be exposed to the sun before 9:30 in the morning or after 3:30 in the afternoon, otherwise the seedlings will grow very weak;

Most of the seeds out of Qi, the need to properly thin seedlings: the disease, the growth of unhealthy seedlings pulled out, so that there is a certain space between the seedlings left;

When most seedlings have three or more leaves, they are ready for transplantation.

cutting propagation

Cuttage substrate is used to cuttage nutrient soil or river sand, clay and other materials. It is difficult to get ideal cuttage matrix due to family cuttage conditions. It is recommended to use the prepared and disinfected cuttage matrix provided by this station; medium coarse river sand is also OK, but it should be washed with water several times before use. Sea sand and river sand in saline-alkali areas should not be used because they are not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

Selection of Cuttings

The branches used for cuttings are called cuttings. Usually combined with the work of picking, the thick, disease-free top shoots taken off are used as cuttings, and the top shoots are directly used for cutting.

Management after cutting


The optimum temperature for cuttings rooting was 18~25℃, lower than 18℃, cuttings rooting was difficult and slow, higher than 25℃, cuttings were easily infected and rotted, and the higher the temperature, the greater the proportion of rot. After cutting encounter low temperature, insulation measures are mainly used to cut the pot or container wrapped with film; cutting temperature is too high temperature, cooling measures are mainly to cut shade, to cover 50%~80% of the sun, at the same time, to cut spray, 3~5 times a day, sunny temperature higher spray times are more, rainy days lower temperature is larger, spray times are less or not spray.


The relative humidity of the air must be maintained at 75 - 85% after cutting. The humidity can be increased by spraying cuttings 1 to 3 times a day. The higher the temperature in sunny days, the more the number of spraying times. The lower the temperature in rainy days, the less or no spraying times. However, excessive spraying, cuttings are easily infected and rotted by germs, because many kinds of germs exist in water.


Cuttage propagation can not be separated from sunlight, but the stronger the light, the higher the temperature in the cuttings, the more vigorous the transpiration of cuttings, the more water consumed, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. Therefore, after cutting, the sunlight must be blocked by 50%~80%. After the roots grow out, the shading net is gradually removed: the shading net is removed at 4:00 p.m. every day on a sunny day, and the shading net is covered before 9:00 a.m. the next day.

division propagation

Time of plant division: It is best to carry out after soil thawing in early spring (February and March).

Plant division method:

Take out the mother plant from the flowerpot, shake off the excess pot soil, separate the root system as much as possible, cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife, and each plant divided should have a considerable root system, and trim its leaves appropriately to facilitate survival.

Basin-filling disinfection: soak the divided small plants in chlorothalonil 1500 times solution for five minutes, then take them out and dry them, and then put them in the basin. Can also be used immediately after the basin irrigation root chlorothalonil.

Management after plant division: after plant division and potting, irrigate roots or irrigate once permeable water. Because its root system is greatly damaged and its water absorption ability is extremely weak, it takes about 3~4 weeks to recover and germinate new roots. Therefore, it is necessary to control watering within 3~4 weeks after splitting to avoid rotten roots, but its leaf transpiration is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of leaves, it is necessary to spray 1~3 times a day (spray more at high temperature, spray less or no spray at low temperature). Don't fatten up during this time either. After the plant division, but also pay attention to the sun is too strong, it is best to put in the shade shed maintenance.

Potting or transplanting

First put 2~3cm thick coarse substrate into the bottom of the pot as filter layer, and then put in plants.

The substrate used for the upper pot can be selected from the following one: peat: pearlite: ceramsite =2:2:1; peat: vermiculite =1:1; or peat: slag: ceramsite =2:2:1; sawdust: vermiculite: medium coarse river sand =2:2:1; vegetable garden soil: slag =3:1 ; or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust (mushroom residue)=4:1:2; or paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil, etc.

After finishing the basin, pour a permeable water and place it in a shady environment for maintenance.

humidity management

Likes a slightly humid climate environment, requiring the relative temperature of the air in the growth environment to be 50%~70%.

temperature management

Likes hot weather, but not frost.

When the ambient temperature is below 3 ° C, the correct treatment method is:

Wrap it in film for winter, but every two days at noon when the temperature is higher, the film should be opened to allow it to breathe;

Move it indoors for the winter.

light management

Requirement sunshine is sufficient, in spring, autumn, winter three seasons, because the temperature is not very high, it is necessary to give it direct sunlight irradiation, in order to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds, flowering, fruiting. Summer can be a little shade.

When placed indoors, try to put it in a place with bright light, such as a living room, bedroom, study and other places with good lighting. After indoor maintenance for a period of time (about two months), it is necessary to move it to a place with shade (winter insulation conditions) for maintenance for a period of time (about one month), so alternate.

fertilizer and water management

As with other grass flowers, there are more requirements for fertilizer and water, but the most afraid of indiscriminate fertilization, application of concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, it is required to follow the two principles of fertilization (water) of "light fertilizer frequently applied, less amount and more complete nutrition" and "dry between wet, dry to dry thoroughly, not dry, not irrigated, irrigated thoroughly", and after fertilization, leaves and flowers should be kept dry at night:


After a period of recovery, fertilizer and water management should be quickly followed up. Fertilizer and water management cycle according to the order of "flower treasure"-"flower treasure"-"clear water"-"flower treasure"-"flower treasure"-"clear water", the interval period is about 1~3 days, the interval period of sunny days or high temperature period is shorter, and the interval period of rainy days or low temperature period is longer or no watering.


Although it continues to grow, low temperatures will slow its growth rate, require little fertilizer and water, and even control fertilizer and water. The fertilizer and water management cycle according to the sequence of "flower treasure"-clear water-"flower treasure"-clear water-clear water, the interval period is about 4~7 days, the interval period is shorter in sunny days or high temperature periods, and the interval period is longer or no watering in rainy days or low temperature periods.

Watering time should be arranged as much as possible in sunny days when the temperature is higher at noon.


After the temperature rises, the growth recovers rapidly, and gradually enters the flower bud differentiation period and flowering period, which requires a lot of fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management cycle according to the order of "flower treasure"-clear water-"flower treasure"-clear water, the interval period is about 2~4 days, the interval period is shorter in sunny days or high temperature periods, and the interval period is longer in rainy days or low temperature periods or no watering.

After entering the fruiting period, stop the fertilizer supply.


Under normal circumstances, no special pot transfer, but each year in conjunction with the plant replanting pot.