
What's the difference between mini tortoise back bamboo and tortoise back bamboo?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mini tortoise back bamboo, window leaf turtle back bamboo, oblique leaf tortoise back bamboo. It belongs to the same genus as the tortoise back bamboo. The mini-tortoise-backed bamboo plant is short, and its perforation does not run through the pinnate lobes like the tortoise-backed bamboo, but through the long ovate leaves along the main vein, and the leaves are not divided.

Mini tortoise back bamboo, window leaf turtle back bamboo, oblique leaf tortoise back bamboo. It belongs to the same genus as the tortoise back bamboo. The mini-tortoise-backed bamboo plant is short, and its perforation does not run through the pinnate lobes like the tortoise-backed bamboo, but runs through the long ovate leaves along the main vein, the leaves are not divided, and closely arranged round or long oval window holes are formed on the leaves.

In addition, the leaves of mini tortoise back bamboo are thin, the leaf margin is entire, the petiole is thin and long, and the leaf veins grow in a square direction. Fan tortoise back bamboo is a treasure of indoor foliage introduced from abroad in recent years.

Picture: mini tortoise back bamboo picture: tortoise back bamboo

[FAQ] what's the difference between mini turtle back bamboo and tortoise back bamboo?

[expert answer] the main differences between the two are as follows:

① mini-turtle-backed bamboo is shorter than tortoise-backed bamboo plant.

The perforation of ② mini tortoise back bamboo runs through the long ovate leaves along both sides of the main vein, the leaves do not split, and the leaves form closely arranged round or oval holes, while the perforation of the tortoise back bamboo runs through the pinnate lobes.

③ mini tortoise back bamboo leaves are thin, the leaves are entire, the petiole is slender, and the veins are biased to one side.

[editor's comments] Mini tortoise back bamboo can be placed on the desk to change mood, while potted or planted turtle back bamboo can not easily move at will. The above first Agricultural Classic editor introduced to you several differences between the two. I hope this article will be helpful to you.

How to cultivate mini-tortoise-backed bamboo

Potted mini tortoise back bamboo is relatively simple, the growing season on the indoor bright scattered light, winter near the south windowsill, so that it sees more sunshine, the growth is more robust. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature should be kept at 60%-80%. The overwintering room temperature should be kept above 12 degrees Celsius, otherwise it is vulnerable to cold damage.

During the growth period, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist and spray water on the leaf surface, and apply compound fertilizer once or twice a month. If you can use extra-root topdressing in the peak growing season, applying it about once every half a month, it will grow more vigorously. The pot soil and propagation methods are the same as those of Phyllostachys pubescens.
