
How can we plant the beauty of Yu (Li Chunhua)?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Yu Mei is famous for her beautiful flowers, with a height of 30cm to 80cm, the whole plant is sparsely hairy, leaves alternate, long oval, irregular pinnatifid. Flowers solitary, with long pedicels, drooping when budding, standing erect after opening, petals 4, thin and bright, flowers with pure white, purple, pink, red rose, stripes, etc., flowering from May to June

The plant is 30 - 80 cm tall, sparsely hairy, leaves alternate, long oval, irregularly feathered. Flowers are solitary, have a long stalk, bud when drooping, stand upright after opening, petals 4, thin and bright, colors are pure white, purple, pink, red rose, stripes, etc., flowering 5~6 months. Double petalled Icelandic varieties are favored.

Sexual love warm, sunny, well-ventilated, appropriate in loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam growth, not resistant to transplantation, avoid hot and humid.

Direct seeding in spring or early winter, small seeds, row spacing of 25~30 cm, covering grass in winter, germination temperature of 20 ℃, thinning seedlings after emergence, topdressing 1~2 times before flowering, picking residual flowers in time after flowering to make flowers bigger. Avoid continuous cropping.

[Name] Scientific name/Latin name: Papaverrhoea L.

English Name: Poppy

Alias: rose flower, small seed poppy flower, corn poppy, butterfly garden spring [1]

Folk name: rose flower, brocade quilt flower


Domain: Eukaryotic domain Close-up of Eukarya leaf

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Angiosperms Phylum Magnoliophyta

Class: Dicotyledonous Magnoliopsida

Order: Ranunculales

Family: Papaveraceae

Category: Papaver

species: Papaverrhoea L.

[2] Also known as fieldpoppy or Flanderpoppy.

The scientific name is Papaverrhoea. Annual (rarely biennial) plants of the Papaveraceae family, native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia, introduced into Australia, New Zealand, and North America.

Peanuts grow on top of stems 25 - 90 cm (10 - 35 in) tall and 7 - 10 cm in diameter. Petals 4, usually bright red, sometimes with a black spot at the base. In the past, Yu Mei was a weed widely distributed in cultivated land. Its seeds lay dormant in the soil for many years and germinated when the soil was ploughed. During and after World War I, Poppies became symbols of the war, as the war-ravaged land was overrun with Poppies.

Shirley poppy is one of the most commonly cultivated garden poppy species, cultivated by yuppies. Poppies can also extract a red dye used as a colorant for certain wines and medicines. In fact, Yu Mei is also a kind of poppy, because all plants of Ranunculus, Papaveraceae and Papaver are called poppy. However, most poppies can be cultivated, but the fruits of opium poppy species of Ranunculaceae, Papaver genus and Papaver species can be used to make drugs, and cultivation is prohibited by the state.

[Origin] Europe, sub-temperate continent, cultivated all over the world, Belgium as a national flower. Yupia is now widely cultivated in China, most of which are in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. It is a fine grass flower that beautifies flower beds, flower borders and gardens in spring. It can also be potted or cut flowers.

[Flower Language] Comfort, Forgetfulness, Life and Death, Mourning Song, Rest Red/Vanity White/Sleep Red/Comfort Crimson/Fanaticism, Dream

[Ecological habits] Annual herbs. The plant height is 40~60cm, the branches are thin and short and hirsute. All plant tepals spreading coarse hairs, with milk. Leaf blade pinnately parted or divided, lobes lanceolate, margin irregularly serrate. Flowers solitary, long pedunculate, pendulous when not open, calyx 2, elliptic, outer coarseness. Corolla 4-merous, suborbicular, with dark spots. Stamens numerous, free. Ovary obovate, style extremely short, stigma often with 10 or 16 radial branches. The flower diameter is about 5~ 6 cm, and the color is rich. Capsule cup-shaped, dehiscent at maturity, seeds reniform, majority, 1000-grain weight 0.33 g, life span 3~5 years.

Yu beauty cold, afraid of summer heat, like sunny environment, like good drainage, fertile sandy loam. Intolerant transplant, can sow oneself. Flowers bloom from May to August.

Yu Meiren has compound color, double color, double petals and multiple petals and other varieties. Related species are Icelandic poppy (P. nudicaule) and Near Eastern poppy (P. orientale). Icelandic poppy is perennial herbaceous, tufted. Leaves basal, pinnatifid or cleft. Flowers solitary on leafless scape, dark yellow or white. Polar origin. Near East poppy is a perennial herb, 60~90cm high, covered with white hair. The leaves are pinnate, the flowers are scarlet, and the base has purple-black spots.

Before the flower blooms, the ovate bud is wrapped in two green and white-edged sepals, which hang only on the slender upright pedicel, much like a girl with her head lowered and thinking. When the flower buds bloom and sepals fall off, Yu Meiren stands out: the bent body stands up, and the four thin petals on the upward flower are as thin as silk, smooth as silk, and the light corolla is like a red cloud piece of colored silk. Although there is no wind, it seems to shake itself. When the wind moves, it is floating to fly. The original bent and weak flower branches actually stand up at this time. It is hard to imagine that such a weak and simple yucca could bloom such colorful flowers.

Yu Meiren's posture is elegant and graceful, flying in the wind like a colorful butterfly spreading its wings, which is quite fascinating. Yu Meiren has both simple elegance and rich beauty, and the two are harmoniously unified. Its appearance has the charm of beauty in Chinese classical art, and it can be called a wonderful product of flowers and plants.

[Cultural appreciation]

Appreciation and Analysis of Li Yu's Yu Meiren

Yu Meiren·Li Yu

Spring flowers autumn moon when, how many past know. Last night, the east wind blew again in the small building, and the old country was unbearable to look back on in the middle of the moon.

Carved Lan jade building should still be there, only Zhu Yan changed. Ask how much you can worry about, it is a river spring water flowing eastward.

[Appreciation 1]

This word was written about the third year after Li Yu returned to Song Dynasty. The words reveal undisguised thoughts of the motherland, which is said to be one of the reasons why Emperor Taizong ordered Li Yu to be poisoned. Then, it was equivalent to Li Yu's final words.

The whole word is to ask questions and answer questions; from asking questions and asking people to asking questions, through the emotional tone in the sadness and the artistic structure of winding rotation and flowing freely, the author's melancholy thoughts run through the whole, forming a refreshing aesthetic effect.

Admittedly, Li Yu's thoughts of his homeland may not be worthy of sympathy. His memories cannot be separated from the imperial life of "carved railings and jade" and the secrets of the palace. However, this famous work is unique in art:

"Spring flowers and autumn moon" people are mostly beautiful, but the author ardently hopes that it will be "gone" as soon as possible; the small building "east wind" brings spring information, but it causes the author to sigh "unbearable to look back", because they all arouse the author's touch of things changing and people changing, and set off his worry of being imprisoned in a foreign country. It is true and profound to describe the author's state of mind that the ruler of Jiangnan changed from a pearl surrounded by green jade and cooked gold and jade to a prisoner crying for a long time.

The sentence "a river spring water flows eastward" is a famous sentence with water metaphor sorrow, implicitly showing that the long flow of sorrow is endless. Compared with it, Liu Yuxi's "Bamboo Branch Tune" is a little too straightforward, while Qin Guan's "Jiangchengzi""is full of tears, endless flow, many worries", which weakens the moving power instead.

It can be said that Li Yu's word can cause widespread resonance, to a large extent, it depends on the conclusion sentence to use infectious and characteristic metaphors to write both figurative and abstract melancholy: the author does not clearly write the true connotation of his melancholy--nostalgia for the past indulgent enjoyment life, but only shows its external form--"just like a river flowing eastward in spring. Thus it is easy for people to get some kind of spiritual echo from it and use it to express their own similar feelings. Because although people's sadness has different connotations, it can have the external form of "just like a river flowing eastward in spring". Because "image is often greater than thought", Li Yu's word can resonate in a wide range and can be recited through the ages.

[Appreciation II]

As a "good sensuality, regardless of political affairs" monarch, Li Yu is a failure; but it is the subjugation of the country that has made him the "Nanmian King"(Qing Shen Xiong's "Ancient and Modern Ci Hua") status in the ancient Ci world. As the saying goes,"the country is unfortunate and the poet is lucky, and the words begin to work in vicissitudes." "Yu Meiren" is a famous poem that has been recited for thousands of years.

This first word depicts a strong sense of the motherland, and has achieved an artistic effect of shocking heaven and earth. "Spring flowers and autumn moon" These things that are most likely to evoke people's beautiful associations make Li Yu add trouble. He asks heaven with resentment: Spring blossoms every year, autumn full moon every year, when can we end it? A word read, very curious. However, as long as we put ourselves in the position of the poet, it is not difficult to understand: a king who is on the knife, these beautiful things will only make him feel sad, evoke infinite recollection of the good life of the past, contrast between the past and the present, but sad. Ask every day silent, turn to ask oneself,"the past know how much." "Past" refers to the good old days when you were a king, but everything has disappeared and turned into an illusion. The spring of nature has gone and come again. Why is the spring of life gone forever? "There was another east wind last night in Xiaolou, and the old country could not bear to look back on the moon." "East wind" brings the message of spring, but it causes the poet to sigh "unbearable to look back","the sound of the death of the country is sad to think", probably can only be so. Let's imagine: the night is quiet, the moon is blowing, the sleepless people imprisoned in the small building, can't help looking at the fence, facing the direction of the homeland of the motherland, how many sad feelings come to my heart, and who can bear the taste of this? How many helpless and sorrowful feelings does the word "again" contain? The east wind enters again, visible spring flower autumn moon has not ended, still want to continue; And oneself still must linger on, go through pain torture. "The old country is unbearable to look back on the moon" is the inversion of "the old country is unbearable to look back on the moon". "It's hard to remember," but after all, it's back. "Looking back at the" carved fence jade building should still be in, only Zhu Yan changed." Imagine, the old country of rivers and mountains, the old palace are still in it, but things are different, rivers and mountains change owners; when thinking about it, how much sorrow and hate are among them. The word "just" conveys a sense of infinite regret in a tone of regret.

The above six sentences are quite ingenious in structure. Several times the use of two-phase contrast and sentence echo, repeatedly emphasize the natural cycle of replacement and the short perishable life, full of philosophical meaning, deep feelings. One or two sentences of endless spring flowers and autumn moons are compared with one thing that is difficult to return to; three or four sentences of "east wind" and "old country is unbearable to look back" are compared; five or six sentences of "should still be" and "change" are compared. "East wind","should still be" and echo "when";"unbearable to look back","Zhu Yan change" and echo "past". Such contrast and loop vividly convey the ups and downs of the poet's mind and worry.

Finally, the poet's full of anger is difficult to control, and it converges into the famous sentence "How many worries can you ask?" It's like a river flowing eastward." The water is a reminder of the past and the present. Liu Yuxi's "Bamboo Branch Ci""The water flow is infinite like Nong worry", Qin Guan's "Jiangchengzi·West City Willow Nongchun Soft""Spring River is tears, endless flow, many worries". These verses are either lost in understatement or lost in direct exposure, none of which touches people's hearts like "a river flowing eastward in spring", the so-called "really sad people's language". Comparing melancholy to "spring water in a river" makes abstract emotions appear vivid and sensible. Sorrow is like spring water overflowing and pouring freely; it is like spring water flowing eastward day and night. Formally, the nine characters alternate in pitch, reading like the ups and downs of spring water in the river, expressing the depth and strength of feelings in the rising flow. Ending with such emotional words greatly enhances the appeal of the work, and when the pages are closed, the reader seems to be overwhelmed by this endless grief.

The whole word expresses the pain of subjugation, with profound artistic conception, sincere feelings, exquisite structure and fresh language; although the word is short, it has endless aftertaste. No wonder Wang Guowei commented: "The words of the Tang and Five Dynasties have sentences but no articles." The Ci of famous poets in Southern Song Dynasty has articles but no sentences. There is a passage saying that only the works of Empress Li after the Song Dynasty, and Yongshu, Zizhan, Shaoyou, Meicheng, Jiaxuan and a few others." (40)(Jiang Yayun)

[Appreciation III]

This poem was written by Li Yu after he was captured in Bianjing. At the beginning, he said, when will the good times of spring flowers and autumn moons end? Because a see spring flowers autumn moon, there are countless past surge into my heart, think of the Southern Tang Dynasty appreciate spring flowers autumn moon beautiful days, unbearable to look back, so afraid to see spring flowers autumn moon. On a moonlit night when the east wind blew, life in Jinling's old country could not be recalled. The carved railings and jade walls of the palace should still be there, but the human face has become haggard with sorrow. If you ask how much sorrow there is, it is just like a river flowing eastward in spring, endless. A river refers to the Yangtze River, with a river spring water to compare sorrow, with the Southern Tang Dynasty Jinling in the Yangtze River side combined, full of nostalgia for the motherland. The Lord said,"The Lord is with you, and the Lord is with you." Taizong heard this and was furious. He also spread the words 'there was an east wind last night in the small building' and 'a river flows eastward in spring.' when they sat together, they were plagued by disaster." The book reads: "Nietzsche means all literature, and I love to write in blood." The words of the Latter Ruler are really written in blood. Song Daojun emperor (Huizong)"Yanshan Pavilion" words are also slightly similar. However, the Taoist monarch is only a relative of his own birth, and the Latter Lord seems to have Sakyamuni. Christ bears the meaning of human sin, and his size is different." Li Yu was poisoned and had something to do with him writing this poem. It was really written in blood. The so-called "Sakyamuni, Christ bear the meaning of human sin", that is to say, Li Yu such words, not only to write his personal sorrow, but also a great generalization, summed up the pain of all people with the pain of subjugation feelings: such as fear of seeing spring flowers and autumn moons, afraid of thinking of the good life of the past. Another example is that the beautiful scenery of the old country has been unable to look back. The scenery of the old country is still there, but people's faces have changed because of sorrow. There are also changes in personnel and changes in the relationship between master and slave. Again like a river spring water to compare sorrow. The whole word reflects the feelings of those who have suffered from subjugation, and bears the emotional pain of all these people. This shows that this first word has a high degree of generality and representativeness, which is precisely the outstanding achievement of this first word.

Chen Yu of the Song Dynasty wrote in his book "Zang Yi Hua Yu":"Taibai (Li Bai) said: 'Please ask the east flowing water, do not mean who is short and long with it.' ("Farewell in Jinling Wine Shop") The Lord Li of Jiangnan said,"Ask you how much you still have to worry about, just like a river flowing eastward in spring." A little more melting point, already feel wonderful. As for Kou Lai Gong (Zhun), he said,'Worry is as constant as spring water ("Night Niang"). Shaoyou (Qin Guan) said,' Ten thousand points of worry fall like the sea '("Thousand Years Old"). If you are willing to come out of blue, it is better than blue.' Here, the author comments on this poem by using the phrase "a river flowing eastward in spring" to compare sorrow. Li Bai's poem is about parting feelings. It can be compared with Dongliu River. The poem was written in Jinling. This Dongliu River refers to the Yangtze River. Li Yu's Ci was written in Bianjing when he was detained. He could not see the Yangtze River, which became part of his nostalgia for his motherland. Therefore, Li Bai's poems are compared with the scenery in front of him, and Li Yu's poems are compared with the Yangtze River far away from himself. In this metaphor, there is nostalgia for the motherland, and the feelings are deeper. Besides, the image of "a river flowing eastward in spring" is more vivid than that of flowing water eastward. And "east flow" is more than "do not mean""short long","a river spring flow eastward" is more than endless worry. This is the difference between the two, indicating that Li Yu's pain in his homeland is deeper, not "slightly melting point." Kou Zhun's words: "At sunset Tingzhou a look, tenderness is as constant as spring water." This is to use spring water to compare tenderness, this tenderness also refers to another meaning, with Li Bai's sentence meaning is the same, can be said to imitate Li Bai's word meaning. "Like spring water", also can not be compared with Li Yu words. Qin Guan said,"Spring is gone, and the red drops are like the sea." It is written "parting undress belt" parting feelings, plus injury spring, plus "mirror Zhuyan change" haggard, coupled with "falling red ten thousand points", is indeed a famous sentence. However, Li Yu's words were more about the pain of national subjugation than parting emotions. He also wrote "Zhu Yan Gai", which combined the pain of national subjugation with the vivid and magnificent image of "a river flowing eastward in spring". Qin Guan's words could not compare with his feelings and images. (Tian Deyi)

Yuppie pictures Yuppie albums

[Name] Scientific name/Latin name: Papaverrhoea L.

English Name: Poppy

Alias: rose flower, small seed poppy flower, corn poppy, butterfly garden spring [1]

Folk name: rose flower, brocade quilt flower


Domain: Eukaryotic domain Close-up of Eukarya leaf

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Angiosperms Phylum Magnoliophyta

Class: Dicotyledonous Magnoliopsida

Order: Ranunculales

Family: Papaveraceae

Category: Papaver

species: Papaverrhoea L.

[2] Also known as fieldpoppy or Flanderpoppy.

The scientific name is Papaverrhoea. Annual (rarely biennial) plants of the Papaveraceae family, native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia, introduced into Australia, New Zealand, and North America.

Peanuts grow apically on stems 25 - 90 cm (10 - 35 in.) tall and 7 - 10 cm in diam. Petals 4, usually bright red, sometimes with a black spot at the base. In the past, Yu Mei was a weed widely distributed in cultivated land. Its seeds lay dormant in the soil for many years and germinated when the soil was ploughed. During and after World War I, Poppies became symbols of the war, as the war-ravaged land was overrun with Poppies.

Shirley poppy is one of the most commonly cultivated garden poppy species, cultivated by yuppies. Poppies can also extract a red dye used as a colorant for certain wines and medicines. In fact, Yu Mei is also a kind of poppy, because all plants of Ranunculus, Papaveraceae and Papaver are called poppy. However, most poppies can be cultivated, but the fruits of poppy species of Ranunculaceae, Papaver and Papaver species can be used to make drugs, and the state prohibits cultivation.

[Origin] Europe, sub-temperate continent, cultivated all over the world, Belgium as a national flower. Yupia is now widely cultivated in China, most of which are in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. It is a fine grass flower that beautifies flower beds, flower borders and gardens in spring. It can also be potted or cut flowers.

[Flower Language] Comfort, Forgetfulness, Life and Death, Mourning Song, Rest Red/Vanity White/Sleep Red/Comfort Crimson/Fanaticism, Dream

[ecological habits] annual herbs. Yumeiren plant height 40~60cm, branches slender, hispidulous. The whole plant is spreading hirsute, with milk. The leaf blade is pinnately parted or divided, lobes lanceolate, margin irregularly serrated. Flowers solitary, long pedicellate, pendulous when not open, calyx 2-lobed, elliptic, outer hirsute. Corolla 4-merous, suborbicular, with dark spots. Stamens numerous, free. Ovary Obovate, style very short, stigma often with 10 or 16 radial branches. The flower diameter is about 5~6cm, and the flower is rich in color. The capsule is cup-shaped, the apical pore is dehiscent at maturity, the seeds are reniform, numerous, weighing 0.33 grams per thousand, and the life span is 3-5 years.

Yu Mei is cold-resistant, afraid of summer heat, likes sunny environment, and likes well-drained and fertile sandy loam. Not resistant to transplanting, self-sowing. The florescence is from May to August.

There are many varieties of Yu beauty, such as complex color, intermediate color, double and double and so on. The similar species are Icelandic opium poppy (P.nudicaule) and near eastern opium poppy (P.orientale). Icelandic opium poppy is a perennial herb, tufted. Leaves basal, pinnatifid or cleft. Flowers solitary on leafless scape, dark yellow or white. Native to the polar regions. Near East opium poppy is a perennial herb with high 60~90cm and white hair all over the body. The leaves are pinnately parted, the flowers are scarlet, and there are purple-black spots at the base.

When the beautiful woman is not in bloom, the egg-shaped bud is covered with two green and white-edged sepals, which are born alone on the slender and erect pedicel, much like a girl who bows her head and ponders. When Yu Mei's buds bloomed and her sepals fell off, Yu Mei stood out: the bent body stood upright, and the four thin petals on the upward flowers were as thin as silk, smooth as silk, and the light Corolla seemed to be like red cloud pieces of colored silk, although there was no wind, and when the wind moved, she was even more fluttering and eager to fly, the original bent and weak flower branches, at this time also straightened up and propped up the flowers. It is hard to imagine that such a weak and simple Yumei grass could produce such a rich and gorgeous flower.

Yu beauty's posture is lush and beautiful, curling and dancing because of the wind, like a colorful butterfly spreading its wings, which attracts people's reverie. The beauty of Yu is both simple and elegant and rich and gorgeous, and the two are harmoniously United in one. Its appearance has the rich charm of beauties in Chinese classical art, which can be called a wonderful product in flowers and plants.

[cultural appreciation]

Appreciation of Li Yu's "Yu Beauty"

Li Yu, the beauty of Yu

When is the spring flower and the autumn moon, how much do you know about the past? Xiaolou was windy from the east last night, and the country could not bear to look back on the moon.

The carved jade masonry should still be there, but Zhu Yan changed. Ask you how much sorrow you can have, it is a river of spring water flowing eastward.

[appreciation one]

This word was written about the third year after Li Yu returned to the Song Dynasty. The undisguised thought of his homeland was revealed in the ci, which is said to be one of the reasons why Song Taizong ordered Li Yu to be poisoned. Then, it is equivalent to Li Yu's last word.

The whole word begins with a question and ends with an answer; from asking heaven and asking people to asking oneself, through the intense tone and tortuous artistic structure in the sorrow, the author's unstoppable sadness runs through all the time, forming a refreshing aesthetic effect.

Admittedly, Li Yu's thoughts on his homeland may not be worthy of sympathy, and his nostalgia for the past is inseparable from the imperial life of "Diaolan jade" and the secrets of private affairs at twilight. But this well-known masterpiece does have something unique in art:

"Spring Flower and Autumn Moon" is full of people, but the author is eagerly looking forward to it as soon as possible. Xiaolou's "Dongfeng" brings the message of spring, but on the contrary, it causes the author's "unbearable to look back" sighing, because they all show off the author's misery of living in a foreign country, which is used to describe the author's state of mind of the author who weeps for a long song as soon as the master of the Jiangnan kingdom who cooks gold and jade changes.

The conclusion sentence "a river of spring flows eastward" is a famous sentence that uses water to describe sorrow, implicitly showing the endless flow of melancholy thoughts. Compared with it, Liu Yuxi's "Zhuzhi tune", "the flow of water is infinitely like sorrow", is a bit straightforward, while Qin Guan's "Jiangchengzi" is full of tears, endless flow, and many sorrows, but weakens the power of touching.

It can be said that Li Yu's word can resonate widely, to a large extent, it depends on the conclusion sentence to use infectious and symbolic metaphors to visualize and abstract sad thoughts: the author does not clearly write the true connotation of his melancholy thoughts-nostalgia for the former enjoyable life, but only shows its external form-"like a river of spring water flowing eastward." In this way, it is easy for people to get some kind of spiritual echo from it and borrow it to express their similar feelings. Because although people's sad thoughts have different connotations, they can all have the external form of "just like a river flowing eastward". Because "the image is often greater than the thought", Li Yu's word can resonate in a wide range and can be read through the ages.

[appreciation II]

As a king with "good voice and no concern for political affairs", Li Yu failed, but it was the subjugation that made him the "king of the south" (ancient and modern ci words of Shen Xiong in Qing Dynasty). As the saying goes, "the unfortunate poet of the country is lucky to start his work in the vicissitudes of life." "Beauty Yu" is a famous poem that has been read through the ages.

This poem depicts a strong thought of homeland and achieves an astonishing artistic effect. The things that are most likely to evoke people's beautiful associations, such as "Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon", make Li Yubi worry. He first complains and asks the sky: when will the spring flowers bloom and the autumn moon come to an end? When I read it, it makes people curious. But as long as we put ourselves in our shoes to imagine the situation of the poet, it is not difficult to understand: a king of subjugation on the sword, these beautiful things will only make him touch the scene and evoke infinite remembrance of the good life of the past, and the comparison between the present and the past. Only sad. Ask the sky not to speak, but ask yourself, "how much do you know about the past?" "the past" refers to the good life when I was king in the past, but everything has disappeared and become illusory. The spring of nature goes and comes again and again, but why the spring of life never returns? "the Xiaolou was windy from the east last night, and the country could not bear to look back on the moon." "Dongfeng" brought the message of spring, but it caused the poets to sigh with a sigh that "the sound of national subjugation is sad to think." Let us imagine: in the stillness of the night, the bright moon and the breeze, the sleepless people imprisoned in the small building can not help looking from afar, facing the direction of their homeland, how many sorrows come to mind, and who can bear the smell of the situation? The word "you" contains how many feelings of helplessness and sadness! When the east wind enters again, it can be seen that the spring flowers and autumn moon have not come to an end, but they still have to linger and go through a lot of pain and suffering. "the homeland cannot bear to look back on the moon" is the inversion of "the moonlight cannot bear to look back on the homeland". "I can't bear to look back," but I looked back after all. Looking back, "Diaolan jade masonry should still be there, but Zhu Yan changed." Imagine, the country's rivers and mountains, the old palaces are still there, but things have changed, rivers and mountains have changed owners; when thinking about it, how much grief and hatred are in it. The word "just" conveys a sense of infinite regret in a sighing tone.

The above six sentences are quite ingenious in structure. Several times the use of two-phase contrast and intersentence echo, repeatedly stressed the replacement of the cycle of nature and the short-lived life, full of philosophical meaning, deep feeling. One or two sentences of endless spring flowers and autumn months are hard to compare with the passing of human affairs; three or four sentences are compared with "Dongfeng again" and "my hometown is unbearable to look back"; and five or six sentences are compared with "should still be there" and "change". "Dongfeng", "should still be there" and "when is it"; "can't bear to look back" and "Zhu Yan change" echoes "the past". So contrast and return to the loop, the image vividly conveys the ups and downs and sorrows of the poet's soul.

Finally, the ci writer's indignation is difficult to control, which converges into the famous sentence "how much sorrow can you have?" It is like a river of spring water flowing eastward. Using water to describe sorrow can be described as "there were ancients before and those who came later". Liu Yuxi's "Zhuzhi ci", "the current is infinitely like Nong sorrow", Qin Guan's "Jiangchengzi Xicheng willow spring soft", "the spring river is full of tears, endless flow, many sorrows". These verses may be lost in understatement, or lost in direct exposure, are not "like a river of spring flowing eastward" to move people, the so-called "really sad human language". Comparing sad thoughts to "a river of spring water" makes abstract emotions seem vivid and sensible. Sorrowful thoughts are like spring water overflowing and unrestrained, and like spring water that flows endlessly to the east day and night. In form, the nine words are alternately tonal, which reads like the ups and downs of spring water in the river, expressing the depth and strength of feelings in the rising and rising flow. Concluding with such words and expressions, the appeal of the work is greatly enhanced. When the pages are closed, the reader seems to be overwhelmed by this endless mourning.

The whole ci describes the pain of national subjugation, with far-reaching artistic conception, sincere feelings, exquisite structure and fresh language; although the words are short, the aftertaste is endless. No wonder Wang Guowei commented: "the words of the Tang and five dynasties have sentences but no articles." There are articles but no sentences in the ci of famous scholars in the Southern Song Dynasty. There is a saying that only the works of Queen Li after the fall of the Song Dynasty, and Yongshu, Zizhan, Shaoyou, Meicheng and Jiaxuan are just a few people. " (○, the fourth abridged version of the Book of Human ci) (Jiang Yayun)

[appreciation III]

This word was written by Li Yu after he was captured in Bianjing. At the beginning, when will the beautiful time of spring flowers and autumn moon come to an end? Because as soon as I see the spring flowers and autumn moon, countless memories come to mind. I can't bear to look back at the beautiful days of enjoying the spring flowers and autumn moon in the Southern Tang Dynasty, so I am afraid to see the spring flowers and autumn moon. On the moonlit night with the east wind blowing, the life in Jinling's hometown can not bear to look back. The jade carved fence of the palace should still be there, but the appearance of the man is haggard with sorrow. If you want to ask how much sorrow there is, it is just like the eastward flow of a river of spring water, endless. One river refers to the Yangtze River, compares sorrow with the spring water of one river, and combines with Jinling, the hometown of the Southern Tang Dynasty, by the Yangtze River, full of nostalgia for the homeland. The volume of "Silent Records" by Wang Meng in the Song Dynasty: "after the Lord gave it to him, he made fun with prostitutes because of Qixi Festival's death, and he heard it from the outside." Taizong was furious when he heard it. Also spread the words' Xiaolou and the east wind last night 'and' the spring water of a river flows eastward', and sat on it, so it was doomed.' Wang Guowei's words on Human ci: Nietzsche refers to all literature, and I love those who write in blood. After the word of the Lord, it is true that those who write in blood are also. The words of Emperor Song Daojun (Huizong) "Yanshan Pavilion" are also similar. However, the Taoist monarch is but a relative of his own life, and then the Lord is like Sakya. Christ bears the meaning of human sin, and its size is certainly different. " Li Yu was poisoned to death, which was related to his writing of this word, which was really written in blood. As the saying goes, "Sakya and Christ bear the meaning of human sin." that is to say, words like Li Yu not only write about his personal sorrows, but also have a great generalization, summing up the painful feelings of all people who suffer from national subjugation: for example, they are afraid to see the spring flowers and autumn moon. Afraid to think of the good life in the past. For example, the beautiful scenery of my hometown is too good to look back on. The scenery of the old country, such as carved railings and jade bricks, is still there, but people's appearance has changed because of sorrow, and there are also changes in personnel and the relationship between masters and slaves. It's like comparing sorrow with a river of spring water. The whole poem reflects the feelings of people who have the pain of national subjugation and bears the emotional pain of all these people. This shows that this word has a high degree of generality and representativeness, which is the outstanding achievement of this word.

Song Dynasty Chen Yu "hide a word plump": "Taibai (Li Bai) said, 'Please ask your friends to ask the running water to the east, which is shorter and longer than those who leave love.' ("Jinling Restaurant Farewell") Master Li in the south of the Yangtze River said, 'ask how much sorrow you still have, just like a river of spring water flows east.' If you melt it a little bit, you will find it wonderful. Zhi Ke Lai Gong (quasi) said that 'sadness is constantly like spring water ("Night Niang"), Shaoyou (Qin Guan) clouds' fall red ten thousand points of sorrow like the sea'("thousand years old"), willing to come out of blue rather than blue. " Here is a comment on the word "a river flowing eastward" to compare sorrow. Li Bai's poem is that the length of writing other feelings can be compared with that of the east flowing water. the poem was written in Jinling, which refers to the Yangtze River. Li Yu's words were written when he was detained in Bianjing. He could not see the Yangtze River, which became part of his nostalgia for his hometown. Therefore, Li Bai's poems are compared with the immediate scenery, and Li Yu's words are compared with the Yangtze River, which is far away from him. In this analogy, there is nostalgia for his homeland and his feelings are more profound. Moreover, the image of "a river flowing to the east" is more distinct than that of "flowing water from the east". And "flowing water to the east" is "shorter and longer" than "other ideas", and "the flow of spring water from a river to the east" is endless compared to sorrow. This is the difference between the two, indicating that the pain of Li Yu's homeland is more profound, not a "slightly melting point". Kou Zhong's words: "when I look at Tingzhou at dusk, tenderness is like spring water." This is to compare tenderness with spring water, and this tenderness also refers to different meanings, which is the same as Li Bai's sentence meaning, which can be said to imitate Li Bai's word meaning. "such as spring water" cannot be compared with Li Yu's words and sentences. Qin Guan's words: "when spring goes, there will be ten thousand sorrows like the sea." It is the farewell feeling of "parting and undressing", coupled with the sad spring, coupled with the haggard of "Zhu Yan change in the mirror", coupled with "falling red ten thousand points", it is indeed a famous sentence. However, Li Yu's ci is about the pain of national subjugation, which is deeper than leaving love. "Zhu Yan Gao" is also written in combination with the pain of national subjugation, plus the vivid and magnificent image of "a river flowing eastward." it is not comparable to Qin Guan's words. (Tian Deyi)