
What kind of conditions do you need for flowers and leaves in a water tower?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The leaves of the water tower flowers are green and glossy, and the bushes form a rosette, and the leaf tube can hold water without leakage, hence the name. Columnar bright red inflorescences are extracted from the tender green leaf tube before and after the National Day. The main results are as follows: (1) the water tower flower prefers warm, moist and semi-shady environment. Can be placed indoors with bright scattered light in spring, summer and autumn.

The leaves of the water tower flowers are green and glossy, and the bushes form a rosette, and the leaf tube can hold water without leakage, hence the name. Columnar bright red inflorescences are extracted from the tender green leaf tube before and after the National Day.

The main results are as follows: (1) the water tower flower prefers warm, moist and semi-shady environment. Spring, summer and autumn can be placed indoors with bright scattered light, and in winter near the south-facing window □, so that it can receive more sunlight, it can be Ye Maohua Yan. But in summer, it is necessary to prevent the direct light, otherwise the leaf color is easy to turn yellow and reduce the ornamental value. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 degrees Celsius. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, attention should be paid to ventilation and cooling. The water tower flower is not cold-resistant, and the winter room temperature should be kept at 10-15 degrees Celsius. If the room temperature is higher than 20 degrees Celsius, the plant will not be fully dormant, which will affect the growth and flowering in the coming year.

(2) fertilizing and watering. In the growing season of spring and autumn, the fertilizer and water of dilute pancakes are applied every two weeks, and the available phosphate fertilizer is applied twice before flowering in autumn, which can make the flowers bright. Fertilization should be stopped in summer and severe winter. Water tower flowers often use the scale hairs at the base of the cylindrical water tower to absorb water, so during the growth period, the leaf tube is often filled with water, while the lack of water means that the leaf color lacks luster and is easy to turn yellow gradually. However, attention should be paid to prevent the water quality in the tube from becoming smelly. The flowerpot should be dumped for about 7 days in summer, so that the old water will flow out and then pour into the new water. The basin soil should always be kept moist. Water should be sprayed frequently in hot summer and dry seasons to maintain high air humidity, which is a necessary condition for water tower flowers to grow well. The basin soil should not be too wet, if the stagnant water in the basin is easy to cause rotten roots, resulting in the death of the whole plant. When the plant enters the dormant period in winter, the physiological activity weakens, so it is necessary to control watering in order to keep the bottom of the blade slightly moist.

(3) selecting basin and using soil. The root system of the water tower flower is underdeveloped, and the cultivation pot should not be too large, and it is better to just hold the plant with a slight gap. The basin soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and sandy soil mixed with a small amount of bone powder. The old flowering plants gradually withered and withered. When changing pots in spring, the old plants can be cut off and new buds can be promoted, then the new plants will grow healthily and have a good shape.


How to make the water tower flowers and leaves colorful?

China Garden Network, May 8, news: water tower flower is a famous indoor potted flower with leaves. Its leaves are green and glossy, and the columnar bright red inflorescences are drawn from the central tube of the leaves when flowering. Potted water tower flowers can choose rotten leaf soil, water moss and garden soil (or coarse sand) mixed with sifted culture soil, plus a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer. In the growing season, dilute liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month or so, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied 1-2 times before flowering, the flower color is more beautiful. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering, post-anthesis and dormant periods.

Water tower flowers often use the scaly hairs at the base of the cylindrical water tower to absorb water, so the leaf tube needs to be filled with water during the growth period, and the leaf color is lack of luster and gradually turn yellow. However, we should pay attention to prevent the water quality in the tube from becoming smelly. Generally, we should dump the flowerpot every half a month or so to make the old water flow out and then add new water. At ordinary times, the amount of irrigation should be based on the dry surface of the basin soil, and it should be watered when it is dry.

Spray water frequently in summer and dry seasons to maintain high air humidity. Avoid stagnant water in the basin, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and cause plant death.

In winter, the plant enters the dormant period, and the life activity is slow. At this time, it should be watered by monarchy to keep the bottom of the vane slightly moist. Water tower flowers like a semi-overcast environment, and family cultivation can grow well in a place with bright scattered light indoors. If you encounter a strong light, it is easy to turn the leaf color yellow and affect the ornamental value. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-28 ℃. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃ in midsummer, ventilation and cooling should be done well. The suitable temperature in winter should be kept between 10 ℃-15 ℃, and the flowerpot should be placed near the south window for maintenance. The water tower flower grew better when it was cultivated in soilless culture. For specific methods of soilless cultivation, see question 25 of this book.

How to cultivate water tower flowers

Water tower flowers, leathery leaves; green and glossy, arranged into a rosette, dignified and beautiful; leaf bases embrace each other, so that the center of the plant into a tube, which can hold water without leakage, so it has the name of water tower flower. In September every year, red torch-shaped inflorescences are drawn from the leaf tube, with red flowers and green leaves in contrast to each other. It is an indoor ornamental flower with beautiful flowers and leaves. [culture method] Tillering bud culture is commonly used. After completing the reproductive growth, the old plant gradually shrunk and yellowed, and finally all the aboveground parts withered and died, and the rhizome persisted in the ground, and new buds could sprout in the spring of next year. When the tillering bud at the base of the old plant grows to about 10~15cm, pour out the plant in the pot, break the tillering bud by hand, flatten the base and peel off the leaves near the base, and insert it in the sterilized sandy soil. The depth of bud insertion is to stabilize the plant, not too deep, otherwise it will take root slowly. The tiller buds are tender, fleshy and have no roots, so they can not be watered through, but only spray water on the leaf surface and basin soil surface to keep the tiller buds from wilting. The pot should be placed in a shady and ventilated place, the temperature should be kept at about 20 ℃, and it can take root in 15 to 20 days. It can bear fruit after anthesis and can be cultivated with seeds. Fruit is a berry, each with multiple seeds, fully soft ripe fruit, wash and rinse in water, get the seed, can not lose water, should be picked and sowed immediately. Sow the seeds densely in a sand table and keep the temperature above 22 ℃. After germination, they are moved into containers or planted in flowerpots. Seedlings avoid scorching sun and low temperature, place in shade in summer and keep warm with film in winter. it takes 2-3 years for seedlings to blossom. [cultivation management] the water tower flower is native to the tropical rainforest of South America. It is an epiphytic plant of Pyraceae, which is born on tree trunks and rocks in the country of origin. it stores water in the center of the plant and can be used in case of drought. Shuitahua prefers warm and humid climate and semi-overcast environment, the suitable growth temperature is 25 ℃, it is not cold-resistant, and the overwintering temperature is not less than 10 ℃. Like acid sandy soil with good drainage. The water tower flower is an epiphytic plant with few roots, and when potted, the pot should not be large or deep, so that there is a certain gap around the plant. The basin soil should be made of acid sandy loam with more humus and good drainage and permeability, or peat plus a small amount of river sand and base fertilizer. At the same time, the bottom of the basin was filled with bark, slag and other large particles in 3 places. During the growing season from March to October, sufficient moisture and high air humidity should be ensured. In addition to the frequent watering of the root, that is, the basin soil, it is also necessary to often irrigate the cup-shaped tube formed by the leaves, but not too much water or stagnant water, otherwise it will cause fleshy root rot. Make the bottom of the leaf tube moist, so that the basal scaly hairs can absorb water from it. Usually spray water around the plant to maintain a high environmental humidity, and often use a soft cloth to scrub the leaf surface to keep the leaf surface clean and bright. Watering should be controlled during the dormant period in winter, and there should not be much water in the blade tube. It is necessary to pay attention to prevent the water quality in the tube from becoming smelly. Generally, the flowerpot should be dumped every half a month or so to make the old water flow out and then add new water. And 1Mel applied 0.1% / 0.2% compound fertilizer and water once a week. From April to August, the mature organic liquid fertilizer was applied every 10 days or so, and the fertilization was stopped during the winter dormant period. In spring, nitrogen fertilizer is mainly applied, supplemented by phosphorus and potash fertilizer. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate with a concentration of 0.1% to 0.2% can be applied before blooming, which can make the flower color more beautiful. During the exuberant growth period, the temperature should be kept between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, and the temperature in the flowering period should not exceed 25 ℃. In summer, the pot plants should be placed in a shaded, ventilated and cool place, and the local cooling should be carried out. In winter, they should be cultivated on a warm and sunny southward windowsill, and the overwintering temperature should be controlled at 12: 18 ℃. Too high room temperature affects plant dormancy, poor flowering in the next year, but lower than 10 ℃, plant roots are vulnerable to damage, leaves yellowing, and even wilt and death. Therefore, the temperature that is too high and too low in winter is disadvantageous to its growth. The water tower flower does not like the strong light, and the strong sunlight in summer will make its leaves yellow. On the other hand, it grows better when it is placed in the place of bright scattered light. Light can be received in the morning and evening in spring, and shading should be carried out around noon and summer. 30% of the noon sun needs to be shaded in spring, summer and autumn, and there is no need to hide the sun in winter. The overwintering temperature is 10-15 ℃. Change the pot once a year after flowering, get rid of the old plants and leave only new buds. The water tower flower grew better when it was cultivated in soilless culture.