
What conditions do you need to meet for more flowers in the upside down bell?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The bell is hung upside down and the name is Begonia. It is a perennial evergreen shrub. Racemes or panicles, flowers pendulous, sepals red, corolla purple, rose red or white, female and stamens protruding beyond flowers

Hang Admiralty upside down and hang Zhong Haitang. For perennial evergreen subirrigation. Racemes or panicles, flowers pendulous, sepals red, Corolla purple, rose or white, stamens protruding from the flower. The common cultivated flowers of the same genus are corymbals hanging upside down, white calyx hanging upside down, short tube hanging upside down, long tube hanging upside down, creeping branches hanging upside down, and so on.

In order to make the golden bell blossom more, it is necessary to do a good job of fertilizer, water supply and pruning. The upside-down Admiralty prefers fertilizer, and the pot soil should be cultivated with 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of sandy loam soil and 1 part of rotten cake fertilizer, and there is no need to apply base fertilizer to prevent rotting roots. Because of its rapid growth, it is appropriate to change the second basin in early spring every year. In order to promote the propagation of leaves and flowers, the dilute liquid fertilizer with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus should be applied every 10 to 14 days. If there is a lack of nutrients, it will be difficult to blossom again after blooming one time. Usually watering should grasp the principle of "dry and wet". If the pot soil is too dry or too wet during flowering, it will cause falling buds, flowers and leaves, affecting normal flowering.

Picking the heart at the right time is a key measure to make the inverted golden bell blossom more. Because the inverted Admiralty has the habit of bearing buds between the axils of the new shoots and leaves, picking the heart can stimulate the germination of new branches, more branches and more flowering. Coring should begin at the seedling stage, when the seedlings grow to about 10 cm high, the first coring should be carried out to promote the development of new branches, and when the new shoots grow 6 or 8 leaves about 1 month after the first priming, the coring should be carried out for the first time, and each plant retains 5 or 7 branches. After the autumn is cool, the overlong branches will be cut short, and the overdense branches will be removed to facilitate the germination of robust new branches. Watering should be controlled after each coring, and normal watering should be carried out after the new branches in the leaf axils grow. After 15-20 days of picking the heart, the new shoot can produce bright flowers, so picking the heart many times can prolong the flowering period.

How long does the golden bell blossom?

The upside-down golden bell is mainly propagated by cutting, which is usually cut in January, February and October. The optimum cutting temperature is 15-20 ℃, and it takes root after about 20 days. Inverted golden bell is easy to bear fruit, which can be propagated by sowing method and sown in greenhouse in spring and autumn. It germinates in about 15 days and blossoms the following year.

How to make the inverted Golden Bell bloom

In order to make the flowers colorful and prolong the florescence, the following measures should be taken in maintenance:

First, hang the Golden Bell upside down and trim it at the right time.

The flower buds of the golden bell are born in the axils of the new shoots and leaves, and picking the heart at the right time will promote the germination of the new branches, making them more branched and blooming. Coring should start from the seedling stage, the first coring should be carried out when the seedlings grow to about 6 ~ 8 leaves, and then the second coring should be carried out, and about 5 ~ 7 branches will be retained in each plant. In the growing season, when the flowers fade, you can pick the heart again. Usually 20 days after picking the heart, it can grow new shoots, form buds and produce bright flowers. After autumn, sparse the branches that are too dense and cut short the branches that are too long, which is conducive to the germination of strong new branches and promote more flowering.

Second, hang the Golden Bell upside down and apply fertilizer in time.

As the upside-down Admiralty grows faster and blossoms constantly, it is necessary to pay attention to fertilization during the growth period, otherwise after blooming once, it will be difficult to blossom again due to lack of nutrients. Usually apply thin rotten cake fertilizer and water or compound fertilizer every 10 days or so. Spray water once after fertilization to avoid liquid fertilizer sticking on the leaves and causing rot.

Third, hang the golden bell upside down and water it reasonably.

The potted soil should not be too dry or wet, or it will cause fallen leaves, buds and flowers. Water should be thoroughly watered as soon as it is dry. Watering should be controlled after coring and heavy shearing, and normal watering should be carried out after the new branches in the axils of the leaves germinate. Pay attention to loosening the soil after each fertilization and watering to facilitate ventilation.

How long the golden bell blossoms and how to make it blossom is briefly introduced here. Hanging Admiralty upside down likes a cool environment, cultivation should pay attention to good ventilation, good soil drainage effect. The Admiralty hanging upside down is afraid of high temperature and is not resistant to cold, so the regulation of temperature is also very important. Avoid high temperatures in summer and frost in winter.

How to keep the golden bell upside down? The technique of flowering the Golden Bell upside down in four Seasons

Hang the golden bell upside down, also known as hanging bell begonia, lantern flowers, flower language is to believe in love, there is a warm heart, the flower shape is very special, chic and beautiful, luxuriant and blooming potted plants. The more you look at it, the better it looks, it can blossom for more than half a year, the temperature is right, and it can blossom all the year round. How to raise those who hang the golden bell upside down?

1. Hang the golden bell upside down and one branch will do. In April or so in spring, choose a healthy branch with about three stem nodes and two leaves, soak them in water for two days, and then cut them into the sand. After more than a week, they can take root and sprout.

2. the planting time of hanging Admiralty upside down can be planted in both spring and autumn. To raise the soil that hangs the golden bell upside down, it is best to use sand soil plus rotten leaf soil and farm manure or animal manure. After planting, put it in a ventilated and astigmatic place, not in the rain.

3. Its growth rate and reproduction rate are very fast. Usually can not be placed in a place where the sun is easy to expose and shine strongly, although it needs to be watered and sprayed frequently, there can be no stagnant water in the basin soil.

4, the summer temperature is high, need to be put in a more ventilated and cool place, no more than 30 degrees, there can be no high temperature and strong light. Put it in a warm place indoors in winter, not less than 5 degrees.

5. The temperature suitable for growth is about 20 degrees, and thin fertilizer is applied every half a month during the growing period. Cake fertilizer, urea or potassium dihydrogen phosphate. It will blossom a lot and hang all over the branches like a small lantern.

6. It usually blossoms in April and blooms until December. After flowering, it picks the heart in time, cuts off the residual flowers, prunes the branches, and continues to produce new buds and leaves, which is particularly beautiful.

7. If the temperature is below 5 degrees in winter, you should move indoors in time. If the temperature is suitable for warmer places, it can also blossom in winter.

The above are some suggestions shared by the editor. I hope they can be helpful to you. After all, the article is limited, and many detailed problems in the planting process still need to accumulate experience in the planting process and gradually master the planting skills of breeding upside down Golden Bell.