
How to maintain the Queen of Silver

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The queen of silver is evergreen. The leaves are light silvery gray with dark green markings. Sex likes a warm and humid environment, scatters light, and can withstand shade. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees Celsius, and the overwintering temperature is not less than 12 degrees Celsius. Fertile soil with a lot of humus is suitable.

The queen of silver is evergreen. The leaves are light silvery gray with dark green markings. Sex likes a warm and humid environment, scatters light, and can withstand shade. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees Celsius, and the overwintering temperature is not less than 12 degrees Celsius. Fertile soil with a lot of humus is suitable.

The main results are as follows: (1) the culture soil prepared by rotten leaf soil and river sand should be selected when potted. Adequate watering is needed during the growing season, but no water can be accumulated in the basin. If you spray water on the leaves once or twice a day in summer, the leaves will be bright. After late autumn, the growth of stems and leaves slows down, so it is necessary to control watering and keep the basin soil slightly dry.

(2) during the growth period, dilute liquid fertilizer was applied once or twice a month to promote stem and leaf growth.

(3) like semi-overcast environment, when exposed to strong light, the leaves are easy to turn white, yellow and withered, which reduces the ornamental value. Therefore, summer and early autumn season should pay attention to shade, at this time it is best to put indoor with scattered light maintenance. In the high temperature and dry season, the air is dry, and the leaves are easy to turn yellow and lose their luster. High temperature drying is also easy to cause damage to red spiders. Attention should be paid to spraying water frequently to cool down and increase air humidity, which is not only conducive to maintaining leaf color and luster, but also reducing the damage of red spiders.

(4) for the old plants that have been growing for several years, the lower leaves are easy to wither, so the top leaves can be cut off and repropagated by cuttings. The old pile in the lower part can sprout new buds at the base and grow into new plants. Queen Silver is usually propagated by ramet and cuttage.

How to raise the Queen of Silver

1. Soil: the Silver Queen likes fertile soil, so it is best to use loose peat soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and so on when potted. You can also add some acidified soil diluted by ferrous sulfate, so that the growth of the Silver Queen will be healthier.

2. Temperature: the growth temperature of the Silver Queen is 16-21 ℃, so the strong sunlight must be avoided when breeding. It is best to cover most of the area with a sunshade net in summer. Of course, we should also pay attention to heat preservation measures in winter, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.

3. Lighting: lighting is an important condition for plant growth. We should pay attention to daylighting in winter and avoid the sun in summer so as not to be burned.

4. Moisture: sufficient water must be maintained during the plant growing season, and branches and leaves are often sprayed with clear water, but not stagnant water, and attention should be paid to fertilization during the growth period.

5. Pruning: potted plants pay attention to beauty, and plants will grow up over time. In order to have a good plant shape, we should often cut old leaves and pay attention to changing pots during growth.

Fertilization method of Silver Queen

1. During the peak spring and autumn growth season, the Silver Queen should be well watered and fertilized to ensure her healthy growth. The Queen of Silver applies rarefied liquid fertilizer once a month in the peak growing season.

2. The growth of the silver queen slows down in autumn, and the amount of fertilizer absorbed is not as good as that in summer. Topdressing should be reduced or stopped in order to prevent the plant from yellow leaves.

3. The Silver Queen grows slowly in winter, so she should stop topdressing.

How does the Silver Queen breed? The Silver Queen should pay attention to soil, temperature, light, water and other factors. The Silver Queen's breeding methods and fertilization methods are introduced here. I hope the editor's sharing can bring help to everyone.

Is the Silver Queen suitable for Indoor farming? how to maintain the Silver Queen?

First, pay attention to temperature control. When the summer is hot and the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the Silver Queen will stop growing and the leaf tip will turn yellow, which will affect the appreciation value. When the temperature is below 10 ℃ in winter, move to a warm place for anti-freezing treatment. Generally speaking, the most suitable temperature for the growth of Silver Queen is between 15 and 25 ℃. Second, we should pay attention to light adjustment, the Silver Queen is a good shade-tolerant plant, so the light should not be too intense. If the light is too strong or too long, sunburn is easy to occur. Third, we should pay attention to the regulation and control of water and fertilizer. Spring and autumn are the peak growing season for the Silver Queen. Adequate water intake should be ensured, and the moisture of the basin soil should prevail, but do not accumulate water to prevent rotting roots. Silver Queen is a constant temperature plant, watering can choose warm water irrigation, can make its growth time longer. Fertilize every semimonthly, stop fertilizing in winter.

Fourth, we should pay attention to pruning and changing pots. As the plants grow stronger and stronger, they need to pay attention to the farmers, replace the flowerpots of suitable size in time, and build branches and leaves to maintain the good figure of the Silver Queen.