
What do you need to pay attention to when growing flowers in summer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Every summer, it is difficult for many flowers to endure. The rainy season of high temperature, hot heat and stagnant water is difficult for them to tide over. First of all, it should be noted that plants should not be exposed to high temperatures for a long time. Different flowers and even different periods of the same flower have different requirements for light.

Every summer, it is difficult for many flowers to endure. The rainy season of high temperature, hot heat and stagnant water is difficult for them to tide over.

First of all, it should be noted that plants should not be exposed to high temperatures for a long time. Different flowers and even different periods of planting flowers have different requirements for light, and many shade flowers are not adapted to the strong light environment in midsummer, so the light should be filtered out by 50% to 80%. The flowers that need to be filtered are orchid, evergreen, asparagus, camellia, southern bamboo, gardenia, rhododendron, magnolia and so on. In addition, some flowers are afraid of high temperature and are prone to bad health and dormancy in high temperature weather. Put the plant on a ventilated balcony or spray water on the leaves to lower the temperature. The flowers that need to be cooled are orchids, calla lilies, geraniums, begonia and so on.

Secondly, Rain Water is sufficient in summer, and it is easy to accumulate water in the flowerpot, so we should pay attention to timely drainage, otherwise the soil is easy to harden, and the anoxia in the pot soil will cause flowers to suffocate to death. Fleshy root flowers are particularly afraid of stagnant water in the basin, such as orchids, dahlias, cactus and so on. Third, the summer high temperature and rainy, air humidity is too large,-single ventilation is not good, it is easy to occur diseases and insect pests, red spiders, aphids, white spot disease and so on. Therefore-we must pay attention to the continuous rainy season,-we must strengthen ventilation. In addition, the stalks of some spiders are too high and are easy to break in a storm, so be prepared to prevent lodging before heavy rain. Finally, some flowers, such as string red and zinnia, should be watered in summer, otherwise it is easy to grow branches and leaves without blooming. At the same time, it can also be used to remove buds and buds and other methods to prevent excessive growth of branches and leaves.

What should families pay attention to when growing flowers in summer?

With the arrival of summer, the temperature gradually rises from June to August, Rain Water has more, which is beneficial to the growth of potted flowers, but some flowers and trees are not resistant to high temperature, but their growth is stagnant, especially the small area of family balconies, poor ventilation, easy to heat, high humidity and muggy in the rainy season. it is easy to make potted flowers grow poorly, or even get sick and die. Therefore, the management of shading, ventilation, water and fertilizer should be strengthened.

In mid and late May, a bamboo curtain was placed on the Xiangyang windowsill for shade, and the shady rhododendron, camellia, orchid, Ruixiang, hairpin and pearl orchid were placed on the flower rack under the bamboo curtain for maintenance, and leaf water was often sprayed and sprinkled around the window to increase air humidity. Xiyang's succulent plants and jasmine, Milan, crape myrtle and pomegranate are still planted on balcony flower racks. Rose, gardenia, begonia, geraniums, etc., should also be shaded in the heat. And gentleman orchid, asparagus, water bamboo, hanging orchid and so on place indoor ventilation, and prevent direct sunlight.

During the mildew and rainy season in June, do not make the potted flowers lose fat in the rain. If the pot is waterlogged due to rain, the flowerpot should be lying upside down to facilitate drainage, otherwise, the root system will rot and die because of more water suffocation. When the humidity is high and the temperature is high, we should pay attention to observe and strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Except for jasmine, Milan, crape myrtle and begonia which can blossom in hot season, other potted flowers should stop fertilizing. In summer dormant or semi-dormant inverted Admiralty, Lycoris, cyclamen, geranium, poinsettia, calla lily, arrow lotus and so on can not be fertilized.

Watering should grasp the principle of less evaporation in rainy season, basin soil should be dry, with the increase of air temperature, the amount of water should be increased, and should be watered thoroughly in the morning and evening at high temperature. To often loosen the soil, so that the water is easy to pour through, the permeability of the basin soil is also good, which is conducive to the growth of the plant. While watering, do a good job of watering the surrounding environment to reduce the temperature. In addition to strengthening environmental ventilation, for potted flowers with luxuriant branches and leaves, some overdense twigs and leaves should be removed to make ventilation and light beneficial to growth and to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

How to grow flowers in summer? What should we pay attention to when growing flowers in summer?

It is generally believed that flower pruning is best at the end of autumn. In fact, it is necessary to prune flowers and plants safely in summer. After many flowers enter the summer, they are often easy to grow in vain, affecting their flowering and fruiting. In order to keep the plant shape beautiful and fruity, it needs to be trimmed and reshaped. Summer pruning is generally based on measures such as coring, wiping buds, removing leaves, thinning buds, thinning fruits and so on.

(1) pick some grass flowers, such as Begonia, Golden Bell, a string of red, chrysanthemum, Dutch chrysanthemum, early chrysanthemum, etc., and pinch off their tops when they reach a certain height to promote them to be more branched and bloom. Some woody flowers, such as kumquat, should also be heart-picked when the branches grow to about 15-20 cm in order to bear more fruit.

(2) in summer, many flowers often sprout adventitious buds from the base of the stem or branches, which should be erased in time so as not to consume nutrients and disturb the plant shape.

(3) to remove leaves, some foliage flowers should properly cut off old leaves and promote new leaves, then the leaf color will be more beautiful.

(4) Bud thinning, fruit thinning for flowers that are mainly ornamental, such as dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses, etc., excessive buds should be removed in time; for ornamental flowers, such as kumquat, pomegranate, bergamot, etc., when the young fruit grows to the size of soybean grains, the excess young fruit should be removed; for some flowers that cannot bear seeds or are not ready to collect seeds, cut off the residual flowers in time.

(5) plastic surgery for poinsettia, plum blossom, green peach, tiger thorn plum and other flowers, often bend each side branch in summer to make the plant shape plump and graceful.

The comprehensive management of disease prevention and pest control in summer has high temperature and high humidity, which is conducive to the occurrence of a large number of diseases and insect pests. We should carry out the policy of "prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control" and do a good job in prevention and control in the spirit of "early treatment, small treatment and cure" to ensure the healthy growth of flowers.

The main results are as follows: (1) the common diseases in summer are powdery mildew, anthracnose, gray mold, leaf spot, nematode, bacterial soft rot and so on. Powdery mildew is mainly harmful to rose, plum blossom, peony, chrysanthemum, dahlia, begonia, melon leaf chrysanthemum, inverted golden bell and so on. After the damage, the plants were short, the tender shoots were curved, and the leaves were uneven or curled. Buds, leaves, shoots and buds, as if covered with a layer of white powder and grow many small black spots, serious leaves withered and withered, or even the whole plant died. Anthrax is mainly harmful to orchids, Magnolia, Milan, plum blossoms, rubber trees, cactus and so on.

After most flowers are infected by bacteria, there are nearly round disease spots on the leaf surface, the edges are mostly purplish brown or dark brown, the center is light brown or grayish white, and the disease spots are often arranged with small black spots in the shape of wheels. The leaves withered and died when the disease was serious. Botrytis cinerea is mainly harmful to peony, peony, cyclamen, begonia, inverted Admiralty and so on. The damaged parts such as leaves, stems and flowers are brown or purplish brown rotten, gray mildew grows on the disease spot when the weather is wet, and the whole plant dies in severe cases.

The following methods can be used to control the above three diseases:

① thoroughly removed the dead branches and leaves in early spring, cut off the diseased schools, leaves, buds and destroyed them in time, so as to reduce the source of bacteria.

② should strengthen cultivation management, fertilize and water reasonably, pay attention to ventilation and light, make the plant grow healthily and improve the ability of disease resistance.

50% carbendazim or 50% topiramate was sprayed at the initial stage of ②.

(2) there are two kinds of common pests in summer: piercing and sucking mouthparts and chewing mouthparts. The former are mainly aphids, red spiders, whitefly, shell insects and so on. These pests often gather in leaves, tender stems, buds, branches and other parts, with needle-like mouthparts into the flowers to suck juice, causing leaves to turn yellow and curl, resulting in leaf yellowing and shedding. The prevention and control method can be sprayed with 1000-1500 times of dichlorvos emulsion. This medicine is easy to cause drug damage to plum blossom, cherry blossom, rhododendron, elm leaf plum and other flowers and trees, so these flowers and trees should be banned. The latter mainly includes moths, butterfly larvae, various beetles and underground pests. These pests nibble away at the leaves, bite the roots and wither the plants. The method of control is to spray 1000-1500 times of dichlorvos emulsion or irrigate the rhizosphere. High temperature in summer, volatile pesticides, coupled with high temperature when the human body's emission function is enhanced, the absorption of the skin increases, so the poison is easy to enter the human body and poisoning, so summer application, it is appropriate to move the flowerpot to the outside, in the morning and evening.