
Planting techniques of Tripterygium paniculata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Tripterygium paniculata

Chicken blood vine, also known as Tripterygium wilfordii, Tripterygium wilfordii, is a traditional Chinese medicine in China, which has the effects of promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, and is an important raw material for many clinical drugs. So how to plant the chicken blood vine? Let's take a look.

1. Land selection and preparation

Chicken blood vine is suitable to grow in the environment between 200-3000 meters above sea level, usually on the edge of the field, sunny hillside, roadside thickets or seaside sand dunes. When planting, it is appropriate to choose a gentle slope with convenient drainage and irrigation and wet leeward, and the soil should be sandy loam with deep soil layer and loose soil. Turn it deep once in the winter before planting to eliminate the overwintering eggs, and when preparing for planting in the following year, apply 300-500 mature farm manure per mu as base fertilizer, shape and rake flat, ridge and dig drainage ditches, and if conditions exist, the soil can be disinfected.

2. Methods of reproduction

The propagation method of Caulis acerifolia is cutting. when the new buds sprout, select the stout, disease-free branches that grow for 1-2 years as cuttings, cut them into 15-20 cm in length, with 2-3 bud holes above, cut off their base leaves, cut the base obliquely into a wedge, and cut the top flat to make it easy to distinguish. The cuttings are soaked in rooting powder for 5-10 minutes to improve the survival rate, then a small hole is obliquely inserted with a wood stick, and the cuttings are inserted at the same hole, with a depth of about 2/3 of the cuttings, with at least one bud eye exposed. After cutting, covered with soil and watered, about half a month can take root and sprout.

3. Transplanting

After the cuttage survived, the main field management can transplant when the seedlings grow to 40-50 cm, which is usually the best in April-May, because the temperature rises and the rainfall is abundant, which is beneficial to the survival rate of transplanting. After raising the seedlings, the roots should be dipped in sticky yellow mud to keep the roots moist, so that half or 2/3 of the leaves should be trimmed to reduce water evaporation and improve the survival rate of the seedlings. Chicken blood vine is fond of deep mountain forests, hillsides and streams, as well as its characteristics of winding around other trees, so it is best to be cultivated under the forest. Dig a pit at a distance of 2 meters under the forest, apply 5 kilograms of farm manure as base fertilizer at the bottom of the pit, spread the seedling roots, plant them vertically, cover the soil, and pour enough fixed root water.

4. Post-management

After transplanting, it is necessary to remove the weeds and weeds in the forest in time, and it is best to use artificial methods to loosen the soil and weed. After loosening the soil, the litter can be covered with the surface to avoid exposed topsoil. In the peak growing season from July to August, it is necessary to top fertilizer once in time to promote its growth, dig ditches near the root system, apply 5 kg farm manure or 1 jin of compound fertilizer, and cover the soil in time after fertilization. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, there are fewer diseases, mainly the leaves are eroded by pests, chemicals should be used as far as possible, pollution-free killing methods should be adopted to reduce drug residues.

The above is the introduction of the planting technology of chicken blood vine, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.