
Control methods of diseases and insect pests of Arnebia euchroma

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Control methods of diseases and insect pests of Arnebia euchroma

Lithospermum is a perennial herb whose roots can be used as medicine after dryness. It has the effect of cooling blood, promoting blood circulation, detoxifying and penetrating rash. It has excellent curative effect on blood heat, measles, rash and other diseases. It can prevent measles and reduce the symptoms of measles. Now its artificial planting area is wide, but it will suffer from diseases and insect pests in the planting process. Let's take a look at the prevention and control methods of Arnebia diseases and insect pests with Xiaobian.

1. Root rot

Root rot mainly harms the root system of the plant, which generally occurs in the high temperature season. Because the land is low-lying and prone to waterlogging and good drainage, it is easy to lead to the parasitism of fungi, thus infecting the plant. When the disease occurs, the lateral root or root tip begins to blacken, gradually spreads to the whole root system, and finally leads to the whole root fertilizer and the death of the aboveground part.

Prevention and control methods: select the land with high dryness and good drainage when planting, and take good drainage measures in the rainy season. Once diseased plants are found, they should be pulled out in time, taken out of the field and burned, and the disease holes should be irrigated with lime powder or low concentration ferrous sulfate water to prevent further spread of the disease.

2. Leaf spot

Leaf spot mainly harms the leaves, when the disease occurs, there are irregular spots on the leaves, which gradually expands, and in severe cases, the disease spots will occupy the whole leaf and spread to the leaf stalks, and finally the whole plant leaves will dry up and die.

Control methods: strengthen fertilizer and water management, increase plant disease resistance, remove diseased leaves or diseased plants in time, spray Bordeaux solution to prevent and cure, spray once every 7-10 days, continuous 2-3 times, the effect is better.

3. Insect pests

The main pests of Arnebia are grub, mole cricket, ground tiger, weevil, they mainly harm the root system and seedlings of the plant, eat the root system or stems and leaves of the plant clean, seriously lead to no harvest, do great harm.

Prevention and control methods: before planting, combine soil preparation, turn deep, use strong light exposure to destroy insect eggs in the soil, or use chemicals to disinfect and sterilize. In the outbreak of insect pests, artificial trapping or poison bait can be used to control insect pests.

The above is the introduction of Arnebia pest control methods, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.