
What does night incense look like?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nocturnal incense, branchlets weak, hairy, with milk. Leaves opposite; leaf blade broadly ovate, cordate to rectangular-orbicular-ovate, 4-9.5 cm long and 3-8 cm wide, apex shortly acuminate, base deeply cordate, entire, basal palmate veins 7-9, margin and veins hairy. Cymes axillary

Nocturnal incense, branchlets weak, hairy, with milk. Leaves opposite; leaf blade broadly ovate, cordate to rectangular-orbicular-ovate, 4-9.5 cm long and 3-8 cm wide, apex shortly acuminate, base deeply cordate, entire, basal palmate veins 7-9, margin and veins hairy. Cymes axillary, with as many as 30 flowers; Corolla lobes 5, rectangular round, yellowish green, fragrant, especially at night, so it is known as "night incense" and "night fragrance"; Corona 5-lobed, fleshy, shorter than anthers, inserted on gynostemma, apex acuminate; pollen block 1 per locule, oval, erect. Follicles lanceolate, 7.5 cm long, exocarp thick, glabrous. Seeds broadly ovate, ca. 8 mm, apical with white sericeous seed hairs. Like warm, moist, sunny, well-ventilated, loose and fertile soil, drought-tolerant, barren, non-waterlogging, not cold-resistant, stop growing after defoliation in winter; branches and long leaves after spring, with axillary buds or flower buds in each node, lateral branches and inflorescences continue to bloom from May to October, and the smell is fragrant when flowering and more fragrant at night. Winter results.

The effect of nocturnal incense on household environment

Walking on the supermarket, you can see many indoor air fresheners, including jasmine, rose and night fragrance. In fact, why buy these air fresheners? Isn't it better to plant a pot of fragrant flowers directly? Although it is troublesome to grow flowers, they can cultivate people's temperament. Moreover, flowering plants can purify the air, and fragrant flowers can also make your home faint and elegant, giving people a quiet and comfortable atmosphere.

Night flowers, this veritable evening incense, can give out a sweet smell, and mysterious, because she opens at midnight, few people can see her in full bloom. Planting a pot of nocturnal incense at home will not only make your home fragrant, but also let guests know that this is nocturnal incense, giving people an envious yearning.

Put night incense and other plants in the bedroom that can send out fragrance, which can create a quiet and comfortable atmosphere for the bedroom and let people fall asleep peacefully in the natural fragrance.

However, green plants generally wake up photosynthesis during the day and only breathe but not photosynthesis at night, which consumes indoor oxygen and competes with people at night. And nocturnal flowers are oxygen-consuming flowers and plants, which consume a lot of oxygen even during photosynthesis during the day, affecting human health, and emit a large amount of exhaust gas when photosynthesis is stopped at night. In addition, the stronger the fragrance of fragrant flowers at night, because nocturnal incense can emit a large number of particles that strongly stimulate the sense of smell at night, so it will make patients with high blood pressure and heart disease easily feel dizzy, depressed and uncomfortable. It may even make it worse. Therefore, it is not suitable to plant night flowers in the rooms of patients with high blood pressure and heart disease.

The fengshui function of night incense

Home, is the harbor of the soul, carrying our sweat and dreams, we all hope that we can live more smoothly in the future, and have a good dream every day. Therefore, the plants that can bring us good dreams will bring us a good mood. Night incense, send incense at night, give you a comfortable and Enron dream, accompany you to sleep. In this respect, it can bring good fengshui to people.

Fengshui, people say that there is a letter, do not believe there is no, but fengshui is how magical things, has continued for thousands of years. In this respect, night incense can exorcise evil spirits. Perhaps it is because nocturnal incense is in full bloom at midnight, when all creatures are sleeping, she is in full bloom, guarding her sleeping child like a mother.

And night incense carries such a beautiful name and story, looking at her, there will be some kind of inexplicable touch, some kind of serenity, the so-called "serenity".

However, everything has two sides, there are good and bad, if not used properly, it will lead to bad consequences. Although nocturnal incense gives off its fragrance at night, it makes people go to sleep with the fragrance, but it is not applicable to everyone. Because nocturnal fragrant flowers are oxygen-consuming flowers and plants, they consume a lot of oxygen during daytime photosynthesis, and when photosynthesis stops at night, they emit a large number of exhaust gases and give off particles that strongly stimulate the sense of smell. it will make patients with high blood pressure and heart disease easy to feel dizzy, depressed and uncomfortable, and even aggravate the disease. Therefore, it is not suitable to plant night flowers in the rooms of patients with high blood pressure and heart disease. Therefore, in this respect, night incense is not a good fengshui plant.

However, generally speaking, the advantages of planting evening primrose outweigh the disadvantages. As long as we can plant it correctly, we can give full play to its strengths and avoid its disadvantages.

The function of the collocation of night incense and household style

Nocturnal incense, like its name, brings fragrance at night. Night flowers bloom at midnight when all earthly creatures sleep soundly at midnight, with a personality that everyone sleeps and I wake up alone. Many people stay up all night to catch a glimpse of it. May I ask whether planting such a fascinating plant at home will make your home more tasteful?

The night fragrant flower is said to be a fairy who broke the love ring and was guarded in the temple by the queen mother into a seed. Later, she fell in love with the firefly, but the firefly was sent by the queen mother to test the fairy. If the fairy can give up her love, she can return to heaven. But what is love? Does it mean that you can give up if you give up? In this way, the seeds of the fairies bloom for the fireflies every night, waiting for the fireflies to come, but they can't wait any longer. Evening incense flower language is pure heart, happiness, beauty, independence, rebellion, and like adventurous and exciting things, prefer to have fun at the edge of danger. It is said that the master's character is reflected in his life, and the owner of such a mysterious and elegant plant must be a moral and otherworldly person. It has shaped the quiet and romantic style of home in the invisible.

In addition, planting a pot of night fragrant flowers in the bedroom can create a quiet and comfortable atmosphere for the bedroom, so that viewers can get peace of mind after a tired day, relax their mood, and also let people fall asleep peacefully in the fragrance of nature. But nocturnal incense can emit a large number of particles that strongly stimulate the sense of smell at night, making people with high blood pressure and heart disease easy to feel dizzy, depressed and uncomfortable, and even aggravate the condition. Therefore, it is not suitable to plant night flowers in the rooms of patients with high blood pressure and heart disease.

Small night fragrant flowers, with romantic, with purity, if your home is pastoral style, or romantic style, planting night fragrant flowers is more otherworldly in your home.

The culture method of night incense

1. The propagation of the culture method of night incense.

Night-picking incense is often propagated by cutting, which is pruned in spring and autumn. One-year-old stout branches are selected and cut into cuttings 8-10 cm long. The cuttings are cut into pots of sand and soil. Under the conditions of 20-24 ℃ and regular water spray, they can take root after 1 month, then they can be cut or put on the pot.

2. The planting of the culture method of evening primrose

Night incense grows rapidly and needs to be changed every year, which should be carried out at the beginning of April in spring before leaving the room. When changing the basin, it is necessary to remove part of the old soil and roots, replace it with new culture soil, and re-cut it to promote new branches.

3. The temperature and light of the culture method of evening primrose.

Potted night incense requires well-ventilated environmental conditions and should be kept in a sunny place from the beginning of May to the end of September. Although the breeding method of evening incense likes plenty of sunshine, it should avoid hot sun exposure at noon in summer. It is necessary to move indoors in the middle and last ten days of October every year, and the room temperature is required to be 8-12 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the leaves will wither and fall off to death.

4. Watering of the culture method of evening primrose

After changing the basin, it is necessary to keep the soil moist (but avoid stagnant water in the basin). If you find that the tender leaves droop slightly, you should water them in time.

Summer is the peak growing season, in addition to ensuring fertilization, the basin soil must be kept moist and watered twice a day if necessary. In the case of seedlings, water should be sprayed on the leaves 1-2 times a day.

5. The shaping and pruning of the culture method of night incense.

The branches of night incense grow faster, and if they are allowed to grow naturally, they can grow about 1 meter in a year, so they need to be pruned every year in order to sprout more lateral branches and blossom. The culture method of evening primrose is generally pruned in autumn, and each side branch is 10-12 cm long. After the flowers fade, the withered branches and overdense branches should be cut off.

6. Fertilization of the culture method of evening primrose

In the process of growth, thin and mature liquid fertilizer should be applied every 10-15 days, and fragrant flowers can be guaranteed to bloom continuously from the middle of May to improve its ornamental value. If the compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied, the effect is better.

The above is for everyone to introduce the role of night incense and breeding methods, more household plants, please pay attention.

What kind of flowers should I grow indoors?

Due to the characteristics of indoor environment, such as the light is darker than outdoor; the temperature is higher than outdoor in winter, lower than outdoor in summer; humidity is higher than outdoor in winter, outdoor is higher than indoor in summer, so more shade-resistant flowers are placed indoors.

The main types of flowers suitable for indoor display are:

(1) hanging plants: there are mainly green pineapple, orchid, duck toe grass, potted grass and so on.

(2) foliage plants: there are mainly wine bottle orchid, tiger skin orchid, one leaf orchid, flower leaf taro, synthetic fruit taro, tortoise back bamboo, variable leaf Brazil wood, duck foot wood, rich tree, hulk, beautiful needle sunflower, rubber tree, cycad, palm bamboo, spring feather, asparagus, banyan tree and goose palm wood and so on.

(3) flowering plants: there are mainly orchids, longevity flowers, paulownia, bungee flowers, cyclamen, primroses, begonia, camellia, pansy and so on.

(4) aromatic plants: mainly Michelia mollissima, jasmine, Milan, sweet-scented osmanthus, hyacinth and so on.

The main types of flowers prohibited in the room are: rose, tulips, lilies, yellow rhododendron, oleander, evening primrose, hydrangea, because the fragrance of these flowers will stimulate the human body to produce adverse reactions.