
8 common breeding problems of Dishui Guanyin

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Dishui Guanyin is a common indoor plant, perennial herb. The stem is thicker and has obvious effect on dust removal. Guangdong people call Guanyin dripping wolf poison. The reason is that Dishui Guanyin is toxic. If you are a child at home, be careful if you want to cultivate Dishui Guanyin.

Dishui Guanyin is a common indoor plant and perennial herb. The stem is stout and has obvious effect on dedusting. Cantonese call Dishui Guanyin werewolf poison. The reason is that dripping Guanyin is toxic, so if you are a child at home, you should be very careful if you want to raise Dishui Guanyin. When the climate is warm and there is plenty of water, dripping Guanyin drips down from the tip or edge of the leaf, and the shape of the flower is very much like Guanyin. This is the origin of the name Dishui Guanyin. This paper will mainly introduce the culture method of dripping Guanyin through the aspects of temperature, fertilization, watering, sunshine and so on.

Dishui Guanyin is a common indoor plant, perennial herb. The stem is stout and has obvious effect on dedusting. Cantonese call Dishui Guanyin werewolf poison. The reason is that dripping Guanyin is toxic, so if you are a child at home, you should be very careful if you want to raise Dishui Guanyin. When the climate is warm and there is plenty of water, dripping Guanyin drips down from the tip or edge of the leaf, and the shape of the flower is very much like Guanyin. This is the origin of the name Dishui Guanyin.

Dishui Guanyin can encounter the following problems in the process of planting and breeding, which will not only affect its appearance, but also affect its survival if it is not dealt with in time.

1. What is the reason for the yellowing of Guanyin leaves?

Dripping Guanyin basin soil has been too wet or too dry for a long time and has not been watered as soon as it is dry. Pour "half of the water", that is, the water is not watered thoroughly, and there is water seepage at the bottom of the Guanyin basin without dripping water. When it is cold in winter, the roots of dripping Guanyin have been frostbitten. The leaves of dripping Guanyin have not been cleaned with water for a long time, and dust accumulates, which hinders photosynthesis. After the winter, Dishui Guanyin was eager to get out of the room and bask in the sun in a warm place, unable to adapt to the abrupt climate. Dishui Guanyin has been placed in an environment with poor ventilation for a long time. After understanding the reason, we can prescribe the right medicine to the case.

2. What about the rotten roots of Dishui Guanyin?

Dripping Guanyin is prone to rot in summer, mainly because the basin soil is too wet. Pull up the dripping Guanyin, cut off the rotten roots, wear rubber gloves when cutting the roots, and cut off a little of the healthy tissue near the rotten part. Dry, and then plant it in plain sand or sand soil after the wound heals. Do not water it for the time being. Wait until the basin soil is dry before watering. It will be the same in the future, no work, no watering. In addition, it should be placed in a ventilated place.

3. How to grow Guanyin in dripping water

Hydroponic requirements: light scattering, sufficient in winter. The water in the container should be changed frequently, and the container and the root of the plant should be cleaned when changing the water. It is best to rinse with tap water and disinfect it with potassium permanganate solution if possible. The temperature had better be kept above 12 ℃. As it is hydroponic, the air humidity can generally meet the demand. When hydroponic culture, don't get into the water too much, just enter the water with half of the lower root system.

4. What is the problem when Dishui Guanyin falls down

As the usual watering is usually only on the root, the water can not supply the leaves, so it will pour. It is recommended to install the clear water in the spray can and spray it on the leaves. In a few days, it will be effective.

5. How to cultivate Guanyin in winter

In winter, its transpiration will be reduced. if it is a newly transplanted seedling, you can keep the surrounding environment moist after the original soil is moist, and spray the surrounding environment with a water-spraying pot; if Lao Miao, touch the surface soil with your hands, dry before watering, but not too much, because the temperature is lower than 18 degrees, Dishui Guanyin hibernates, does not grow, and does not need much water, otherwise it will rot the roots.

6. How to control the height of Dishui Guanyin

By spraying the whole plant with 2% paclobutrazol solution, it will be found that the growth height of dripping Guanyin is not higher than that of 40cm during the later growth process. If dripping Guanyin continues to grow, you can spray the whole plant again. Generally, the effect of controlling height can be achieved by spraying once in half a year.

Have you ever encountered the above problems when you were growing Dishui Guanyin? Have you tried the above solution? If you have a more effective way, you might as well share more.

Summary of common problems in dripping Guanyin culture

Indoor plants in the breeding process will appear yellow leaves, that drop of Guanyin leaves yellow what to do? Xiaoqi sorted out some yellowing treatment methods of dripping Guanyin leaves and common problems in dripping Guanyin culture.

Pictures of dripping Guanyin leaves yellowing

What if the leaves of Guanyin turn yellow?

1. Red spider, flower friends can take a look at whether there are white spots on the leaf surface of Dishui Guanyin, as well as a waxy texture that feels rough and has no sense of light. if this is the case, it is the red spider. The solution can be washed twice with soapy water, at intervals of two days each time.

2. If the soil is too barren and lack of nutrition, it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow. therefore, it is necessary to increase the nutrition of the soil in time and apply some nitrogen, phosphorus and organic fertilizer.

3. Dishui Guanyin is more suitable for the warm and humid climate. Due to the low temperature in winter and being out for a long time, it is easy for the leaves to turn yellow from frostbite. At this time, it should be placed in an indoor place with constant temperature and plenty of light.

4. There is more dust accumulated on the leaves, which will hinder the light absorption of the leaves and cause the leaves to turn yellow. Therefore, to maintain the leaves regularly, you can scrub them with clean water.

5. If it is not watered for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow because of drought. Therefore, always keep the soil moist, pay attention to watering thoroughly, not just wet the surface of the soil.

Ps: the leaves of Dishui Guanyin cannot be recovered if they are yellow, so cut off the roots if the leaves are yellow, and be careful not to hurt other leaf diameters. If the yellow one is not very strong, you don't have to cut it off.

Pictures of dripping Guanyin leaves yellowing

Common problems in Guanyin Culture in Dishui

1. Touch dripping Guanyin juice poisoning how to do?

A: vinegar is recommended for detoxification. Rinse with plenty of water. Toxic ingredients are calcium oxalate and saponins (Sapotoxin); itching after skin contact with juice; blindness caused by eye contact. Folk vinegar with a little ginger juice co-boiled, oral or gargle to detoxify. If the symptoms of poisoning are obvious, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

two。 What about dripping Guanyin rotten roots?

Answer: Dishui Guanyin is prone to rot in summer, mainly because the soil is too wet. Pull up the dripping Guanyin, cut off the rotten roots, and wear rubber gloves when cutting the roots (Dishui Guanyin is poisonous! Be careful if you have skin allergies.) Cut off some of the healthy tissue near the rotten part. Dry, heal the wound and then plant it in plain sand or sand soil, do not water it for the time being, wait until the basin soil is dry and then water it. It will be the same in the future, no work, no watering. In addition, it should be placed in a ventilated place.

3. Why does Guanyin drip in the morning?

A: under warm and humid conditions with sufficient soil moisture, Dishui Guanyin will drip water down from the tip or edge of the leaf; if the air humidity is too low, the moisture will evaporate immediately. Because the temperature is lower at night, there is no sun exposure, and the air humidity is high, so the phenomenon of spitting water in the morning is obvious. Therefore, in general, water droplets spit more in the morning.

4. How to grow dripping Guanyin hydroponics?

Answer: hydroponic requirements: light scattering, winter can be sufficient. The water in the container should be changed frequently, and the container and the root of the plant should be cleaned when changing the water. It is best to rinse with tap water and disinfect it with potassium permanganate solution if possible. It is best to keep the temperature above 12 ℃. Because it is hydroponic, the air humidity can generally meet the demand. When hydroponic culture, don't get into the water too much, just enter the water with half of the lower root system.

5. What's the problem when Dishui Guanyin falls down?

Answer: as the usual watering is only on the roots, the water can not supply the leaves, so it will pour. It is recommended that the clear water be installed in the spray can and sprayed on the leaves. In a few days, it will be effective.

6. How does Dishui Guanyin take care of?

Answer: its transpiration will be reduced in winter. if it is a newly transplanted seedling, you can keep the surrounding environment moist after the original soil is moist, and spray the surrounding environment with a water-spraying pot; if Lao Miao, touch the soil on the surface with your hands and water only when it is dry, but not too much, because the temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius, dripping Guanyin hibernates, does not grow much, and does not need much water, otherwise it will rot the roots.

7. What if Dishui Guanyin is too high?

A: by spraying 2% paclobutrazol solution throughout the plant, during the later growth process of dripping Guanyin, it will be found that the growth height of dripping Guanyin is not higher than 40cm. If dripping Guanyin continues to grow, you can spray the whole plant again. Generally, the effect of controlling height can be achieved by spraying once in half a year.

Pictures of dripping Guanyin leaves yellowing

The above is Dishui Guanyin leaves yellowing how to do and how to deal with common problems in breeding, hope to help everyone, dripping Guanyin leaves yellowing should first find out the reasons for treatment.

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