
Cultivation and Management of Mulberry Flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The mulberry flower grows vigorously, the florescence is long, and needs sufficient nourishment, so ask for potted soil + points to be fertile. The preparation of potted soil for cultivating Fusang should be adjusted according to its growth stage. Attention should be paid to fertilization management during the growing period. Put it in the half shade after serving. After a 15-day slow-growing process, the seedlings were moved to a sunny place.

The mulberry flower grows vigorously, the florescence is long, and needs sufficient nourishment, so ask for potted soil + points to be fertile. The preparation of potted soil for cultivating Fusang should be adjusted according to its growth stage. Attention should be paid to fertilization management during the growing period.

Put it in the half shade after serving. After 15 days of slow seeding, the plant was moved to a sunny place. According to the wetness and dryness of the climate, it is watered once or twice a day. After more than 2 months of growth, it can be changed into a 5-inch basin. The basin soil should be prepared with 8 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of dung soil. at the same time, when changing the basin, put some cake fertilizer powder at the bottom as base fertilizer.

When the seedlings grow to a height of 20 cm, the first coring is carried out to promote the germination of the lower axillary buds. In the process of sprouting and forming branches at the base, 4 branches with similar growth intensity and uniform distribution were selected, and the rest of the axillary buds were erased to concentrate nutrients for the growth of the remaining branches.

When the warm spring is moved to the outdoor culture, the 8-inch basin can be replaced, and the basin soil can use 6 parts of garden soil and 4 parts of dung soil, and the bottom of the basin can use hoof horn shavings and bone powder as base fertilizer. At the same time, about 10 cm of each branch was cut short, 2 branches of each branch were selected after germination, and the rest of the twigs were erased.

In the spring of the third year, there is no need to change pots, but short pruning needs to be continued. The pruning principle is to remove the weak and stay strong, to keep dense and thin, to make the plants full and symmetrical, and to cultivate a beautiful skeleton. In the spring of the fourth year, the basin was changed every 2 years, and the basin was gradually changed into a 12-inch basin with the proportion of 6 parts of garden soil and 4 parts of dung soil. Shake off the old soil on the edge and trim off part of the old root when changing the basin.

Fertilizer and water management during the growth of mulberry: once in the morning and evening in the middle of summer, a small amount of water can be added if the basin soil is dry in the morning in spring and autumn, and generally irrigated once in the afternoon. During the growth period, we should also pay attention to foliar water spraying, in order to improve the air humidity, especially on the balcony.

In winter, it should be watered according to the overwintering conditions, overwintering in the greenhouse, watering once every 2 days in the greenhouse, and overwintering in the ordinary room, the amount of water should not be large every 5 minutes and 7 days. During the growing period, liquid fertilizer should be applied once every 15 miles every 20 days; when the plant is young, the fertilizer should be light and frequently, and the adult plant fertilizer should be thicker and the interval can be longer. When entering the house and overwintering, sprinkle a thin layer of dry fertilizer on the surface of the basin soil, using coarse cake powder and soy sauce powder.

There are not many diseases of Fusang mulberry, and the common pests are aphids on twigs and leaves and shell insects on branches. Both pests can be sprayed with 1000 times of dimethoate. When a small amount of scale insects are found, they can be removed with a hard bristle brush.

Culture and Management techniques of Fusang Flower

1. Morphological characteristics: Malvaceae, hibiscus. Evergreen shrubs or small trees. The potted plant is generally 1m high, with an erect stem, much branched stem and gray dry skin. Leaves alternate, broadly ovate, apex pointed, leaf margin coarsely serrated or notched, base entire, leaf surface dark green and shiny. The flower is solitary in the leaf axil of the upper part of the branch, the pedicel is slender, the calyx cup-shaped five-lobed, green, the flower is large, the diameter is about 10 cm, there is a single double petal, the single petal is like a trumpet, and the flower color is red, orange, yellow, white, rose and so on. The flowering period is very long, but it can only bloom for one day for each flower, that is, "blooming and falling". Capsule ellipsoid smooth beaked, potted rarely fruiting.

2. Growth habits: originated in South China, now it is widely cultivated in all parts of China. Like warm and humid climate and sunny and well-ventilated environment. The requirements of the soil are not strict, but dislike saline-alkali soil, like slightly acidic reaction of the soil. Pot cultivation is suitable for loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam or clay loam. During childbearing, he likes flood and fat, but he is afraid of stagnant water and rain. The germinating ability of branches is strong, so it is suitable for pruning and shaping. The flower is in the axils of the new branches and wilts on the same day after it blooms.

Cultivated in the open field in the south, potted plants in the north are suitable for medium greenhouse. When the room temperature is less than 5 ℃, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, which is less than 0 ℃, which is easy to suffer frost injury.

3. Propagation methods: cutting and grafting can be used for mulberry propagation, but most of them are cuttings. Cutting propagation is generally combined with pruning. The suitable cutting period is from January to April indoors, and the survival rate is higher in the open field in the rainy season. The top branch of one-and-a-half-lignified cuttings is the best, which is about 10 cm long. each cuttage should retain 3-4 buds, 3-4 leaves in the upper part, and remove the lower leaves. The cut at the lower end of the cuttings should be under the node, and the incision should be smooth. If the cuttings are attached with buds, they should be removed. The sand or soil used for inserting the bed should be sterilized and sterile, with a depth of about 2-3 cm, and be covered with plastic film after insertion to maintain humidity. A Reed curtain is set on it to shade. The room temperature can be maintained at 18-25 ℃ and the relative humidity is 85-95%. If the soil temperature in the bed can be slightly increased by 2-3 degrees higher than the air temperature, it is more beneficial to rooting. It is best to divide the cuttings into different varieties, mainly based on the speed of rooting, and planted in different cutters for easy management. For example, many double flower species take root slowly and grow weakly after survival, while hanging baskets (arch flower baskets), lanterns and wax twists (Lingnan Fusang) take root quickly and grow well after survival, especially Lingnan Fusang. Fully water within one week after planting, properly ventilate and reduce the amount of water after one week, to keep the soil fully watered within one week after planting, and to properly ventilate and reduce the amount of water after a week to keep the soil moist. According to the cuttage varieties and temperature and other environmental conditions, survival sooner or later varies, generally 2 weeks to 40-50 days can take root. How to cultivate mulberry flowers? Cultivation techniques of Flower Propagation, Disease and Pest Control of Mulberry

Fusang flower, also known as hibiscus, is rich in flowers and colors, and most of its varieties are very popular ornamental plants. according to the editor, most of this flower is grown in the courtyard, but in fact, it is also a potted plant. Here are the cultivation techniques of potted mulberry flower propagation and pest control!


Cuttage propagation

From March to October, the survival rate was the highest in the rainy season and in the greenhouse in winter. The cuttings should be semi-lignified branches of the same year, or stem cuttings can be used to cut 10cm, cut off the lower leaves, leave the top leaves, cut flat, cut in the sand bed, maintain high air humidity, the temperature is 18 ℃ ~ 21 ℃, and can be transplanted 40 ~ 45 days after cutting. If the cuttings were treated with "Root Sun" rooting agent, the rooting period could be shortened.

The rooting agent "Root Sun" was particularly effective in treating mulberry cuttings. Single-petal varieties could root about 23 days after planting, and double-petal varieties could root about 29 days after planting, which was 16 ~ 22 days faster than that of cuttings without any treatment. The growth time of seedling stage is short, and there is no need to weed and fertilize. Spraying fungicides 1 ~ 2 times, watering 1 ~ 2 times a day, the survival rate can reach more than 90%, while the survival rate of double petal varieties is relatively low, the survival rate is about 40% ~ 50%. Therefore, double-petal varieties are mostly propagated by grafting, and the survival rate is high.

Grafting propagation is carried out in spring and autumn. It is mainly used for mulberry varieties with difficult cutting or slow rooting, especially for double-petal varieties with low survival rate of cutting. With branch grafting or bud grafting, rootstock with a single valve to support mulberry. Grafted seedlings can branch and blossom in the same year.

Hibiscus peony planting mulberry flowers in pots

Upper basin management

When the root system of Fusang is 3 ~ 4cm long, it can be transplanted into the pot. Potted mulberry plants are often planted at the mouth of 15 ~ 20cm pots, with 1 plant in each pot. As Fusang is not strict with the environment, but likes sunny, hot and dry climate, and is sensitive to water and fertilizer, it is necessary to do a good job in cultivation and management according to its growth characteristics, such as watering, fertilization, core pruning, light, temperature and so on.

Watering in the growing and flowering season, it is necessary to give sufficient water to the root in order to make it grow exuberantly and bloom well. Potted Fusang was watered once a day in spring and autumn, and once in the morning and evening in summer. Sprinkle more water around the site to increase the humidity in the air, but do not water at noon in midsummer, otherwise the plant will wither. Due to the low temperature in winter, the amount of water should be strictly controlled, otherwise the cold resistance of the plant will be weakened and freezing injury will occur easily. Wait for the basin soil to dry before watering in winter. The mulberry cultivated in the open field should also be watered thoroughly when the soil is dry.

Fertilizer Fusang likes fertilizer, mixed fertilizer should be applied every 15 days at seedling stage, bone powder or chemical fertilizer with high phosphorus content should be used after flower bud appears, especially a large amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied during flowering and bud rearing period. if nitrogen fertilizer alone not only does not blossom, but also branches grow, flower buds are difficult to form, so fertilization must be balanced. Fertilization should be reduced gradually after October and should be stopped in winter.

Pruning when the newly planted seedlings grow to 10 ~ 15cm high, remove the terminal buds in time and keep 6 ~ 8cm high. When the new branch grows to 6 ~ 8cm, the second coring is carried out, that is, the terminal bud is removed, and a plump crown can be formed by repeating it several times. Fu mulberry has strong germination and resistance to pruning, so the plant should be pruned once when the temperature rises in early spring, in order to increase the number of branches and achieve the purpose of large flowering. Pruning is based on plastic pruning, removing weak branches, disease and insect branches, slender branches, and cutting short sturdy branches and growing branches. If the growth is too fast in summer, it can be pruned once in 1 ~ 2 months.

The suitable temperature for the growth of Fusang was 15 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, 18 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ from March to October, and 13 ℃ ~ 18 ℃ from October to March of the following year. The temperature in winter is not lower than 5 ℃. If the temperature is below 5 ℃, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and when the temperature is below 0 ℃, they are easy to suffer frost damage. Carthamus tinctorius can still grow normally above 35 ℃. The light helps the mulberry to like the whole yang, is not tolerant to the shade, the light is sufficient, the growth is strong, the disease and insect pests are few and the flowers are colorful. Lack of light is easy to drop flowers and buds, leaves withered and yellow. Even if it blossoms, the flowers are small, the leaves are dim, and they are susceptible to diseases and insect pests.

Road greening effect

Pest control and disease control

The common diseases are blight rot, leaf spot, stem rot, root-knot nematode, anthrax, coal pollution, flower rot and so on.

① epidemic rot. The leaves appear water-stained gray disease spots, which increase rapidly, develop into dark brown and rot. If the disease spot rings to cut the stem, the plant will die.

Prevention and treatment methods: at the beginning of the disease, 500-fold solution of Dysen zinc or 25% metalaxyl wettable powder can be used to spray or irrigate diseased plants, or Bordeaux solution.

② leaf spot. At the initial stage of infection, the leaves appeared light yellow and reddish yellow spots, the disease spots were round or oval after enlargement, and the leaves dried up and fell off in the later stage.

Prevention and treatment methods: 25% carbendazim wettable powder, 50% methyl topiramate 1000 times, 70% Dysen manganese 500 times, 80% Dysen manganese zinc 400 ~ 600 times, 50% carbendan 500 times, etc., sprayed once a week, 2 ~ 3 times continuously.

③ stem rot. The disease mostly occurs in the rainy season and is serious in high temperature and rainy conditions.

Prevention and treatment: during the onset period, 75% chlorothalonil 800 times solution, or 65% Dysen zinc 600 times solution can be sprayed. The seriously ill nursery can disinfect the soil with 70% dimethazone wettable powder.

④ root knot nematode disease. At the initial stage of the disease, the growth of the leaves was weak, and reddish-brown spots appeared on the edges. And expanded inward, and the leaves dried up and fell off in the later stage.

Control methods: the soil can be fumigated with dichlorvos mixture, disinfected the soil, and then sowed or transplanted two weeks later. 3% carbofuran particles 15 ~ 50g can also be embedded in the basin for prevention and control.

⑤ anthrax. It mainly harms the leaves, causing the leaves to yellowing and falling off, and when the occurrence is serious, it can cause the shoot to die.

Control methods: remove withered branches and leaves, centrally destroy or bury them in the soil; strengthen cultivation management, properly increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, promote plant growth and improve disease resistance; spray 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 200 Bordeaux solution, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 1000 times, once every 10 days. The effect was remarkable for 2 ~ 3 times in a row.

⑥ coal pollution disease. Mainly damage leaves and branches.

Prevention and control methods: timely control of aphids and shell insects. At the initial stage of the disease, the whole plant can be sprayed with 1000 times of 40% dimethoate or 80 ~ 1000 times of EC speed.

⑦ flower rot. The germs first invade from the tip of the petals. After the onset of the disease, the disease was waterlogged and faded. Finally, the petals turn brown and rot, and the flowers fall off.

Prevention and treatment methods: at the initial stage of the disease, spray 1 ∶ 1 ∶ Bordeaux solution, or 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 600 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 ~ 800 times, once every 2 weeks, 2 ~ 3 times continuously.

Soot diseases and insect pests

Common insect pests are aphids, shell insects, red spiders, diamondback moths, etc., using stinging mouthparts to suck juice on the buds, twigs and leaves of Fusang, often causing leaves to change color or even curl.

Control method: it can be sprayed with 1500-2000 times of deworming essential oil, or sprayed with 0.01% triclofenac solution or 80-1000 times of EC speed. Once a week, 2 ~ 3 times in succession, the effect is better.

Fusang flower is a beautiful ornamental flower, and the planting method is simple and easy to survive, it likes light, as long as the flowering period will grow, it is very suitable for courtyards, gardens and other places the best flowers. Friends who love flowers can take a look at its method of potted reproduction.