
Maintenance methods of jasmine in winter

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Winter is coming in the twinkling of an eye, flower friends who like to raise jasmine begin to discuss the maintenance methods of jasmine in winter. The following editor briefly introduces the maintenance methods of jasmine in winter. 1. Jasmine flowers are dormant as long as they stop growing in winter, regardless of whether the leaves are deciduous or not.

Winter is coming in the twinkling of an eye, flower friends who like to raise jasmine begin to discuss the maintenance methods of jasmine in winter. The following editor briefly introduces the maintenance methods of jasmine in winter.

1. Jasmine flowers are dormant as long as they stop growing in winter, no matter whether they are deciduous or not. Dormancy performance has a lot to do with temperature. The specific situation is analyzed as follows:

1) there are only a small number of fallen leaves, and most of the leaves remain evergreen, which is called evergreen dormancy and occurs when the temperature is above 15 degrees.

2) there are a large number of fallen leaves, but the branches are healthy. This is called deciduous dormancy, which occurs when the temperature is between 3 and 15 degrees.

3) if the temperature is below 3 degrees, it will not only shed a large number of leaves, but also be easily damaged by freezing. The temperature is too low, which is not conducive to the overwintering of jasmine.

Add: special case, jasmine in the overwintering period, more than 22 degrees, the growth will continue, belonging to anti-seasonal growth, this time is suitable for jasmine to do a small pruning, only for overgrown leaf branches; but in general, maintain the existing plant type.

2. During the overwintering period, jasmine itself does not need much fertilizer, so there is no need to topdressing at this time. If you apply fertilizer at this time, it will do it a disservice, which is not good for overwintering.

3. During the overwintering period, jasmine is watered as usual, still looking at the topsoil, but it must be watered thoroughly and served extensively.

4. During the overwintering period, the growth of jasmine has stopped, heat preservation is the most important, at this time to maintain the existing plant type, do not need to give it a large pruning.

The reasons are as follows:

Because through the performance of branches and leaves, we can judge whether its overwintering state is still very healthy, maintain the existing plant type, to a certain extent, can resist the low temperature in winter.

Because he shaved his head too early, it didn't help jasmine on the contrary, and even overwintering would be a problem in the future.

Besides, jasmine stops growing throughout the winter, and the temperature is so low that even if it is shaved, it will not sprout quickly.

In short, pruning jasmine, especially large-scale pruning such as shaving, must depend on the season. Don't do this when the temperature is too low for jasmine to grow.

It is most appropriate to shave jasmine's head in May and June, when jasmine grows most vigorously, that is, in late spring and early summer. At that time, the growth of jasmine is very exuberant, give it a large pruning, can sprout quickly in a short time, will play the effect of adjusting the plant type.

Pot cultivation method of jasmine cultivation method of family culture of jasmine

There are always some colors to fill in. Big or small, a rain, at the top of the earth. After April, it will be the sound of the waves. The wind rattled into my ears, and so quickly, the sun walked around the tree and brought in a group of leaves. And birdsong. Birds chirping in the warm breeze, streets reflected above the streets, songs sung in songs. Above the earth. A kind of listening, seize the sun and the wind, seize the power of the years. So, do you know anything about jasmine? Next, the editor will introduce jasmine to you.

(1) selecting basin

According to the characteristics of the root system of jasmine, which requires good permeability and humid environment, potted jasmine should be planted in plain mud basin, glaze basin, porcelain basin and so on. There are generally three specifications of plain burning mud basin suitable for planting jasmine: caliber 25cm with a height of 15cm, caliber 30cm with a height of 17cm, and caliber 36cm with a high 22cm. The diameter of the flowerpot is slightly smaller than that of the tree crown, which is beneficial to maintain the humidity of the pot soil.

(2) preparation of cultivated soil

It was made of 4 parts of loam, 4 parts of compost and 2 parts of sand, plus a small amount of bone powder, cake fertilizer, plant ash and so on. It is required that the cultivated soil is fertile, loose, strong in water and fertility conservation and good in permeability. Rotten garbage can be sifted through 16 holes instead of sand and disinfected with formalin. Sprinkle 1.5% formalin 2L evenly in lOOm3 soil, then cover it with grass or mat and use it after 48 hours.

(3) upper basin

First cover the drain with tiles or broken pots, add 3cm thick coarse culture soil or coarse sand or cinder, and then plant with the prepared culture soil. When planting, wash the roots of the seedlings first, and cut off the main roots, overlong lateral roots and injured roots. Cut and set the stem at the 15~20cm of the root neck, and then divide the 4-6 seedlings into 2 or 3 clumps and plant them in the basin.

(4) change the basin

When the jasmine flowers planted in the basin grow up from small to small, and the roots cover the whole basin, the plant needs to change from the small pot to the big one. Generally, before the jasmine sprouts, the root system is pruned and then a larger basin is replaced.

(5) Management

When the basin is not changed, the old soil with 2cm thickness can be removed from the surface and the new culture soil can be added.


The principle of fertilization for potted jasmine is to apply thinly and diligently. Topdressing with bone meal, human and animal manure and urine oil retting to produce mature fermented fertilizer and water, urea and compound flower fertilizer as the auxiliary. During the germination of new buds, the above retting rotten fertilizers with a concentration of 5% were applied every other day, and 1009 urea and 1009 compound fertilizer were added to 25kg every 3 to 4 days. In the flowering season, fertilizer should be applied every 2-3 days, and the ratio of fertilizer to water is 4:8 or 3:7.


Potted jasmine still holds the principle of no drying and no watering of potted soil. When the temperature is low in spring and autumn, it should be watered every 2 or 3 days, and once every 1-2 days in summer. The "three volts" day from June to August, high temperature and drought, large amount of water evaporation, irrigated once a day in the morning and afternoon. From November onwards, the water supply should be strictly controlled throughout the winter. In the flowering period, the amount of water should not be too much, especially the jasmine used to watch flowers should control the water content and prolong the flowering period.

Shaping and pruning:

The same as open-field cultivation, as long as careful cultivation, proper soil, fertilizer and water conditioning, timely heart-picking, shoot-cutting and leaf-picking, paying attention to pest control and strengthening cold prevention and heat preservation, a bumper harvest of potted jasmine can be obtained.

That's all I know about jasmine today. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about jasmine, please continue to follow our succulent flower bed and learn more.

Winter conservation of potted jasmine and management methods of potted jasmine

Winter conservation of potted jasmine and management methods of potted jasmine winter is coming in the twinkling of an eye, flower friends who like to raise jasmine begin to discuss the overwintering management methods of jasmine. The following reporter briefly introduces the conservation methods of jasmine and the maintenance and management methods of potted jasmine overwintering. In fact, it is not difficult to raise potted jasmine flowers, according to the growth habits of jasmine flowers: it is required that the cultivated soil is rich in organic matter, and has good water permeability and ventilation, according to the characteristics of jasmine like moisture, drought tolerance, water accumulation and breathability, master watering time and water quantity. Potted jasmine generally should be changed every year to change soil jasmine like fertilizer, especially the flowering period is long, need more fertilizer. Jasmine is not resistant to low temperature and poor cold resistance. except for South China and Fujian, it can be planted in the courtyard. Jasmine is planted indoors every time after Frosts Descent and the Beginning of Winter. The details are as follows:

Jasmine pot culture requires that the cultivated soil is rich in organic matter, and has good water permeability and aeration properties. Generally, 4 parts of pastoral soil, 4 parts of compost, 2 parts of river sand or grain bran ash, plus an appropriate amount of fully rotten dried cake, chicken and duck manure, and sift out the powder and coarse grains, cover the bottom with coarse grains. The most suitable time for potting is before the new shoots germinate from April to May every year. Choose the right flowerpot according to the size of the seedling. Hold the seedling with one hand and fill the culture soil with the other. After the soil covers all the roots, lift the plant slightly upward and vibrate the basin a few times to make the soil in close contact with the root system. Then compact the basin soil by hand, so that the soil surface is 2 centimeters away from the edge of the basin, leaving it for watering. After planting, pour root water, and then put it in a slightly shaded place for 7-10 days to avoid direct sunlight, and then gradually see the light. The key to daily management is water. According to the characteristics of jasmine like wetting, drought tolerance, water accumulation and breathability, we should master watering time and water quantity. It can blossom from June to July. At this time, the root system has returned to normal growth, and thin alum fertilizer water should be irrigated every 7-10 days. In the future, it can be managed according to the adult plant Rongli, and the basin will no longer be changed that year.

Jasmine likes fertilizer, especially the long flowering period, needs more fertilizer, it also likes acid soil, usually can be irrigated once a week 1:10 alum fertilizer water. After the first flowering, it is appropriate to use bean cake as forced fertilizer, apply it in topsoil, apply bone powder and phosphate fertilizer when flowering, and conditionally pour rotten human feces and urine, so as to make jasmine fragrance rich. In the high temperature of flowers, should be fertilized every 4 days, might as well be fat and water, generally watering in the morning, fertilizing in the evening, and hydrolyzing the next day, which is conducive to the absorption of jasmine roots. Fertilizing should not be too thick, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots. Before watering, use a small shovel to slightly loosen the basin soil and then irrigate it. Do not fertilize the basin soil when it is too dry or too wet. Fertilization is the best when it seems to be dry or not.

In order to make the plant shape of potted jasmine plump and beautiful, the residual branches should be cut off immediately after blooming, so as to promote the germination of new techniques at the base and control the height of the plant. Stop fertilizing in the first ten days of September to improve the maturity of branches and be beneficial to overwintering. Jasmine is afraid of the cold. When the temperature drops to 6-7 ℃, it should be moved into the room. At the same time, attention should be paid to opening the window for ventilation so as not to cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. At this time, the temperature is often unstable, when the weather is warm, you should still move outside and be ventilated to see the light. Jasmine moved indoors for the winter, should be placed in a sunny room, the room temperature should be more than 5 ℃. Water is watered every 7 days or so to make the basin soil slightly wet. In this way, the branches and leaves can be kept green in winter without losing its ornamental effect.

Potted jasmine flowers should generally change pots and soil once a year, remove part of the old soil and residual roots around jasmine roots, replace them with new culture soil, and re-improve the soil aggregate structure and nutrients, which is beneficial to the growth of jasmine. When you change the basin, water it thoroughly as if it were on the basin, so that the root soil can be connected closely and the growth can be restored. Riley should be pruned before changing the basin, leaving only about 10 centimeters for the branches born last year, and cut off the diseased and withered branches and overdense and thin branches. During the growing period, the old leaves that are too dense are often removed, which can promote the germination of axillary buds and the emergence of new branches and long buds. From April to May in spring, Riley is drawing branches and long leaves, and the water consumption is small, so it can be watered once every 2-3 days, and before and after noon, it must be watered thoroughly; May-June is the spring flowering period of jasmine, and watering can be slightly more; it is a high temperature climate from June to August in midsummer, which coincides with the flowering period of rapid growth and accelerated foliar evaporation, strong sunshine and more water, which can be watered once in the morning and evening. In case of drought, water should also be used to spray leaves and the ground around the basin. Because jasmine is not resistant to drought and waterlogging, the stagnant water in the basin should be removed in time on rainy days in summer, and the temperature in autumn can be reduced to watering once every 1-2 days; in winter, the amount of watering should be strictly controlled, such as excessive humidity of basin soil, which is disadvantageous to overwintering.

Jasmine is not resistant to low temperature and poor cold resistance. except for South China and Fujian, it can be planted in the courtyard. Jasmine is planted indoors every time after Frosts Descent and the Beginning of Winter.

The jasmine in the beginner's room should be placed in a well-ventilated and sunny place. Before the arrival of the severe cold, plastic film bags can be used to cover the basin. It is best to tie up the brackets with lead wire and small bamboo sticks along the edge of the basin, and then cover them with plastic film bags. Put it near the window where there is plenty of sunshine during the day, avoid the northwest doors and windows, so as not to make the northwest wind blow. Move the pot plant out of the window at night and put it in the warmest place. When the temperature rises above IO ℃, the plastic bags should be untied in time for ventilation. It is best to keep the temperature around 5 ℃-8 ℃ at night. In short, as long as it is kept above O ℃ and the basin soil is not frozen, it is possible to survive the winter safely.

Watering during overwintering is the key to the success or failure of conservation management. in principle, water as little as possible and no longer apply fertilizer. The amount of water after the room should generally be 30% to 40% less than that in the open air. It should be treated differently according to the plant growth strength, size and the texture of the basin. Be sure to wait until the dried leaves are soft before watering. The water temperature should be slightly higher than the soil temperature. Watering time should be around noon. Before leaving the room (before Ching Ming Festival leaves the room), due to the rise of temperature, the transpiration of plants is enhanced, and the water evaporation of basin soil increases. More attention should be paid to watering during this period, we should not only prevent dryness, but also prevent moisture, and master the principle of "wet and dry". You can't wait until the dried leaves of the basin are soft before watering.