
Soilless cultivation methods and techniques of Flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Flower soilless cultivation is a new kind of plant cultivation technology in modern times, which can intensively produce a large number of vegetables and fresh cut flowers in a small area, which can not only shorten the production cycle, but also greatly improve the product quality. make the size of flowers, melons and fruits. Today, with the three-dimensional development of urban housing to space,

Flower soilless cultivation is a new kind of plant cultivation technology in modern times, which can intensively produce a large number of vegetables and fresh cut flowers in a small area, which can not only shorten the production cycle, but also greatly improve the product quality. make the size of flowers, melons and fruits.

Today, with the three-dimensional development of urban housing, soilless cultivation is especially suitable for the use of sporadic areas such as windowsill, balcony, hall, desk and so on. The method of soilless cultivation is used to raise flowers. It can put an end to the occurrence of underground diseases and insect pests, and it will not give off the stench caused by fertilizing the potted soil, and there is no need to prepare the cultivated soil, thus saving the trouble of loosening the soil, weeding and turning the pot to change the soil. More importantly, the nutrient loss of growing flowers in potted soil is as high as 40%-60%. On the other hand, the nutrient loss of soilless cultivation will not exceed 10%. If cultivated properly, the growth of flowers is stronger than that of potted soil.

Some family flower growers in southern China often soak the stems of rich bamboo without roots in a vase. They can take root in about 10 days and grow well, and they don't have to plant them in pot soil after taking root. Other flowers and plants, such as bamboo evergreen, can be cultivated and furnished in this way, which is called "hydroponic culture".

People believe that soilless cultivation is hydroponic flower culture, but it is not. Hydroponic culture is only a method in soilless culture. in addition to single-culm foliage flowers such as Fugui bamboo and bamboo evergreen, many other foliage and flowering flowers with strong or no stalk must first be fixed and let them grow upward without lodging, which means that the roots must be fixed with granular cultivation media sold in florists or bean stone, perlite and so on. And then inject water into people for cultivation. Gravel culture, sand grain culture, bdelloid right culture, asbestos block culture, plastic particle culture and so on are commonly used, which are collectively referred to as soilless cultivation.

When soilless cultivation is carried out in the flower field, the nutrient solution is self-prepared according to the different needs of all kinds of flowers, which is quite complicated to operate, and many problems are involved. such as the composition of nutrient cable, the concentration of nutrient solution, the effect of nutrient composition, the consumption and supplement of nutrient elements, and the test of pH and so on. When family flower growers carry out soilless cultivation, they do not have the conditions and need to prepare their own nutrient solution. Professional authors have designed and made a lot of nutrient solutions for family flower cultivation to be sold in the florist. You should read the instructions carefully when using them. The key is that the water halo should not be less than the water dilution indicated on the instructions, otherwise the root system will be burned due to excessive concentration. How to cut flowers in autumn? Autumn flower cutting skills!

Autumn is the peak period for the growth of flowers and plants, so flower-loving friends at this time is the most suitable for flower cutting, we all know that cutting is the reproduction of flower culture, if you want to own a garden, then hurry up this Huinong network editor to learn flower cutting skills!

In autumn, the temperature is suitable, the autumn air is crisp, the autumn tiger is also gradually receding, people feel more comfortable, and many flowers and plants also enter the growth boom period, they enjoy the growth, then the cuttings can also grow faster, so many flowers enter the best cutting period in autumn, and flower friends who want to cut these flowers should begin to prepare.


1. Select the flower branch of the healthy unsprouted flower bud, cut the upper part from the top of the axillary bud, cut obliquely into the shape of a horseshoe, and leave three centimeters long as cuttings. Autumn, cutting season, rich tree jasmine rose cutting season, miss next year

2. Prepare clean river sand or vermiculite, insert rose cuttings and water thoroughly.

3. Place in a shaded and ventilated place, observe the soil humidity in the morning, middle and evening, and keep the soil moist by spraying water.

4. Keep the temperature from 20 to 28 degrees for about two weeks, then take root and then sprout new leaves.

5. Move to a position with sufficient light, maintain normally until the root color turns brown, and then transplant.

Longevity flower

1. Choose strong longevity flower branches, preferably stout ones, which are easy to grow and blossom.

2. Prepare a disposable paper cup filled with sand or nutritious soil. Longevity flowers are easier to survive, as long as they are loose and breathable.

3. After drying the cuttings for half a day, you can insert them into the nutritious soil, water them thoroughly, keep them slightly wet, and water them once every three days. If they are too wet, the roots will rot easily.

4. put it in a ventilated and astigmatic place, it can take root and sprout in half a month.


1. The jasmine can be pruned properly in autumn, but not too much. Strong branches can be selected as cuttings and one end of the cuttage is cut into an oblique cut. Leave two leaves and cut off half of the leaves to reduce water and nutrient consumption.

2. Prepare sterilized river sand or nutritious soil, water and moist in advance, insert cuttings into river sand or nutritious soil.

3. Put it in a ventilated and shaded place, keep it moist, spray water every day, and sprout in January or so.


1. Choose the sturdy hydrangea branches in that year and cut off about 15 centimeters.

2. Find a more robust bud point, cut the horseshoe shape at about four centimeters below, cut flat above the bud point, not too high or too close to the bud point.

3. Remove the leaves, leave two pieces, and then cut off 1/2 of the leaves to reduce evaporation and consumption.

4. Insert the cuttings into the prepared vermiculite or peat soil with the nodes exposed.

5. Place it in a shaded and ventilated place, maintain a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees, and spray to moisturize.

6. Generally, it can take root in about 20 days, and the root can be transplanted after a month.


1. Choose semi-lignified sturdy branches as cuttings, retain axillary buds, leave one or two leaves, and cut off some leaves.

2. Insert the cuttings into the prepared river sand or other seedling media.

3. Put it in a shady and ventilated place and keep the temperature about 20 degrees. After half a month to January, the cuttings begin to take root.

4. Wait for the root to be stronger, grow new leaves, transplant, and maintain normally.

Make a fortune tree

1. The rich tree cuttings should choose the strong branches of the year, cut off 10-15 cm, retain the bud point, the lower incision is horseshoe-shaped, and the upper incision plane.

2. Remove the excess leaves, the remaining two old leaves or the new leaves at the top. If the old leaves are too large, you can cut off half of them to reduce consumption.

3. Insert the cuttings into the ready feeling sand, place them in a cool and ventilated place, and water them to keep them moist.

4. In about 20 to 30 days, the rich tree can take root, and when the roots are stable and strong and the seedlings are energetic, they can be transplanted.


The main results are as follows: 1. The varieties with short growth, large flowers and leaves are selected. The selection of cuttings should leave buds properly, 2 buds should be left in the upper part, and the third buds should be cut to the base of leaves to remove leaves.

2. The cultivated soil is made from 5 parts of fertile garden soil without weed seeds, 3 parts of fine sand, perlite, vermiculite or fermented sawdust and 2 parts of mature compost, which can only be used after hot sun exposure and high temperature disinfection.

3. The second bud should be deep into the soil and watered thoroughly; spraying new high-fat film can keep heat and moisture, isolate bacterial infection and effectively improve the survival rate of Dahlia.

4. Water once in the morning and once in the evening on a sunny day, watering continuously for half a month, and the soil moisture will be kept at 90% for 3 weeks. Because the plant is succulent and soft, it is necessary to set up a support so as not to break the stems and leaves.


1. Generally select the branch with 3-4 leaf nodes at the top, cut it obliquely 0.5 cm away from the upper leaf node, cut the cut as flat as possible, and then remove the leaves on the lower two sections with the petiole, leaving 2-3 leaflets at the top.

2. Under the flowerpot, fill some coarse sand (rice grain size) with good water permeability, and put fine sand (slightly thicker, cuttage layer) above, which is conducive to water conservation.

3. After the cuttings are trimmed and left to dry in a cool place for 1-3 hours, pour the sand thoroughly with water, insert the cuttings and spray through the water.

4. Put the inserted basin in the place where there is no direct scattered light within half a month, and you can move the basin to a half-sunny and half-overcast place after half a month. Pour enough water after insertion, see dry and wet later, and you can take root in about three weeks.


1 、. Cut off the branches of the chrysanthemum from the middle, retain the upper part, cut off according to the length of 20 centimeters, each branch to retain a leaf bud, the top part to retain the terminal bud. Then soak in rooting powder solution for 2 hours.

2. To choose the soil with a lot of humus, first water the soil to make the soil moist, then use a stick to insert an oblique hole with a depth of 8cm, put the chrysanthemum branches into the hole, and then press the soil.

3 、. After pressing the branches, spray water again, spray wet and spray through, and put them in a cool and ventilated place.

4. after spraying water, make an awning, cover it during the day and open it at night, spray water with a spray can on time to keep the soil moist

5. After the cuttings survive, you can transplant and see more sunshine. At this time, water should be controlled and watering should not be too frequent to avoid growing too fast.

Autumn flowers grow fast, and flower cuttings can help flower lovers save the cost of planting flowers. As long as you learn autumn flower cutting skills, you can have your own garden, so act quickly!

Cultivation skills and matters needing attention of hyacinth

According to the editor of Huinong net, hyacinth likes cold bulb flowers, cold and not heat-resistant, there are many colors and varieties, the flower is full of fragrance, winter and spring is its flowering season, has the habit of summer dormancy, the normal flowering period is from January to March. It is a kind of flower that is easy to cultivate. Here are the cultivation skills and matters needing attention of hyacinth arranged by Huinong net. Friends who love flowers, take a look!

Cultivation skills of hyacinth:

Reflowering ability: strong (but the effect of reflowering is not good).

Planting difficulty: easy (suitable for hydroponic culture, potted plant and ground planting).

Depth of soil cover: the corm is shallowly buried, and the soil covers 2/3 of the bulb.

Planting temperature: the highest temperature in the daytime is stable at 10-15 ℃, which is beneficial to the rooting of the bulb. Natural flowering: hyacinth blossoms around March in spring and usually blossoms about 120 days after planting. Flowering is affected by temperature and light sooner or later.

Seed ball treatment: after getting the hyacinth seed ball, remove the miscellaneous roots at the bottom of the root plate and soak it in diluted carbendazim solution for 30 minutes, which has achieved the effect of disinfection and sterilization. After soaking, it is removed and placed in a cool and ventilated place to dry naturally, waiting for planting.

Ball up: before treatment; ball down: after treatment, carbendazim is soaked for 30 minutes and then dried naturally.

Warm Tip: some people are allergic to hyacinth and will itch after contact with hyacinth seed ball, so it is recommended that we wear gloves to clean the seed ball. If your hands are itchy, don't panic, wash your hands with soap and you'll be all right after a while.

Soil culture methods:

Pot selection: 10 cm diameter flowerpot species 1 ball, 17 cm diameter flowerpot species 2-3 balls.

Select soil: choose fertile, well-drained nutritious soil for cultivation, avoid too wet or sticky soil.

Upper basin: the sphere is shallowly buried, exposing the sphere 1 stroke 3.

Watering: after cultivation, water thoroughly and leave it in a cool place to wait for germination.

Hydroponic culture method:

Water level requirements: prepare a hydroponic container, hold water, the water level is about 5mm distance from the seed ball chassis, do not let the seed ball directly touch the water surface or even soak in the water.

Dark treatment: put the bottle in a dark and ventilated place, or cover the transparent container with a black plastic bag or light shield (it is good for the bulb to take root in the dark) and change the water every 2 to 3 days. Rooting time: the fast one can take root in a week, and the slow one can take root in about 2-4 weeks. After sprouting, the water bottle can be moved to a sunny place. If there is less water, it will be increased, and the water level still cannot be soaked to the seed ball.

Matters needing attention in daily maintenance

1. Turn the basin. Hyacinth flower pole phototaxis is strong, indoor potted plant single light source maintenance, need to turn the basin once a day, so that hyacinth receive light evenly, so as to prevent the flower rod from growing upside down.

2. Mildew. If the cultivation is not well ventilated and the humidity is too high, the seed ball is prone to mildew spots, as long as the seed ball does not serve soft rot, there is no need to worry. Hydroponic bulbs can be used to wipe moldy parts to keep ventilation and water clean; soil bulbs can be diluted with carbendazim and irrigated.

3. Clip the arrow. The arrow clip is the phenomenon that the flower stem can not stretch normally and is caught by the leaves, forming a "shrinking neck" phenomenon. The main reason is the excessive temperature at the time of flowering. It is generally appropriate for hyacinth to bloom at 15-20 ℃. If hyacinth is found to have a tendency to entrap arrows, the potted flowers can be moved to a warm dark place for maintenance to delay the flowering time of plants.

4. Compound flowers. Hyacinth compound flowering is poor, the next year flowering sparse, ornamental effect is not good. If you want hyacinth to compound flower, you can add some slow-release fertilizer to the soil for the first time as base fertilizer, cut off the flower stem after flowering, do not cut the leaves, at the same time, water normally, supplement liquid fertilizer, stop water and fertilizer until the leaves are completely withered and yellow, there is no need to pilling, and then restore water and fertilizer when sprouting in autumn.

Hyacinth cultivation is very simple, but blooming is not suitable for flowers, is a very suitable for lazy people to raise flowers, the above are hyacinth cultivation skills and points for attention, usually more busy guys can consider cultivation!