
Culture methods and matters needing attention of wine bottle orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The propagation method of bottle orchid is mostly sowing and propagation, but the seeds have not yet been planted in China, and most of the seeds are imported into □ from the country of origin. When sowing, sow the seeds on the substrate mixed with rotten leaf soil and river sand, keep it moist, not too wet, or it will cause rot. In a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and a semi-overcast environment

Mode of reproduction

Wine bottle orchid is mostly used for sowing and propagation, but the seeds have not yet been planted in China, and most of the seeds are imported into □ from the country of origin. When sowing, sow the seeds on the substrate mixed with rotten leaf soil and river sand, keep it moist, not too wet, or it will cause rot. In the temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and semi-overcast environment, it can germinate after 2-3 months. In addition, plants that have grown for many years sometimes have small buds in the stem base, and they can also be divided into buds and propagated by cuttings. However, attention must be paid to the disinfection of injured □ to avoid decay.

In the process of plantlet growth, the management of fertilizer and water should be strengthened, liquid fertilizer and potassium fertilizer should be applied frequently, so as to expand and enrich the stem. Sexual love of the sun,-can be direct light all the year round, even if the heat and summer, continuous exposure in the scorching sun, the leaves will not burn. But not hardy, the north needs to enter the house in front of Frosts Descent and put it in a warm and sunny place. Room temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius, if it is less than 5 degrees Celsius, measures should be taken to prevent cold and warm to prevent frost damage. The temperate zone went out between Qingming Festival and Grain Rain, while the cold zone came after the Beginning of Summer. As the wine bottle orchid is more drought-resistant, watering should not be too much, otherwise the root is easy to rot. Dry and wet in spring and autumn, moist in summer, and watered when the soil is dry in winter. During the growing season, dilute liquid fertilizer should be applied outdoors every half a month, and granular fertilizer should be applied indoors to avoid air pollution. Potted plants should be prepared with fertile sandy soil, garden soil, rotten leaf soil and coarse sand. Change the basin and soil every spring or autumn to maintain the permeability of the basin soil. No matter on the basin or change the basin, it is appropriate to expose the inflated part of the base to the soil for people to watch.

Wine bottle orchid

Wine bottle orchid, also known as leg tree, belongs to the false leaf tree family, is a kind of foliage plant, native to hot and dry areas of Mexico. Because of its bulging base, it looks like a wine bottle, so it is named wine bottle orchid. Wild wine bottle orchid can be up to 10 meters high, is a quite spectacular plant. Of course, after entering the room, as a potted wine bottle orchid, the height is only 1/10 of the original. Its branches and leaves are not dense, but extremely slender, a little similar to the rain willow, green veins naturally drooping, very poetic. It is an expectant plant that needs to wait as long as ten years to see it have a meeting, but before that, its appearance is also worth watching.

How should the wine bottle orchid with considerable ornamental value be cultivated in the end, and what should be paid attention to? The following will be introduced for you one by one.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of wine bottle orchid

First of all, the breeding methods are introduced from seven aspects: soil, sunlight, humidity, moisture, fertilizer, insect pests and pruning.

1. Soil: it is resistant to drought and barren, so loose sandy soil and humus soil are needed as culture soil. It should be noted that soil with good drainage needs to be selected to prevent waterlogging. It is recommended to choose fertile garden soil and cinder, mix together at 3:1, and then add a little bean cake or chicken manure as base fertilizer.

2. Sunshine: its nature likes sunlight, if it lacks sunlight, it will affect its leaf growth, and the whole plant can not grow healthily, so it should be placed in the place of light recasting in spring and autumn as far as possible. Because the summer temperature is often too high, it needs shade, and the four seasons should rotate their pots every other month so that they can shine evenly into the sun.

3. Humidity: it likes to be moist and should grow in an environment with a relative humidity of 70-80%, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

4. Moisture: because of its special resistance to drought, even if it is not watered within half a year, it will not be affected, because it follows the principle of dry rather than wet, avoid stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause fleshy roots and stems to rot. At the end of autumn when the temperature drops, the amount of water should be reduced to improve the cold resistance of the book at one time.

5. Fertilizer: except for winter, the other three seasons are the peak growing season of wine bottle orchid, which needs to be fertilized every half a month to ensure its sufficient nutrients. Remember to add phosphorus, potash and other fertilizers when applying fertilizer. It should be noted that fertilization should be temporarily suspended in winter.

6. Insect pests: leaf spot is the enemy of wine bottle orchid. In order to prevent it, Bordeaux diluent can be sprayed every two weeks. If there is damage to blind bugs, whiteflies and scale insects, 1500 times the concentration of omethoate emulsion is needed to spray insect pests.

7. Pruning: pay attention to pruning the branches and leaves that are thin, dead and diseased in winter. It should be noted that if the branches and leaves are too dense, they also need to be trimmed.

Easy-to-manage wine bottle orchid is really good news for workers who work from nine to five. If you have the idea of breeding plants recently, you might as well consider breeding a wine bottle orchid.

How to raise wine bottle orchid, the breeding method of wine bottle orchid and matters needing attention / five key points for attention. How to raise wine bottle orchid

1. Soil

The cultivation of wine bottle orchid has high requirements for soil, it is best to choose sandy soil and humus soil with good drainage, and use one part of cinder mixed with three parts of garden soil, plus a small amount of chicken manure as base fertilizer, so that the first part of the early stage is basically completed.

two。 Fertilizer

Fertilizer can be said to be an indispensable part of breeding wine bottle orchid. In addition to winter, the other three seasons can be said to be the season of exuberant growth of wine bottle orchid. In these three seasons, it is best to apply fertilizer to wine bottle orchid every two to three weeks. Generally, liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer can be applied, which can promote the expansion of its base. In addition, I would like to remind you that there is no need to apply fertilizer in winter.

3. Moisture content

Wine bottle orchid is a kind of plant with strong vitality and special tolerance to drought. It can grow normally even if it is not watered for three or five months. Remember not to accumulate water, grasp the degree well, and maintain the principle that it would rather be dry than wet, because too much watering will lead to root rot.

4. Humidity

Humidity here refers to the climate, about how to raise the bottle orchid, climate is also a key link, because too low humidity will make the growth of wine bottle orchid have adverse reactions, such as dull leaves, yellowing, shedding is very possible.

5. Sunshine

As we all know, adequate sunshine is a necessary condition for most plants to grow, and wine bottle orchid is no exception. It likes to grow in places with plenty of sunshine. If there is not enough sunshine, it will grow very small, thin and not strong.

two。 Culture methods and matters needing attention of wine bottle orchid

1. Summer / pay attention to shade

Although the wine bottle orchid is a plant that likes the sun very much, because the summer weather is dry and the sunshine is too strong, it is best to put the wine bottle orchid in the semi-shade and spray it properly every day, usually 2-3 times a day. If you want to understand the breeding methods and matters needing attention of wine bottle orchids, you must keep this in mind.

two。 Winter / water control

Winter is the dormant period of wine bottle orchid, so there is no need to water it. In this season, it is best to bring the wine bottle orchid into the indoor culture. If it is not convenient to put it indoors, you can wrap it in a film and open it at noon to let it breathe.