
How to Cultivate Cyclamen and Control Its Flowering Period

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, [Cultivation] When the seedlings grow 1 true leaf, they should be transplanted, and the small balls should be transplanted into the collapsed pots filled with culture soil. When transplanting, most bulbs should be buried in the soil, leaving only the top growth point partially exposed to the soil surface. After transplantation, soak in water, irrigation should not be too much later, basin soil should not be too wet

[Cultivation] When the seedlings grow 1 true leaf, they should be transplanted, and the small balls should be transplanted into the collapsed pots filled with culture soil. When transplanting, most bulbs should be buried in the soil, leaving only the top growth point partially exposed to the soil surface. After transplantation, soak in water, irrigation should not be too much later, basin soil should not be too wet, in order to keep the topsoil moist as well. After a month to loosen the soil, nitrogen fertilizer every two weeks once, pay attention not to make manure stick to the leaves, so as not to cause leaf decay.

From January to February of the following year, when the seedlings grow to 3- 5 leaves, they are removed from the collapsed pot and planted in a 3-inch pot. The bottom of the pot can not be filled with bricks. When planting, the top of the bulb is slightly exposed to the soil surface, and the pot soil does not have to be compacted. After planting, spray water twice to make the pot soil wet, and then keep the topsoil wet. Apply nitrogen fertilizer once a week to make the leaves grow fat.

3--4 The monthly temperature turns warm, cyclamen leaves increase, should turn 5 inches basin, ball top exposed soil surface 1/30 after turning basin spray twice, make basin soil wet. At the same time, strengthen fertilizer and water management, apply nitrogen fertilizer once a week, promote the plant to grow luxuriantly. At the end of April, the temperature rises, and the midday sun should be shaded to prevent the leaves from being burnt and yellowed. In the future, due to the increase in temperature, bulbs and leaves are extremely susceptible to decay, conservation and management must be paid attention to. 5--6 As monthly temperatures rise, cyclamen must be removed from the greenhouse and placed on a rack under an outdoor rainproof shelter to allow it to continue growing in cooler, more humid conditions. 7--8 When the weather is sultry in the month, the bulb is very easy to rot, and special attention should be paid to the maintenance and management. It must be shaded and ventilated, and it must be rainproof. The bulb must not be rained to prevent rotten balls. Due to the high temperature in summer, fertilization is easy to cause bulb rot, so it is advisable to stop fertilization for two months from the end of B. After the temperature drops in early autumn, start fertilizing again.

It enters indoor maintenance in late October and blooms in November, that is, it can bloom about fifteen months after sowing. In order to make buds flourish, sufficient sunshine should be given during bud emergence, phosphorus fertilizer should be applied, and fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. When fertilizing, be careful not to submerge the top of the ball and cause rot. At the same time, hair leaves too dense, can be appropriate sparse, in order to concentrate nutrition, flowering many.

In May of the third year, the temperature rises, and the flowering cyclamen gradually withers and yellows and enters dormancy. At this time, it is necessary to reduce the amount of irrigation, so that it will be transferred to the dormant state of bulbs. After the branches and leaves wither and the basin soil dries, pour the basin and water. It can be placed in a ventilated shade or placed indoors for shade. However, the basin soil should not be too dry, otherwise it will make the bulb dry and useless.

After summer dormancy, the bulb begins to water a little after autumn to keep the pot soil moist, but not too wet, because the roots and leaves of the old bulb have not yet developed. After October, the weather turns cool, can remove yellow leaves, early temperature is high, pick leaves easy to cause corm damage rot.

When buds begin to sprout and grow, the old ball can be poured out of the pot, stripped of the old soil around the old ball, replaced with new soil, and replaced with a new pot. When turning over the old ball pot for planting, the spherical surface should also be exposed to 1/3 of the soil surface, and at the same time, water should be poured thoroughly. After that, the pot soil should always be kept moist. After turning over the basin for more than 20 days, loosen the soil once, and then loosen the soil once more. Pay attention not to hurt its roots when loosening the soil. After that, it is not suitable to loosen the soil again, but the fertilizer and water management should be strengthened, and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once a week. How to cultivate cyclamen? Cultivation Techniques of Cyclamen

Cyclamen flowers gorgeous, brilliant, loved by many friends. How is cyclamen cultivated? The following is a brief introduction to cyclamen cultivation techniques.

Cyclamen cultivation methods:

Cyclamen can be cultivated by sowing, cutting tubers and tissue culture, and seed culture is the main method in production. Sowing usually takes place in September-November. The substrate used for sowing can adopt pearlite, vermiculite, sawdust and other soilless culture substrates. Before sowing, the seeds and substrate should be disinfected. The substrate can be disinfected by high temperature or medicine. The seeds should be soaked in warm water of 30-4013 for one day and night. If the seeds carry virus, they should also be disinfected. When sowing, the seed coat is washed clean, the seeds are sown in shallow pots or sowing beds at intervals of 1.5-2cm, the substrate thickness is about 0.5-0.7cm, and the substrate is watered thoroughly and kept wet.

At 20-25C, it takes about 20 days to take root, germinate and grow cotyledons in about 1 month. At this time, young seedlings can be allowed to see light to facilitate seedling photosynthesis. When the seedling emergence reaches more than 75%, the nutrient solution is applied once every 10 days, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1:1:10. When the seedlings grow 2-4 true leaves, the first seedling division (usually in March-April) is carried out, and the seedlings are moved to the flowerpot with a diameter of 10cm. After the seedlings are slowed down, they enter the normal maintenance management. Cutting tubers is to cut tubers into several parts according to the number of buds when dormant bulbs sprout new buds (about September-October). Each cut has buds. The cut is coated with plant ash or sulfur powder. The cut is dried in a cool place and then cultivated as a new plant.

Cyclamen soilless cultivation techniques:

Cyclamen soilless culture is mainly based on substrate potting, culture substrate can be selected vermiculite, peat, slag, sawdust, sand, carbonized rice husk and other mixed substrates according to different proportions, such as vermiculite: sawdust: sand 4:2 or Shanghai slag: peat: carbonized rice husk 3:4:3. At seedling stage, mud pots should be used, and the bottom of the pots should be padded with coarse cinders 3-4cm thick, and mixed substrates should be used for the upper part. When planting seedlings, be careful not to hurt the root system. After the fibrous roots are stretched, add matrix, gently compact, expose 1/3 of the bulbs, and irrigate the nutrient solution (diluted 3-5 times).

Cyclamen like fertilizer, but need to fertilize evenly, weekdays irrigation once a week nutrient solution, and according to weather conditions every 2- 3 days spray once water. Because the matrix is loose and breathable, water and fertilizer can be preserved, various requirements of seedling growth can be met. Cyclamen 10 leaves is an important period, generally appears in May-June, at this time into the vegetative growth and reproductive growth phase. Cool areas can be transplanted for the second time at this time, planted in plastic pots, pottery pots or porcelain pots with a diameter of 15cm, the same method as before. In summer, we should pay attention to cooling, ventilation, preservation of existing leaves, control of fertilizer and water, to prevent excessive growth of plants. In addition, attention should be paid to disease prevention and pest control. Bactericidal insecticides such as carbendazim, thiophanate, dimethoate and dichlorvos can be sprayed.

At the end of August, cyclamen gradually resumed growth with the weather getting cooler, and many new leaves grew. At this time, attention should be paid to strengthening illumination and fertilization. Nutrient solution should be poured once a week according to normal concentration, and 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be sprayed on leaves every 10 days. From October to November, the leaves grow slowly, the bud development accelerates obviously, and the flowering period enters. At this time, the suitable conditions are light 2.4- 40 thousand 1x, temperature 12-20C, humidity 60%. Temperature is the main means to control flowering period. Generally, the flowering period of varieties can be delayed for 20-40 days at 10℃. Botrytis cinerea is easy to occur at flowering stage, so ventilation and drug control should be strengthened.

The above is the introduction of cyclamen cultivation technology, like planting cyclamen friends can refer to these technologies, combined with the actual situation, scientific cultivation.

How is cyclamen cultivated and managed? Cyclamen persicum Mill., Other names radish begonia, rabbit ear flower, rabbit flower, a crown, bonfire flower, inverted lotus, primulaceae, cyclamen belongs to perennial herbs, leaves from the top of tubers, heart-shaped, ovate or kidney-shaped, leaves have fine teeth, green leaves, white or gray halo spots, green or dark red leaves, long petioles, reddish brown. Cyclamen is a commonly grown flower, suitable for indoor pot cultivation, winter needs to be greenhouse cultivation. Some cultivars of cyclamen have strong aromas, while others have weak or no aromas.

Cyclamen originated in southern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, Greece, Tunisia and Syria and other places, for semi-cold bulbous flowers, like warm and humid climate, both afraid of heat, but also afraid of cold. Autumn, winter, spring three seasons for the growth season, for the dormant period, should be placed in a ventilated cool place, and often spray water around it to cool down, do not make the ball dormant, so beneficial to winter and spring flowering. Cyclamen optimum growth temperature is 15-20℃, winter needs to be maintained in greenhouse. Cyclamen is suitable for acid sandy soil rich in humus. Daily management, pay attention to watering should not be too much, often keep the basin soil moist can be. Do not spray water on flowers when spraying leaves. If they are too dry, the plants will wither. Cyclamen is more fertile, but it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently. Generally, it can be applied once a week. Fertilizer water should not be contaminated on the leaves. Pedicel out, should add a bone meal or calcium superphosphate. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering and watering controlled.