
How to change the soil for the magnolia?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The method and process of changing soil for magnolia are very simple, in order to be more safe, say some points for attention, and help flower friends to do more solid homework for changing soil. 1. The time to change the soil: generally speaking, the orchid has to change the basin once a year, which is more conducive to the growth of the orchid.

The method and process of changing soil for magnolia are very simple, in order to be more safe, say some points for attention, and help flower friends to do more solid homework for changing soil.

1. Time to change soil:

Generally speaking, the orchid has to change the basin once a year, which is more conducive to the growth of the orchid, but it does not mean that it can be changed at any time. The soil change had better be carried out in spring and autumn, because at this time the temperature is suitable and the orchid grows vigorously. It will not affect the growth because of the change of soil.

According to the actual situation of this area, Hua you can turn the pot and change soil from March to April or from August to September, when the weather is warm and cool (pay attention to the difference between the north and the south, the south is appropriately delayed), and the temperature is moderate, which is the first exuberant growth period of Cymbidium. According to the growth of the plant, the grower can turn the pot in autumn in the middle of August.

2. Try to avoid changing soil during flowering:

After archery, or in the bud flowering period, it is best not to change the soil, because the plant needs more nutrients at this stage, and the implementation of the soil exchange operation will affect the continuous supply of nutrients. However, if rotten roots or yellow leaves have to be changed due to poor soil quality, care should be taken not to break up the tuo and minimize the loss caused by the change of soil.

3. Avoid root injury:

When the gentleman orchid takes the soil mass out, be careful not to break the soil mass, so as not to damage the root system, peel off the soil gently, and remove the aging and rotten fleshy root at the same time (but there is no rotten fleshy root, no matter how long it can be cut off, because these fleshy roots and tips have a lot of root hairs, which can not only absorb water and nutrients, but also secrete a variety of acids, dissolve insoluble nutrients in the soil, and expand absorption. If it is cut off, although the plant will not die, but it will certainly affect the growth.

4. Serving basin:

After changing the soil, the orchid should be placed in the shade for about 10 days to slow down the water evaporation and gradually restore its vitality. After 10 days, the light can be gradually increased.

5. The bigger the basin, the better:

Prepare a suitable special basin according to the size of the orchid (especially the number of roots) and avoid using large pots to grow small orchids.

Points for attention when changing soil for Cymbidium

To the chagrin of many flower friends, the gentleman orchid is easy to break its roots or don't know how to change it. Are you afraid that Junzhu Orchid has changed the soil and lost its roots? According to these problems, the editor will do a summary of matters needing attention for the change of soil in the orchid, hoping that this can solve the problems for everyone.

1. The time to change the soil: generally speaking, the orchid has to change the basin once a year, which is more conducive to the growth of the orchid, but it does not mean that it can be changed at any time. The soil change had better be carried out in spring and autumn, because the temperature is suitable at this time. Cymbidium grows vigorously and will not affect its growth because of the change of soil.

According to the actual situation of this area, Hua you can turn the pot and change soil from March to April or from August to September, when the weather is warm and cool (pay attention to the difference between the north and the south, the south is appropriately delayed), and the temperature is moderate, which is the second exuberant growth period of Cymbidium. According to the growth of the plant, the grower can turn the pot in autumn in the middle of August.

2. Avoid changing soil as far as possible during flowering: it should be noted that after archery, or during the budding and flowering stage, it is best not to change soil, because the plant needs more nutrients at this stage, and the continuous supply of nutrients will be affected by the operation of changing soil. However, if rotten roots or yellow leaves have to be changed due to poor soil quality, care should be taken not to break up the tuo and minimize the loss caused by the change of soil.

3. Avoid root injury: when taking out the clump of soil, be careful not to break the lump of soil so as not to damage the root system. Peel off the soil gently and remove the senescent and rotten fleshy root (but there is no rotten fleshy root. No matter how long it is, it cannot be cut off, because these fleshy roots and tips have a lot of root hairs, which can not only absorb water and nutrients, but also secrete a variety of acids and dissolve insoluble nutrients in the soil. Expand absorption. If it is cut off, although the plant will not die, but it will certainly affect the growth. 4. Serving basin: after changing the soil, the orchid should be placed in the shade for about 10 days to slow down the water evaporation and gradually restore its vitality. After 10 days, it can gradually increase the light.

5. The bigger the basin, the better: prepare a suitable special basin according to the size of the orchid (especially the number of roots) and avoid using large pots to grow small orchids.

The gentleman orchid has a lot of knowledge to change the soil, if it is accidentally broken, cut off the rotten part, and then maintain it for a few days according to the daily habits of the gentleman orchid, you can basically grow new roots.

How does the gentleman orchid exchange soil? the most detailed introduction of Tianjin Dong Ye's gentleman orchid soil exchange introduction. Dong Ye balcony raised a golden orchid, and its experience is worth learning and sharing among orchid friends. From spring to autumn, it is time to change the pots and soil for the magnolia. For most people who raise orchids, this job is like changing clothes according to the season. But there are also a small number of enthusiasts who do not think so. I often see some orchid friends on the Internet (and many orchid friends send me text messages) to ask: why change pots for gentleman orchids? Why can't small seedlings use big pots? Why can't Dalan use a small basin? It is good to change the soil several times a year, but it is too troublesome not to change it. Water immediately after changing the soil or not first? How to water it.? Wait. In view of these problems, I would like to talk about my personal views for your reference and discussion. First, why change the basin for Magnolia? 1. We all know that Cymbidium is a physiological process that grows and changes constantly from seed, seedling to adult orchid. A leaf of a seedling usually has only one root, so 3 to 5 seedlings can be planted in a three-inch pot, and the roots and leaves continue to increase with the passage of time, especially after planting. It is necessary to change the suitable pot for Cymbidium regularly or irregularly according to the growth needs of Cymbidium. 2. A gentleman's orchid should not use a big basin for small seedlings. After the seedlings were watered in a large basin, the water evaporation was too slow, resulting in long-term stagnant water in the basin soil and serious lack of oxygen or uneven watering, which was disadvantageous to the growth of seedlings (Xiaolan). 3. Dalan can't use small pots either. The use of small pots of Magnolia is disadvantageous to the root system expansion and growth, the lack of nutritious soil results in the lack of nutrients, and the rapid evaporation after watering is disadvantageous to the growth of Magnolia. Speaking of this, we can make a brief summary of the above problems: the gentleman orchid must change the basin according to the growth needs, that is, it can not be used by Xiaolan with a large basin or a small basin with a big orchid. In a word, how big the orchid (but also according to the number of roots), how big the basin. Second, why does the orchid change the soil twice a year? 1. The soil used in the orchid is made of rotten leaves, pine needles and a small amount of river sand and charcoal dregs. The nutrients of such a nutritious soil can only be maintained for half a year at most before it is absorbed by the gentleman orchid. When you change the soil, you can see: half a year later, the old basin soil has become muddy, not only without nutrients, but also very poor air permeability. So it is necessary to change the soil twice a year. Of course, it is not impossible for you to change the soil if you have to do so. The magnolia is very resistant to adversity and can not die for dozens of days with bare roots. If you don't water or change the soil, you won't die for a while, but it will be difficult to grow well. I've seen a gentleman orchid who has only a few leaves for 20 or 30 years, which has something to do with not changing pots, not changing soil, and poor management. 2. How to change the soil of Cymbidium? (1) preparation before soil change: rotten leaves, pine needles, river sand and charcoal dregs ( in autumn can be added or reduced in spring). In addition, prepare large and small sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and other solid fertilizers for stir-frying (not too much), and choose some special pots suitable for the size of magnolia. (2) the water content of the basin soil is close to zero when the orchid is stopped for 5 to 15 days (depending on the size of the basin). Objective to change the soil without harming the root and recover quickly. (3) check the growth of the root system by tapping the soil in the buckle basin, remove the rotten hollow root and begin to install the soil on the basin: the first step: cover the basin hole with two tiles, and block it without "dying" so as to achieve the goal of permeating water and air without leaking soil and exposing roots. The second step: lay the basin bottom soil (can also be combined with bottom fertilizer), after laying, the gentleman orchid root will be exposed to the root pocket and filled with plain soil, and then wrap the soil in the root pocket, and the root bag will go down into the basin. Don't scatter the soil in the root pocket. The third step: one hand to hold the root pocket and the other hand to fill the soil around the basin wall (in autumn, solid fertilizer can be mixed with soil or used as waist fertilizer). The soil should be evenly filled with the filling to straighten the orchid and fill the soil. What should be paid attention to here is the filling, which is squeezed or locked rather than pressed with the soil in the basin wall, around the root pocket and in the root pocket. The aim is to allow the root system to stretch and grow smoothly. Third, when and how to water after changing the basin and soil? After changing the basin and soil, it should be watered immediately, and it should be watered with heavy water and permeable water for three days in order to prevent turbid gas from injuring the root, and then turn to normal management. Some people do not advocate immediately watering the so-called orchid clothing basin and less watering to slowly adapt to the root after changing the basin. The author thinks that it is not advisable because of the lack of scientific and practical basis.