
Cultivation techniques of Xu Changqing

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cultivation techniques of Xu Changqing

When it comes to Xu Changqing, everyone will certainly think of the "white tofu" in Xianjian, but in fact, Xu Changqing is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine in real life. Mainly used for the treatment of rheumatic pain, injury and other pain, has a high effect of dispelling wind and relieving pain, relieving itching and detoxification. It used to be a kind of weed, but now it has a certain planting area in our country. So how should Xu Changqing plant it? The following editor brings you Xu Changqing's cultivation techniques, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

Xu Changqing is a kind of weed, its growth ability is relatively strong, and it is distributed all over our country, but if it is planted artificially, in order to ensure the growth of Xu Changqing and increase its yield. Before planting, we should try to choose deep sandy soil with sufficient water source, cool shade and dampness, normal drainage and irrigation and rich humus. According to the soil area, the amount of base fertilizer is kept at about 2500 kg / mu. Mainly rotten farm manure, in which a small amount of superphosphate can be added. Then do a good job of soil preparation, carry out deep ploughing, keep the depth at about 30 centimeters, and finally level the beds and dig ditches.

2. Seedling raising and transplanting

First of all, we should choose enough mature and full seeds with high germination rate that have been growing for more than two years and sow them around March. Before sowing, it is necessary to do a good job of mixing seeds, evenly mix seeds with substances such as plant ash, and then sprinkle them into the sowing ditch. Cover fine soil, cover straw, improve soil moisturizing capacity and control planting density. Generally, seedlings can emerge in about half a month. After emergence, the straw should be taken away in time, and the management work such as seedling fixing and weeding should be done well. Then control the planting density for transplanting when the seedlings grow to about 10 cm, and pour enough water after planting.

3. Field management

Carry on the interseedling when the seedling grows to about 5 cm, and then determine the seedling in time when the height is 2-3 cm, so as to ensure that each Xu Changqing seedling has sufficient growth work, and keep the seedling to ensure that all seedlings are restrained. When it is found that the seedlings are missing, it is necessary to make up the seedlings with the same growth in time. In the seedling stage, Xu Changqing's growth rate is relatively slow, so it is easy to breed weeds in the field. At this time, we should weed in time, the number of weeding in the seedling stage should not be less than 2 times, stop using herbicides after closing ridges, and try our best to use artificial weeding to prevent the growth of Xu Changqing from being affected.

4. Water and fertilizer management

After fixing the seedlings, it is necessary to top fertilize once, mainly with available nitrogen fertilizer, to restore the growth of seedlings and promote the growth of Xu Changqing. Then fertilize again in June, the fertilizer is mainly compound fertilizer, control the nutrition ratio, ensure to meet the nutritional needs of Xu Changqing's growth, try to open ditches and fertilize, cover fine soil after fertilization, and properly sprinkle plant ash to promote the growth of underground parts. During the period of sowing, the moisture should be controlled, the soil surface should be moist, and the germination rate of seeds should be improved. It should be watered in time during the drought, and in the rainy season, we should also pay attention to the drainage work to prevent the root from rotting.

The above is a brief introduction to Xu Changqing's cultivation techniques. Xu Changqing's growth ability is relatively strong, but we also need to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the planting process to prevent diseases and insect pests from harming Xu Changqing's growth. to create a good growth environment for Xu Changqing. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.