
The Culture method of Gui Zhu Xiang (Yellow Violet)

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Gui Zhu Xiang (yellow violets) scientific name: cheiranthuscheiri aliases: yellow violets, fragrant violets, waltzes. Morphological features: yellowish herbs, 30cm to 60cm tall. Stem erect, much branched. Simple leaves alternate, lanceolate, entire, apex pointed, branches apical several leaves aggregated.

Cassia bamboo incense (yellow violets)

Scientific name: cheiranthus cheiri

Aliases: yellow Violet, Violet, Waltz.

Morphological features: yellowish herbs, 30cm to 60cm tall. Stem erect, much branched. Simple leaves alternate, lanceolate, entire, apex pointed, branches apical several leaves aggregated. Racemes terminal, + Corolla, like rape flowers, petals 4, yellow, less purple, fragrant. Siliques flattened quadrangular.

Ecological habits: like sunny, cool climate, slightly cold-resistant, afraid of waterlogging and avoid extreme heat. In the south of the Yangtze River basin, the winter can be overwintered in the open field, while in East China, the winter can be spent under the measures of leeward and sunny beds with slight heat preservation. Suitable for loose, fertile, well-drained soil, can withstand mild saline-alkali soil; fear of waterlogging and heat, Rain Water too much growth is poor.

Plants of the same genus: there are about 10 species of the same genus, including c.alionii, 2-year-old or perennial herbaceous flowers, with a height of 30 cm to 40 cm. Leaves alternate, lanceolate. Terminal raceme with bright yellow flowers. Flowering in May.

Flowering period: April to May.

Flower words: keep chastity and sincerity in times of trouble.

Garden uses: sweet osmanthus bamboo flowers are golden, which are rare in grass flowers. Flower beds and borders can be arranged, and flowers can be used as potted flowers.

Gui bamboo incense culture uses sowing and cutting methods, usually mainly by sowing. ① sowing and breeding. It is better to sow in autumn, which is usually carried out in September and sowed in the open field. Before sowing, apply enough basic fertilizer to the land, rake it evenly, level it, and make a bed. The width of the border lm, the length depends on the number of seeds, but not too long, otherwise it is not easy to flatten the border. Fill the whole land with enough water, and after the water has completely seeped into the soil, spread the seeds evenly on the border, cover it with a thin layer of soil, and then cover it with grass to reduce the evaporation of soil water. If the soil is found to be dry, it should be watered in time. To avoid rushing out the seeds, water can be poured on the grass. Keep the temperature at about 20 ℃, it will emerge in about a week, and then after the low temperature in winter, the flowers will bloom in the following spring. All of them are cultivated biennially in the north. The sowing time is in the first ten days of September, first sowing into the open-field seedling bed, because the seedlings are not resistant to transplanting, so the seedlings should be raised before winter and put into a cold bed with cold protection equipment to survive the winter. The sooner it is planted in spring, the better, so as to prevent the seedlings from sending out new roots in the cold bed after the temperature rises, and then transplanting is easy to hurt the roots and affect the survival. ② cuttage culture. Cuttings are mostly used for breeding double-petal varieties. The cutting time is in early summer or autumn, and the young twigs with strong growth and hard shoots of the year are taken. The cuttings are 5-6 cm in length and inserted in the sand bed, deep 2~3cm, pay attention to proper shading and moisturizing, the temperature is kept at about 25 ℃, it is easy to root and the survival rate is high. Culture and Management of Cinnamomum chinense

Osmanthus bamboo incense, also known as yellow violets, fragrant violets, walnut flowers, large flowers, orange and yellowish brown flowers, strong aroma, double petal varieties, like sunshine, cold resistance, but afraid of extreme heat, is a more common recommended flower cultivated in the courtyard in spring, can also be used as cut flowers.

Culture method: culture uses sowing and cutting methods, usually mainly by sowing.

① sowing and breeding. It is better to sow in autumn, which is usually carried out in September and sowed in the open field. Before sowing, apply enough basic fertilizer to the land, rake it evenly, level it, and make a bed. The width of the border lm, the length depends on the number of seeds, but not too long, otherwise it is not easy to flatten the border. Fill the whole land with enough water, and after the water has completely seeped into the soil, spread the seeds evenly on the border, cover it with a thin layer of soil, and then cover it with grass to reduce the evaporation of soil water. If the soil is found to be dry, it should be watered in time. To avoid rushing out the seeds, water can be poured on the grass. Keep the temperature at about 20 ℃, it will emerge in about a week, and then after the low temperature in winter, the flowers will bloom in the following spring. All of them are cultivated biennially in the north. The sowing time is in the first ten days of September, first sowing into the open-field seedling bed, because the seedlings are not resistant to transplanting, so they should start the seedlings before winter and store them in a cold bed with cold protection equipment to survive the winter. The sooner it is planted in spring, the better, so as to prevent the seedlings from sending out new roots in the cold bed after the temperature rises, and then transplanting is easy to hurt the roots and affect the survival.

② cuttage culture. Cuttings are mostly used for breeding double-petal varieties. The cutting time is in early summer or autumn, and the young twigs with strong growth and hard shoots of the year are taken. The cuttings are 5-6 cm in length and inserted in the sand bed, deep 2~3cm, pay attention to proper shading and moisturizing, the temperature is kept at about 25 ℃, it is easy to root and the survival rate is high.

Cultivation management: osmanthus bamboo fragrance likes sunny, cool climate, slightly cold-resistant, fear of waterlogging and avoid extreme heat. In the south of the Yangtze River basin, the winter can be overwintered in the open field, while in East China, the winter can be spent under the measures of leeward and sunny beds with slight heat preservation. It is suitable for loose and fertile soil with good drainage and can withstand mild saline-alkali soil.

In order to make the cassia bamboo incense grow healthily, the inflorescence is long and bright, it should be paid attention to in the cultivation:

① cultivation site selection. It is appropriate to choose the land with plenty of sunshine, loose soil and good drainage, which has not been planted with other cruciferous plants, and should be shaded in summer. Because there are few roots of osmanthus bamboo, it is necessary to bring lodging soil when transplanting. Planting should not be too dense, so as not to affect ventilation and light transmission.

② fertilizing and watering. When the weather turns warm, the growth of Cinnamomum cassia should be treated with dilute liquid fertilizer every 15-20 days, and attention should be paid to watering. It is necessary to control moisture during flowering and there is no need for fertilization. It is necessary to prevent waterlogging in the rainy season and drain water in time after the rain.

③ coring and pruning. In order to increase the number of flowers, attention should be paid to picking the heart and increasing the germination of lateral branches in the seedling. In order to make osmanthus bamboo blossom again after flowering, it is necessary to cut off the residual branches in time, apply quick-acting fertilizer and pay attention to watering and cooling in summer, so that it can blossom again from September to October.

④ seed collection and heat preservation in cold areas. In cold areas, you can't spend the winter in the open, so you need to set up a shed to cover the plastic film, or start the seedlings before entering the winter, store them in the cold room to survive the winter, wait for the spring to be warm, and move to the open field before the new roots are sent out, but all of them should take the original soil, otherwise it is easy to hurt the roots and affect the survival rate. When the longhorn turns yellow, the seeds can be harvested in batches, dried, threshed and collected. Seeds can be stored for 5 to 6 years.

High temperature, high humidity, poor ventilation, prone to diseases and insect pests, such as black spot, aphids, red spiders, etc., should be timely prevention and control. Reference agents, 40% omethoate, 50% carbendazim, etc.