
Culture methods of evening primrose (evening primrose, evening primrose)

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Evening primrose (evening primrose, evening primrose) scientific name: oenotherabiennis alias: Ampelopsis grossedentata, mountain sesame, wild sesame genus: Saliuraceae morphological characteristics: Artemisia annua herb, 1m high. The plant is shorter in annual cultivation. The whole plant is hairy, the stem is erect, the lower part is much branched.

Evening primrose (evening primrose, evening primrose)

Scientific name: oenothera biennis

Alias: Chinese herb, mountain sesame, wild sesame

Family: Echinacea

Description: Annual herb, 1m tall. The plants are shorter when cultivated annually. All plants hairy, stem erect, lower part much branched. Leaves lanceolate to ovoid. Flowers solitary leaf axils, petals 4, obcordate, yellow flowers 5 cm in diam.

Ecological habits: light-loving, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, bogey water, barren tolerance, adaptability.

Flowering: May to September, evening open toward wither.

Flower language: unyielding heart, free heart. There is a saying that when a woman gives evening primrose to a man, it represents "silent love"; there is a common saying that evening primrose represents an unyielding heart, a free heart; and some people say that evening primrose flower words are "beauty after bath" magic.

Garden use: open at night, pleasant aroma, suitable for point-level night scene. Sunny slopes, forest margins, courtyards, flower beds and roadsides.

Species Identification: Beautiful Evening Primrose (Red Moon Primrose)0. Speciosa flowers bloom during the day, pink color, single branch full bloom about 10 days, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai-belt often for forest, forest edge to see flower ground cover, flower bowl, flower bed, flower border.

Medicinal value: evening primrose is the most important nutritional medicine discovered this century. It can be used to treat various diseases, regulate lipid substances in blood, and has remarkable curative effect on coronary artery infarction, atherosclerosis and cerebral thrombosis caused by high cholesterol and hyperlipidemia.
