
Why can longevity flowers "live longer"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Longevity flower, dwarf cabbage, Christmas cabbage. Perennial evergreen succulent plants of Sedum family. Stems erect; leaves fleshy, opposite, elliptic-oblong, dark green glossy, margin slightly reddish; paniculate Cymes with colors of scarlet, peach, orange, yellow and white; small flowers

Longevity flower, dwarf cabbage, Christmas cabbage. Perennial evergreen succulent plants of Sedum family. Stem erect; leaves fleshy, opposite, oval-oblong, dark green glossy, edge slightly reddish; paniculate Cymes, flowers in scarlet, peach, orange, yellow, white and other colors; flowers small, arranged in close clusters, natural florescence, which can last from late December to early May of the following year, hence the name longevity flower.

Longevity flowers are short-day plants, which can prolong the flowering period by adjusting the length of sunshine and temperature, so as to achieve the purpose of annual flowering. There are many horticultural varieties, and the common cultivated plants of the same genus are jade begonia, whose flowers are bright red and open in winter, which are excellent indoor potted flowers in winter; Jade hanging bell, with yellow, green and pink leaves, is a good product for indoor potted foliage; Chuan lotus flower leaves, light yellow leaves with brown-purple spots. Yellow flowers bloom in spring and summer.

The main reasons why longevity flowers do not bloom are as follows:

First of all, we know that in order to make plants blossom, adequate sunlight and fertilizer are indispensable. According to the editor's understanding, many flower friends are used to not changing pots for many years. According to observation, the roots of some varieties of longevity flowers will age naturally after two years. Even withered phenomenon, because longevity flowers are relatively simple to reproduce, cuttings, leaves can be easily propagated. So we suggest that flower friends plant strong longevity flowers for 1-2 years.

Light, longevity flowers like a sunny environment, midsummer noon to avoid strong light exposure, the rest of the time can be placed in the sun, every day to see at least 4 hours of direct light in order to grow healthily. In order to make the longevity flower plant flowers evenly, we should pay attention to often change the direction of the flowerpot, so that the plant balanced to receive light, the building balcony every semimonthly to turn the flowerpot 180 degrees. Although the semi-shade can also grow, but the stem thin leaves thin flowers less light, far less luxuriant than the sunny place. If the shade is not only easy to lose leaves and no flowers, even if the flowering plants are placed in the shade, the flower color will become dim, and then the flowers will fall off and wither.

The effect of fertilizer on longevity flowers, longevity flowers like fertilizer. After half a month of planting seedlings or half a month of old plants, liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen can be applied 2 to 3 times to promote the growth of stems and leaves, and can be applied once after flowering to promote its rejuvenation. In the rest of the time, except for stopping application in summer, we can only apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, do not put fertilizer on the leaves, otherwise the leaves are easy to rot, such as accidentally dirty leaves, rinse off with water. The flowering period of longevity flowers is long, so it is necessary to break the commandment of not applying fertilizer during flowering period, and apply thin nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once a month, so that the later flowers will not become small and pale due to lack of fertilizer.

Fertilizer from longevity flower frost to October of the following year happens to be the late differentiation and full flowering stage of longevity flower buds, so there is a great demand for fertilizer. Fishy fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium should be applied once a week before flowering to promote flower bud differentiation. The florescence is dominated by the application of quick-acting potassium dihydrogen phosphate, with a concentration of 2%, once every 10 days.

The above is the main reason why longevity flowers do not bloom, longevity flowers are relatively easy to raise, the general florescence is from December, I hope you pay attention to the maintenance of longevity flowers, for everyone to enjoy.

Why don't longevity flowers bloom? Three tricks to make longevity flowers blossom quickly

When many friends buy new longevity flowers in the first year, they are full of beauty. Wait for the second year when the plant becomes thinner, the leaves become smaller, and when the flowering time comes to only grow no flowers or bloom sparsely, thank you if you can't blossom a few. The editor also has this kind of experience, only when he has experienced it will he think. First of all, when you encounter a problem, don't worry. Growing flowers is a fine job. As long as you have the right method, you can raise the flowers well. Today, the editor shares a few points about why longevity flowers do not bloom and maintenance skills, hoping to be helpful to flower friends.

Share the reasons for not blooming at 3 o'clock: topping, fertilizing, and controlling short sunshine. The third point is the most important!

Regular topping

Topping is what we often call capping. Autumn begins to enter the vigorous growth period of longevity flowers, the growth will be very good, if not topped, the stem will grow longer, stagger, plant slender, nutrients are wasted on it. After the summer can be topped, preferably an one-time pruning, topping goal on the one hand is to control barbaric growth, so that the whole plant to maintain low, stout, beautiful, on the other hand to avoid the consumption of unnecessary nutrients. Remember not to hit the top out of date, and if you have formed a flower bud, don't do it again.

Thin fertilizer is applied frequently

Longevity flowers like to be fat. This does not mean that you can apply fertilizer indiscriminately, remember to apply thin fertilizer diligently. Only when the branches are strong and strong, can the flowers bloom in full bloom. You can start fertilizing in summer, mainly water and fertilizer, at least once a month (those who know about their plants can do it once every 10 days). Remember to fertilize in the soil, do not spray on the branches and leaves, longevity flowering period is long, flowering also need fertilization, as long as thin fertilizer, there will be no big problem.

Control short-day sunshine

Longevity flowers are short-day plants. Based on the fact that the flowers are waiting to blossom after the above two points, short-day treatment can be done from October (early in the north) for one and a half months in a row, with no interruption every day.

It is recommended to place the longevity flowers in the dark area 13-14 hours a day, and make an artificial shelter if necessary to avoid the light at night. The editor himself usually places the longevity flowers in the dark light environment from 6: 00 p.m. to 7: 00 a.m. every day. Pay attention to heat preservation. During this period of time every day, the flower buds begin to differentiate, and the flowers will be full after flowering. There will be the joy of blooming in mid-to-late November.

As we all know, longevity flowers can also blossom in summer as long as the short sunshine is controlled and the law of long nights and short days in winter and spring is simulated.